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First walk up day

henry d

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Me & Lucky Jim had our first walk up day around the farms as our days off coincided, we got out there at 9-30 and walked up the first field to the rough bank, this usually has 1 or 2 pheasant in it but today there were about 8 however we shot 2 and the rest just departed out of the end before we could get there.

We walked the burn and again there were pheasant everywhere, but again they were leaking out the sides and end, but we still managed a few, the high point was putting my young springer onto a 300yd runner across a burn, a stubble field and into the turnips and it was a totally blind retrieve, superb, I`m so proud of her.

We even had a surprise when we put up 4 coveys of grey partridge, it was nice to see them doing well again on our ground.

Last field had a small wet patch with an even smaller pond in it and I had to get to the far end and drive it to LJ and as I got near the pond 2 Mallard got up from it which I dropped the pair :no: Then we walked back to the car and a Hare got up which Jim shot and my youngster managed to pick it nicely balanced in the middle of the body. We packed up at 1-30 because the farmer had started to plough the best field which is where we usually get the majority of the bag..........there`s always another day :good:


Total for the day 7 Pheasant, 2 Mallard, 1 Woodpigeon, 1 Rabbit and a Hare.


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Well done hd! I was out last weekend with a friend, we managed 5 pheasants between us. Great to hear you let the greys go, we saw two hares and as he doesn't have many on his land we let them go, and letting something go that you could have shot gives me a great feeling inside :good:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very good day & looks to nice weather.I cant wait to have our first day out but iv been busy with beating & getting my wee cocker going.I shoot with my brother & odd friends but normally about 3-5 of us & my problem for this year is im realy the only one with the dogs :drinks::rolleyes:

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