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dog loves to eat poo!


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Your dog's sounds like it may be a slightly more extreme case but it is fairly common for cockers to enjoy some eating out. Our's was partial to a few varieties from time to time, particularly horse's, so i'd just watch for any whilst on the walk and make a point of intervening as soon as she noted interest in it by firmly saying 'No', and 'Leave It!'. A non response was met with a correction and she picked up the jist of it pretty quickly.


Sounds like he's ready to learn these commands ASAP



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Coprophagia is the term used when dogs that eat their own feces. The reason for coprophagia is not completely known, however, it is a relatively common problem. Puppies seem to have a higher incidence of coprophagia. While it is not a high risk behavior, it’s riskier for those dogs that eat other animal’s waste as disease can be spread this way.


Most owners want to stop this behavior for reasons of health and simply because it is disgusting. Although some dogs are difficult to break of coprophagia, there are some things that can be done to stop it. One common solution is to use a product such as Deter that is fed to a dog to make their feces taste bad making this habit less desirable. A similar method is to use a taste deterrent such as hot sauce directly on the waste to repel the dog. Training is an alternative method. Either quick pick up, or keeping a dog restrained away from its waste can be an effective way to break this habit. Once this coprophagia is stopped for a period of time it appears that a dog is less likely to be interested in the future. Using more than one method can be helpful for pets that are hard to break of this habit. Fortunately, puppies often outgrow coprophagia particularly if aided by training and/or deterrents.



there you go




not that clever really, :unsure: just wise enough to look for it :huh:

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Coprophagia is the term used when dogs that eat their own feces. The reason for coprophagia is not completely known, however, it is a relatively common problem. Puppies seem to have a higher incidence of coprophagia. While it is not a high risk behavior, it’s riskier for those dogs that eat other animal’s waste as disease can be spread this way.


Most owners want to stop this behavior for reasons of health and simply because it is disgusting. Although some dogs are difficult to break of coprophagia, there are some things that can be done to stop it. One common solution is to use a product such as Deter that is fed to a dog to make their feces taste bad making this habit less desirable. A similar method is to use a taste deterrent such as hot sauce directly on the waste to repel the dog. Training is an alternative method. Either quick pick up, or keeping a dog restrained away from its waste can be an effective way to break this habit. Once this coprophagia is stopped for a period of time it appears that a dog is less likely to be interested in the future. Using more than one method can be helpful for pets that are hard to break of this habit. Fortunately, puppies often outgrow coprophagia particularly if aided by training and/or deterrents.



there you go




not that clever really, :unsure: just wise enough to look for it :huh:


I think his problem is more to do with eating other animals mess rather than his own ;)

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My Springer did this and is still partial to the odd terd now and then.

I spoke with our local vet who said it is a behaviorial problem and not a problem with diet or lacking vitamins.

I tend to tell him no when he sniffs, or if he is off the lead i run towards him and shout NO this has solved some of the problem.

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Hi, he doesn't eat his own poo or other dogs poo, just cow, horse sheep and his favourite rabbit! I've taken to drastic action, i've picked some rabbit poo up and placed it in the middle of the kitchen floor and every time he looks at it he gets a firm NO. Just been on a walk and he didn't eat a bit of poo :huh: I think i might have cured him? :unsure:

Thanks for all your help Q

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My 9month cocker is just the same, he is like a dyson in a field of sheep poo. If he eats cats or foxes poo , he is usually sick . He is better now than he was at 4months , but we have had him to the vet twice to empty his anal glands ( now there's a smell :unsure: ) because his stools were so loose .

Your dog will become more selective when eating out , just make sure that when you see him doing it , give him a good loud NO.

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I think his problem is more to do with eating other animals mess rather than his own :lol:



i understand that, but it is of course extremly simalar, i cant remember what the other is called i think it may begin with "P" not 100% . its been a while since i'd talked about the problem :unsure:


it is curable though i,m sure :huh:


just dont forget when they give you a kiss ;)

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my boy has a tendancy of picking up a bit every now and again............a quick shout and he pulls away......


Although it isnt like he has got a taste for water sports and glass bottom boating if you know what I mean............




think all dogs tend to do it..........he quite likes horse pooh.................





Ahh well.........they often say that dogs tend to be like their owners..................anything you need to tell us smokey... :/:good:

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my boy has a tendancy of picking up a bit every now and again............a quick shout and he pulls away......


Although it isnt like he has got a taste for water sports and glass bottom boating if you know what I mean............




think all dogs tend to do it..........he quite likes horse pooh.................





Ahh well.........they often say that dogs tend to be like their owners..................anything you need to tell us smokey... :good::lol:

Apparently the mother does this when she has pups to keep the litter clean and the pups learn from the bitch

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