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no fuel day 19/11/07


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NO FUEL DAY - Monday 19TH November 2007






Monday November 19th has been formally declared "NO FUEL DAY" and the people of this nation should not buy a single drop of fuel that day. This really does work. Because of the HUGE revenues generated by fuel, the tax is paid DAILY. Just one day of action will seriously hit Government cash flow! You can make a difference. If the government don't get the message after one day, we will do it again... and again! Without taking action the price per litre will continue to rise.


Remember, not only is the price of fuel going up but at the same time airlines are forced to raise their prices, road haulage companies are forced to raise their prices which effects prices on everything that is shipped. Things like food, clothing, building materials, medical supplies etc. Who pays in the end? WE DO.


You can do something! If you send this message to just 10 people, and they forward it to 10 people… and so on, by the time it has reached the 6th generation, then this message will have been seen by 20 MILLION people! So, send it to everyone you know...


Make The Commitment, on Monday 19th November: DON'T BUY FUEL - DON'T PAY TAX

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how do you win with a government like our...it must be done ..IN UNITY..EVERYONE!!


the more economical your car is, the more mpg........the more fuel goes up !!


so if we had not been so 'simple by following' the sheep method as the government expects, we should all be driving luxury jags etc , who cares what the mpg is :lol:??


if you get electric car, electric goes up !! thats why they encourage energy saving bulbs in your house, ask your self ..........have you cut your bills :) LMAO....we're muggs !! & ya bulbs cost x3 more !!


remember diesle at £0.49 per ltr petrol at £0.79 who bought a deisle & put the price up....lmao


cut your car out, walk more...buy less fuel altogether


take a leaf from the french !! see how they do it !!TOGETHER.AS 1 :good:


try this....in the long run it pays....http://www.buynothingday.co.uk/

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This is stupid. Its not gonna work, The government will hit you harder in another place if they lower tax on fuel they will rise the duty on drink, your income tax will go up again, road tax, conjestion charges, believe me the government will always find a way of making the money back up.

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Why is it, the majority of people in this country have no balls, stand up and be counted, fight the government, you might just feel good about yourself. We are the people if we don't like something we have the power through the vote at elections to do something about it. I tell you this, the labour, tory and lib dems can kiss my butt. I am voting BNP at every election for the rest of my days, I want my country back and I don't want to pay through the nose to live here. I want swear but I have had a gutsful of this governemt :good:

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thats a great one, im sure people like me who run small retail businesses will thank the organisers of STUPID BLOODY IDEAS like that one :good:


I am told that this particular idea will not work in Yorkshire.


When asked about it the locals said they practiced this everyday of their lives.........

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thats a great one, im sure people like me who run small retail businesses will thank the organisers of STUPID BLOODY IDEAS like that one :good:


thats whats wrong with this country, the selfishness and Im all right Jack attitude of its inhabitants. Look when everybody else has been taxed into poverty or put out of work by immigrants noone will be able to spend any money in your small retail business so just try and look a bit further down the line, as the organisers of these events are. Some years ago Shell in Norway put the price of their fuel up, Now what would have happened in England is the other companies would have followed suit and we'd all pay more, but not in Norway. Noone bought Shell fuel for a day so not only did noone else put their prices up but shells came back down, now THAT'S how it works

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What would also be a good idea, is if we all poke ourselves in the eye with a blunt stick at 12 noon on Monday 19th November.


That would really get the Government to sit up and take notice of us. :good:



Indeed. These "don't buy this that and the other on xday" have been running for a while and without any success at all.


I am realistic - nothing typed up on these forums will change a thing. Indeed, even if we all agreed to vote a certain way, that would not change a thing either and frankly if anyone wants to vote BNP and waste a vote against the next labour government then knock yourself out.


I have decided that everytime I get hacked off with something I am going to write a letter and complain. I may even get a Guiness Record for the amount of complaining I now intend to do. I think I have a talent for a rude letter and I have email and a franking machine to abuse at work.


Further, I have taken the first step to sticking it to the current government. I have joined my local Tory party. That's it, full on card carrying Conservative now. Sure I have right wing views on immigration and Europe but would I join UKIP or BNP and waste my time and my vote? No.


I will be offering the Conservatives my support and the benefit of my views and if they upset me I will be writing plenty of letters of complaint.

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What would also be a good idea, is if we all poke ourselves in the eye with a blunt stick at 12 noon on Monday 19th November.


That would really get the Government to sit up and take notice of us. :yes:



Indeed. These "don't buy this that and the other on xday" have been running for a while and without any success at all.


I am realistic - nothing typed up on these forums will change a thing. Indeed, even if we all agreed to vote a certain way, that would not change a thing either and frankly if anyone wants to vote BNP and waste a vote against the next labour government then knock yourself out.


I have decided that everytime I get hacked off with something I am going to write a letter and complain. I may even get a Guiness Record for the amount of complaining I now intend to do. I think I have a talent for a rude letter and I have email and a franking machine to abuse at work.


Further, I have taken the first step to sticking it to the current government. I have joined my local Tory party. That's it, full on card carrying Conservative now. Sure I have right wing views on immigration and Europe but would I join UKIP or BNP and waste my time and my vote? No.


I will be offering the Conservatives my support and the benefit of my views and if they upset me I will be writing plenty of letters of complaint.


:lol: Good post!

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What would also be a good idea, is if we all poke ourselves in the eye with a blunt stick at 12 noon on Monday 19th November.


That would really get the Government to sit up and take notice of us. :yes:



Indeed. These "don't buy this that and the other on xday" have been running for a while and without any success at all.


I am realistic - nothing typed up on these forums will change a thing. Indeed, even if we all agreed to vote a certain way, that would not change a thing either and frankly if anyone wants to vote BNP and waste a vote against the next labour government then knock yourself out.


I have decided that everytime I get hacked off with something I am going to write a letter and complain. I may even get a Guiness Record for the amount of complaining I now intend to do. I think I have a talent for a rude letter and I have email and a franking machine to abuse at work.


Further, I have taken the first step to sticking it to the current government. I have joined my local Tory party. That's it, full on card carrying Conservative now. Sure I have right wing views on immigration and Europe but would I join UKIP or BNP and waste my time and my vote? No.


I will be offering the Conservatives my support and the benefit of my views and if they upset me I will be writing plenty of letters of complaint.

on the other hand, if enough people vote bnp wont that tell the government that we are a little miffed with what is happening. :lol:

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You know what will help. Blockades until the government take off their 4p "Green Tax" fuel duty increase they have just made and are planning to make in Feb.


Then, vote Tory, and have a government which doesn't make masive borrowings, can run an NHS, can create a stable economy, and doesn't tax everyone 3 times over to fund its own defecit!

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