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webber - an announcement.


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I have to manage at home without morphine.


Its been a tough day, but I'm being well looked after by my wife, next door neighbor who is a paramedic and sister in law who is a nursing sister.


District nurse day tomorrow for fresh dressings, not looking forward to that.


Billy has been sent home today, and is doing ok as far as I know.



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I seem to be doing lots of sleeping, but the good thing is that everytime I awake, I do feel better than previous. Its just that I've a long way to go. My face is slowly improving, and it looks like I will have a super tan.


The district nurse has just left after changing the various dressings. She has requested some stronger pain killers from my doctor, this healing process is a bloody long and rough road.


I had several visitors yesterday, and several telephone calls wishing me well. I'm amazed at the number of people who are genuinley conserned for my well being. Our electrical contractor postponed all other jobs and placed the whole workforce onto our site at a moments notice. Mike, the builder who went on the Oxford trip with us, also dropped all his other work and was at our works with helpers as soon as he heard. My wife has received flowers from our grand daughters school and also from one of our main suppliers.


Several extended family members and friends have rallied around, performing various duties, Once I am fit and well again I rekon that I have a lifetimes worth of favours to repay.


The filling plant is running again, but will be relocated, to allow for complete demolition of the building. I am proud at the way that my staff have rallied around and got stuck in. I always thought that I had trained them well, now I know.


I am however most proud of my son Martin, who having found me in the doorway on fire, dragged me across the yard, and then stuck me under the tap, then went into a burning building armed only with a fire extinguisher, and led Billy out to safety, and the tap. If anyone ever deserved a bravery award its him .


I'm tired now, will post again in a bit.



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John, John - you have got it all wrong :blush::good:


Now is the time to play it to the full.


Recuperation is always improved and assisted by presents.


Time to upgrade all your shooting gear and you have to urge donations to the Webber pre-retirement fund.


I'm sure that Lancs Lad and McF will top the donations towards your new Browning Premier Grade :lol::yes:


Get well soon and looking forward to you showing off all your new kit :hmm: :hmm:



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I mean, come on, I have plenty of material lined up but was observing a period of dignified silence.


No one's snuffed it, everyone's been sent home from the san and this means Captain Panda's in for a roasting (another one).



Edited by Mungler
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I would prefer it if refrained from taking the **** for a while yet, I for one cant laugh, it hurts too much,and the chickens are still coming home to roost. Please understand we are lucky to be alive, the pain should eventually go, the scars and horrific memories will last for ever.


If you feel the need to take the **** at my mis fortune fair enough, but please do it on another thread so that I can rig up a block.



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I've put you down for £200, Lancs Lad is too tight, and has already nominated the guns of mine that he wants just incase I snuff it.


If McF thought for one moment that he would see me shootinga Browning, he would offer to buy the gun. I do fancy an SO10



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Its good to see you back in such good spirits.


Apart from the obvious physical discomfort you have (and are) suffering, the whole incident must have scared the daylights out of you, plus the business ramifications to worry about.

It sounds as though you are lucky enough to be surrounded by good people, who will help you get through it all. :blush:

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I mean, come on, I have plenty of material lined up but was observing a period of dignified silence.


No one's snuffed it, everyone's been sent home from the san and this means Captain Panda's in for a roasting (another one).




you naughty boy Mung ! (I wish I had thought of that :blush: )


Webber, I got the same type of burns off Evil Elvis' "bottom burps" on a shoot once.

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Home now, tired, exhausted, I'll need to get used to the pain for a while..........


Once my face has healed I have to stay out of the sun for 2 years, and will be useing industrial quantities of E45.




On present weather form you should only miss about 10 days a year shooting then ? so not too bad . Nice to see your home again , Take care and hope your up and about soon .




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Hi Webber, Ive not really been on the forum much, so I've only just found out. I was extremely shocked to say the least. Thinking about you, and wish you a speedy recovery.

I'm not sure if your lucky or unlucky. Aspects of both I suppose.

We never did get to shoot together did we. Maybe should remedy this as soon as your able.

It sounds like you're being well looked after. I don't think you'll owe anyone any favours, because I'm sure if roles were reversed you'd be the first to offer help.

Best wishes , and hope you'll be out and about soon,

Steve. :)

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thanks for your kind words.


I must have been a good samaritan in the past. My brother tells me that even customers have been turning up and getting stuck in, even competitor companies have have offered their specialist services.


Its hard not being in charge, I've always led from the front, done the designs and planning. David always did the doing. Now he has to do botth, and under pressure, I'm offering what support that I can, but its limited to technical info. I'm meeting the accountant this morning, and will need to meet the bank manager soon, and bring him up to speed.


I awoke around 5am in bad pain from my legs, I took some tablets, but needed the toilet, it took mw around 40 mins to get to the loo and back, its 7 yards away. I almost wet myself, but cant risk getting the burns and wounds infected, plus it would hardly be fair on my wife. She only came out of hospital herself a week ago, and was supposed to get complete rest.


Its taken me ages to type this, but the pain has now eased, hopefully I can get back to sleep.


I do look forward to meeting up for a shoot, but I'm affraid that it wont be for a while yet.



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