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Who is your hero


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My eldest asked me this evening who my hero was, something I had never even considered before. I thought of Lawrie Sanchez for the goal in `88, Douglas Bader for sheer bloody mindedness or Guy Gibson for sheer bravery (and calling his black lab what he did).

Finally settled on Dean Martin, had none of the qualities of the above but by god he knew how to live.

So, as it says on the tin, who would be your hero and why ?

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What is a hero?


Someone who can make things better, someone who can make you feel safe in times of need.. someone who can end pain and suffering :yes:


To be honest I lost all hope of having a hero many years ago, truth is there are no heros untill someone get off their *** and makes a difference in this world. Everyone can do something, but we are all just waiting..






As a kid I had varius comic heroes (no TV as a kid) and I saw a hero as someone saving the good guys from the bad guys, someone invincible and unstoppable. I have yet to find that person in this world. :lol:

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Dean chuffin Martin?:lol:???


My Grandfather was my hero. Fought in 2 world wars and survived to teach me all the things a young boy should know...


The correct way to:


Chop down a tree

Start a fire without matches etc

Shoot squirrels and rabbits

Rethreading bolts


What wild mushrooms not to eat

Prepare and cook squirrels and rabbits

Make a bisom broom

Kill an adder

Make a catapult from hazel that had twice the power and accuracy of the latest 'black widow'

Club a trout


and endless other stuff!


All the things a 13yo kid needs to know but never gets taught these days


Rant over




Incidentally he was a top tool designer for Thorneycrofts (and the nicest bloke I ever met, god rest his soul - passed away in 1978)


My proudest possession to this day is his penknife.

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a man who i only had the pleasure of knowing for such a short time.

but gave me so much.

he help to shape me into the person that i am today .

to him i was his little star .we shared so much in are short time together .

the summer he taught me to ride my bike ,

the rabbit hutch we built together .

the seeds we sowed.

the fruit we pick and how he would pretend he was not looking when i ate most off it .

his laugh when i used to put my hand under the chicken for a egg and it peck me .

the times we were both told off for being cover in blood (me in my sunday school dress)after we had both been out with his shotgun and he made me carry the kill home .

and the last few months of his life where it was down to me to look after him as everyone else was busy on the farm .

in those final months i really got to know this giant of a man of which i had honour to call my grandad.

of all his hopes he had as a young man .his dreams .the happy times and also the sad times of which he had suffered a long the way .

till this day i feel so privileged to have shared those last and final moments of his life. THANK YOU.

i remember the moment he died. just rushing out into one of the fields .and just standing there with my eyes shut trying to hear him ,feel his hand in mine .just trying to be near him for one last time.



and now 32 years later (11th of april)i shell be remembering him again .

what do you think he would make of his little star now.

if i could have one wish.

it would be to spend one day with him .i have so much i want to show him. to share with him .

and to ask him that one question that will always be unanswered.



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Maggie Thatcher


She had her faults don't get me wrong, but love her or hate her she gave this Country a proper kick up the **** and a shot of common sense at a time when it needed it most. And she did what she had to do no matter how unpopular it made her with some.


We will be needing Maggie MK II any day now just as soon as this current shower of **** have finished terminally cocking up immigration, law & order, the economy, education, helth care and foreign policy.

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Maggie Thatcher


She had her faults don't get me wrong, but love her or hate her she gave this Country a proper kick up the **** and a shot of common sense at a time when it needed it most. And she did what she had to do no matter how unpopular it made her with some.


We will be needing Maggie MK II any day now just as soon as this current shower of **** have finished terminally cocking up immigration, law & order, the economy, education, helth care and foreign policy.


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Enoch Powell need I say any more?:)???

what enoch baden powel the scout leader good thinking batman :lol:


:hmm::D:) Enoch Powell.... not to be confused with Baden Powell (the scout bloke)!!!


Hero - dunno, Spiderman (the animated one, before the recent **** films! - must have been great jumping about like that).




p.s. Maggie Thatcher good shout too :yes:

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Maggie Thatcher


She had her faults don't get me wrong, but love her or hate her she gave this Country a proper kick up the **** and a shot of common sense at a time when it needed it most. And she did what she had to do no matter how unpopular it made her with some.


We will be needing Maggie MK II any day now just as soon as this current shower of **** have finished terminally cocking up immigration, law & order, the economy, education, helth care and foreign policy.

aswell as shutting every coal mine in wales and trying to stop free milk for children in schools :yes:


my hero/s have got to be ronaldo at present :hmm: and good old john darling(rest his sole) :lol:

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