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WHO Chief brands rollout of vaccine programme in the UK and other countries grotesque

Raja Clavata

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3 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

She herself appointed the bloke to investigate her. Is that what passes for an independent investigation in Scotland?

Seems legit ?! :lol:

I wonder if she paid him 'in kind' 🤮

Apparently the Scottish government cross party committee were not so easily bought, and decided she HAD mislead the government ....

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16 hours ago, stu64 said:

I looked at the WHO website, lots of info there, probably too much, but what I took away from it was that a year ago an international body was established-COVAX- to fund a vaccine program. individual countries signed up and either paid a deposit for vaccines or paid in full at an agreed amount. This was to enable companies to develop vaccines. part of the sign up agreement was that each country was initially allocated enough vaccine for 20% of its population and the vulnerable/weak/old and health professionals were first in line.

WHO states no one is protected until we are all protected and ethical and fair distribution of the vaccine is essential.

I am surprised that England has the amount of vaccines that we have,  considering the terms of the agreement. A lot of the countries struggling to get vaccines signed up a long time ago to covax and paid their subs.

I think the media and government say things that make it look like a decision has been made in number 10 or parliament when in fact they may just be complying with a legally binding contract....(takes cover)

When in the history of project management or of the EU has anything like what is stated to have been envisaged here, ever come close to working?

It’s total and utter nonsense.

Interestingly, during the course of my latest argument on line with one of the truly enlightened Europhile remoaners who left the UK for a life in rural France, disclosed that the spin coming out of Europe is this: 

“When the EU were negotiating price it was their responsibility to get a price that the poorest countries could also afford. After all it's not the EU that is buying the vaccine but each member state. It's no good big economies like France and Germany vaccinating their people if all those around them can't afford to. “

So the spin for the EU’s abject failure on vaccines is their altruistic desire to strike a price for the vaccine that poorer countries could afford.

I have literally seen it all now. 

What total and utter BS, I just don’t even know where to start.


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16 hours ago, Vince Green said:

She herself appointed the bloke to investigate her. Is that what passes for an independent investigation in Scotland?

I thought his wording to be very strange, meaningless when thought about?

20 hours ago, ordnance said:

You look after your own first, then help others.  

Absolutely. For it to be any other way in any disaster spells the end for all potentially?

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On 23/03/2021 at 12:58, Westward said:

Which is standard practice for African countries. Sit around wailing until someone else supplies the vaccines, which will immediately be stolen by the army using roadblocks with armed guards and then sold back to the charities who paid for them in the first place and shipped them in.

Sorry, just conjecture!

Oooops, I thought this was a post about the EU at first, similar methodology

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bearcats tell everyone  what they should do while they do nothing    borris bought in june  july x millions jabs         brusels didnt help italy early days when asked for help   bs red tape not sorted   and months later minimal help                         only god could help us if still in this beuratic ****hole  the eu            and im irish  and old enough to remember why we joined  it wasn't for this ****             it was trade easier 

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