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Positive article on clay shooting in, surprise, The Guardian today


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It read to me like an article written by a staunch meat eater who has just tried a Greggs vegan sausage roll or a Mc Vegetable burger and found it to be 'ok actually'.

I thought it was quite condescending and patronising. It was almost as if the author found the activity to be beneath him and he was trying to identify exactly what us hairy knuckled Neanderthals got out of shooting and why on earth one would enjoy such an activity? 

It will almost certainly make his readership tut audibly at breakfast table while tucking into their smashed avocado and rye bread toast.

Perhaps I read it wrong but I don't think publishing that in the guardian will have shown shooting in a positive light.

He can be forgiven for mixing the 12 and 20 bore guns though. You don't often (in modern times) have scales in which the size of the item increases as the description number decreases.

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1 hour ago, Poor Shot said:

I thought it was quite condescending and patronising. It was almost as if the author found the activity to be beneath him and he was trying to identify exactly what us hairy knuckled Neanderthals got out of shooting and why on earth one would enjoy such an activity? 

I think he was trying very hard not to like it, either that , or he was using irony to make it sound more interesting ?

Either way , he enjoyed himself, a lot, when he didnt expect to, which is good.
Next week hes going to try other Neanderthal activities to see what they are like , hes going out on the beer, and he may try sex, with an actual woman....

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2 hours ago, Rewulf said:

I think he was trying very hard not to like it, either that , or he was using irony to make it sound more interesting ?

Either way , he enjoyed himself, a lot, when he didnt expect to, which is good.
Next week hes going to try other Neanderthal activities to see what they are like , hes going out on the beer, and he may try sex, with an actual woman....

thats how Kate Hoey started clay pigeon shooting.BASC arranged a day for her...she really enjoyed it   and started shooting clays regular...and was a member of the Labour cabinate....until they found out and sacked her........

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5 hours ago, Wylye said:

I thought it described perfectly the experience of a novice trying clay shooting for the first time. Maybe some of it was a bit flowery but I really can't understand your objections to the article. Would you have preferred it not to have been published?

It really came across as a 'look at me, an intellectual, taking part in a clay pigeon shoot. This is purely the reserve of the toffs and the proletariat" type article.

Incredibly patronising, especially turning up in a Sherlock Holmes fancy dress.

Unless the article has been edited he still stated his position for further gun control at the end of the article.

I certainly didn't see the article as a good thing for shooting or any fieldsports.

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2 hours ago, ditchman said:

thats how Kate Hoey started clay pigeon shooting.BASC arranged a day for her...she really enjoyed it   and started shooting clays regular...and was a member of the Labour cabinate....until they found out and sacked her........

I thought they sacked her because she refused to become a lesbian 🤣

Only joking, Brexit cooked her goose, but she was ready anyway, plus the Labour Party doesn't like its MPs to have independent thought, they prefer the hive mind mentality. 


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'Rhik Samadder tries clay pigeon shooting'. I've been poking away at my phone for the last 10 minutes trying to attach a link, but I'm too old or too thick to manage. It's in the Life section anyway. 

Undoes a few Guardian reader misconceptions I'd imagine.

I'm sorry to mention that newspaper, but Mrs T is a retired primary teacher and I think it's compulsory reading for that lot. I try to rinse it out of my head by buying the Telegraph on Saturdays.

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17 hours ago, Poor Shot said:

Unless the article has been edited he still stated his position for further gun control at the end of the article.


He did reference he hoped there were no home made varieties and I think it just claimed gun control rather than more gun control. I also think it was mostly said for the "gun control, pun control" joke.

However it was still a positive post compared to bang bang sticks being bad. A few things to cringe on, but if it raises peoples thoughts to try it, it wouldn't be a bad thing... ideally not in tweed....


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12 minutes ago, HantsRob said:


He did reference he hoped there were no home made varieties and I think it just claimed gun control rather than more gun control. I also think it was mostly said for the "gun control, pun control" joke.

However it was still a positive post compared to bang bang sticks being bad. A few things to cringe on, but if it raises peoples thoughts to try it, it wouldn't be a bad thing... ideally not in tweed....



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