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Government hosts firearms summit


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Its Scotland's issue, its a power thing from the SNP thinking like "look we cant do this because westminster wont allow us, this is why we should get independance".


I know that its based around the toddler that got shot with an airgun. But where he got shot "Easterhouse" its like the roughest part of Scotland possably the UK. It wasnt a surprise that some1 got killed with a gun the surprise was that it was a toddler that got killed.


If the Scottish government see's sense they will link these shootings with the poorest parts of the city. Maybe if they provide more work for them, activerties for both adults and children, re-develope Easterhouse altogether and maybe they will respect themselves and people around them.



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As usual it's the un registered/unlicensed guns and the ********* that use them that cause the problems... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/north_east/6972443.stm


Mind you Scottish MPs are as out of touch with reality as any others...don't they know that shooting sports is second only to oil as an earner for that part of the UK! *****.

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I know that its based around the toddler that got shot with an airgun. But where he got shot "Easterhouse" its like the roughest part of Scotland possably the UK. It wasnt a surprise that some1 got killed with a gun the surprise was that it was a toddler that got killed.



All the more reason the Scottish Goverment are taking action, it's just a matter of time before Airguns are licensed in Scotland/England.


http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/north_east/6972443.stm.. Down our way some poles where caught shooting Roe Deer with a Crossbow, best one was............they got off.......because it's legal in there country, they thought the same applied here.


Edited by Bazooka Joe
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so stupid question but whats wrong with a summit about licensing air guns?


every week someone posts a crime on here commited with an airgun and voices displeasure so surely this could lead to licensing or a clampdown on reckless owners or am I being thick

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so stupid question but whats wrong with a summit about licensing air guns?


every week someone posts a crime on here commited with an airgun and voices displeasure so surely this could lead to licensing or a clampdown on reckless owners or am I being thick


I would like to see a clamp down on airrifles too,

It would hopefully stop a lot of people in citys shooting at each other thinking they are cool :mad:


Thats my sixpenth

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so what about the responsible people who do not have the space time and or money like myself to apply for a firearms cert and a cabinet?


a lot of people get in to shooting through air guns as they are readily available and cheaper ( in comparison ) i know i did.

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so what about the responsible people who do not have the space time and or money like myself to apply for a firearms cert and a cabinet?


a lot of people get in to shooting through air guns as they are readily available and cheaper ( in comparison ) i know i did.



infact lewismac1. looking at your profile i can see that you first got in to the sport with air rifles.....


Yes, it was.


Im not talking about changing the law so you need a fac for air rifle, Thats not what i am meaning

I mean something so only responsible people that wont try and show off and use it as a means of defence against rival gangs.



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I have, and still do, shoot with airguns. I also have a shotgun cert. I would sooner trust a 15 yr old that has been checked by the police to be "worthy" of holding a licence than a 20yr old scrote from some sink estate in inner city england whos bought a full power chinese airgun for under £100 for no good reason! Ok, so the full monty with the cabinet etc may be OTT, but having your record and personal curcumstances checked by the police ought to be a requirement. Oh, and if the extra expense puts you off, then you really weren't that interested were you? :mad:

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Agree - you wouldnt need anythign too onerous - a check on your criminal record. Maybe a tick box from your GP. Wouldn't bother me at all. Amazes me you need a licence etc watch telly, but not wield somehting which sole purpose is to do damage - animal, target whatever. An air rifle doesnt have any other use apart from sending a chunk of lead out at speed can kill or maim.


Sure, why not licence knives, well most knives are not inherently capable of wounding so easily.

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Since I got the shotties I have sold all the air rifles (except one which I have lent to a cousin).


The vagueness surrounding the airgun laws makes it far easier to own a shotty. I don't have to worry about power levels for a start, anything up to 2" cannon is good to go with this ticket! Also I can get shooting land more easily.


I would be happy if air rifles were all on ticket. Jersey has all airguns over 1FPE on ticket. Works fine for them, you can buy what you want, but just need a ticket for it. Pistols, self loaders etc, all game!

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so what about the responsible people who do not have the space time and or money like myself to apply for a firearms cert and a cabinet?


A good few years back i bought a second hand rapid 7 mk1

non fac.buy the time i had bought all the bits for filling it and sorting it i was into the best part of a thousand notes.

you can get your cert a gun and a cabinet for a lot less than that.it took a bit less space up than the gun box, but it used the same amount of time.

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so what about the responsible people who do not have the space time and or money like myself to apply for a firearms cert and a cabinet?


A good few years back i bought a second hand rapid 7 mk1

non fac.buy the time i had bought all the bits for filling it and sorting it i was into the best part of a thousand notes.

you can get your cert a gun and a cabinet for a lot less than that.it took a bit less space up than the gun box, but it used the same amount of time.

I don't think that the government will worry about people, responsible or otherwise, look what what happened to pistols in the UK, and more recently, Brocock air rifles, made illegal overnight. It's on occasions like this that I wonder if this is a democracy that we live in.

Edited by bob300w
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Sounds like most of us who consider ourselves to be "responsible" shooters with shotguns or firearms don't see any problem about air guns being controlled in the same way as our guns. I would certainly rather see that than see them totally banned in the way that the Tory and SNP parties in Scotland have suggested. Biggest problem seems to be the police who don't want the extra work. Perhaps they forget who pays their wages.



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me and my dad both own air rifles and dont have an f.a.c. i wont be able to get an fac due to an ongoing courtcase for affray, my fault for being ****** up and sticking up for a mate.


i however am a responsible shooter and i truely love shooting as i've done it since i were a kid.


where would this leave me?

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