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shooting accidents


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Hi this has got to be new thread.

could we all post any shooting accidents on here for other people to learn from.


As a young adult,my friends and i would always go off into the fields(no jokes)fo a bit of plinking.

There was this one time that we did this,i was sitting having a ciggerette,not wanting to get the end of the barrel filled with muck,i stupidly stuck it down the side of my trainer :) yes i know ,but come on what could possibly happen.

The dog came bounding over jumped on me,and a puff of muck flew up,mmmmm,not that i had felt anything,but it was the fact that when i stood up there was a squelching sound coming from my trainer :devil::) oohhh yes .

So drove to hospital let them take of trainer and lucky me i had only skimmed off my bone and straight back out :good: but it had also ripped open a nice big gash down my foot.


So my point is that even though i had been brought up with guns since i was 7 years old, had been tought to respect them.

the slightest little mistake could be drastic,it wasnt the case here but it does happen.

ps i was 17 years old when that happened.

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A local story from a local shooting ground:


As far as i know, some italians came to this ground on a trip, having fun all day as you do when crunching clays.


starting getting carried away and were trying to get more and more 'different' shots.


one of the crazy idiots fell over backwards and put a fistful of number 8 in his companions hip/arm/leg, who was unfourtunately standing a few yards behind.


- I guess the general thing to take away from that would be, dont shoot with italians


- and be sensible with guns, after all they are more or less invented to kill people :good:

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Hi this has got to be new thread.

could we all post any shooting accidents on here for other people to learn from.


As a young adult,my friends and i would always go off into the fields(no jokes)fo a bit of plinking.

There was this one time that we did this,i was sitting having a ciggerette,not wanting to get the end of the barrel filled with muck,i stupidly stuck it down the side of my trainer :) yes i know ,but come on what could possibly happen.

The dog came bounding over jumped on me,and a puff of muck flew up,mmmmm,not that i had felt anything,but it was the fact that when i stood up there was a squelching sound coming from my trainer :devil::) oohhh yes .

So drove to hospital let them take of trainer and lucky me i had only skimmed off my bone and straight back out :good: but it had also ripped open a nice big gash down my foot.


So my point is that even though i had been brought up with guns since i was 7 years old, had been tought to respect them.

the slightest little mistake could be drastic,it wasnt the case here but it does happen.

ps i was 17 years old when that happened.

You call putting a loaded gun barrel into your trainer a "slightest little mistake"? Not blind stupidity then?

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I can honestly say the only 'accidents' I have ever had is catching the moderator on some barb wire whilst kneeling down to take a shot resulting in an annoying scratch and then stepping over said barbed wire to collect the rabbit I ripped the gusset of my camo pants out. :good:


Never had any close shaves, near misses or anything involving a spent cart, shell or knife whilst out shooting. Safety is paramount where firearms are in use. :)

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I was standing gazing for pigeons in a tree once and did not know my 15 year old pet gander had ran after me and was about to attack me, i fell backwards and pulled the trigger but missed him fortunately! There has been a couple of other close shaves, our local farmer got a pellet in the head on a phesant shoot the other year.


No matter how hard you try and how careful you are accidents happen and will continue to happen. I work for a large insurer dealing with serious car accidents, i know I have a job for life for all those people out there who are careful but will today, tomorrow or at some point will crash, purely by accident.


My motto is if you play a dangerous sport, drive or ride a motorcycle, then you put yourself in some danger, there is a chance you could get injured, if that leaves a bitter taste, then the risk outweighs the pleasure for shooting. If you trust yourself and those you shoot with through and through, then that must be the best security you can have, but nothing is still for certain, we are after all human.

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i no ill get sloughted but i will tell it anyway



i was once pestered in to a game of army with airguns. about 20 years ago. 2 brothers were going on and on i eventuly gave in and we went on the field. 2 of us rushed 1 brother and we both shot him. 1 shot him in the spuds the other in his knee. on running off gigling like little kids it suddenly dawned on me this could hapen to me. i droped in to the prone and shot at the other brother has he ran. he turned and the pellet hit him in the eye.....his eye had to be removed to remove the pellet... didnt play that again...


i was too young and iresponsible to own an airgun at the time. they are not toys and should be treated with respect.


safe shooting..

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i had a shot at a cow ****e once from about 5ft away with a .22 air rifle


needless to say the result wasnt good! a friend who i was with at the time fell over as he was laughing at me trying to get cowmuck out of my eyes and nostrils he fell against a barbed wire fence and ended up in casualty a few days later when the infection made his face swell up!


moral of the story is only shoot what you eat!




...................and yes some went in my mouth as well! :good:

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Hi this has got to be new thread.

could we all post any shooting accidents on here for other people to learn from.


As a young adult,my friends and i would always go off into the fields(no jokes)fo a bit of plinking.

There was this one time that we did this,i was sitting having a ciggerette,not wanting to get the end of the barrel filled with muck,i stupidly stuck it down the side of my trainer :devil: yes i know ,but come on what could possibly happen.

The dog came bounding over jumped on me,and a puff of muck flew up,mmmmm,not that i had felt anything,but it was the fact that when i stood up there was a squelching sound coming from my trainer :devil::) oohhh yes .

So drove to hospital let them take of trainer and lucky me i had only skimmed off my bone and straight back out :good: but it had also ripped open a nice big gash down my foot.


So my point is that even though i had been brought up with guns since i was 7 years old, had been tought to respect them.

the slightest little mistake could be drastic,it wasnt the case here but it does happen.

ps i was 17 years old when that happened.

You call putting a loaded gun barrel into your trainer a "slightest little mistake"? Not blind stupidity then?

yeah ok then bob maybe it was blind stupidity so what **** happens.

suppose you're mr perfict too never made a stupid mistake go ahead slate me fo when i was 17 :)

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Hi this has got to be new thread.

could we all post any shooting accidents on here for other people to learn from.


As a young adult,my friends and i would always go off into the fields(no jokes)fo a bit of plinking.

There was this one time that we did this,i was sitting having a ciggerette,not wanting to get the end of the barrel filled with muck,i stupidly stuck it down the side of my trainer :devil: yes i know ,but come on what could possibly happen.

The dog came bounding over jumped on me,and a puff of muck flew up,mmmmm,not that i had felt anything,but it was the fact that when i stood up there was a squelching sound coming from my trainer :devil::) oohhh yes .

So drove to hospital let them take of trainer and lucky me i had only skimmed off my bone and straight back out :good: but it had also ripped open a nice big gash down my foot.


So my point is that even though i had been brought up with guns since i was 7 years old, had been tought to respect them.

the slightest little mistake could be drastic,it wasnt the case here but it does happen.

ps i was 17 years old when that happened.

You call putting a loaded gun barrel into your trainer a "slightest little mistake"? Not blind stupidity then?

yeah ok then bob maybe it was blind stupidity so what **** happens.

suppose you're mr perfict too never made a stupid mistake go ahead slate me fo when i was 17 :)

:yes: You were the one who put the post up with your admitted blind stupidity, not I. :look:

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yeah and at 17 years old you never made one mistake bob well i did probably a few but i have the decency to accept that.

and i now am also man enough to admit it, and to let others learn from these mistakes. as accidents WILL and DO happen.


go be a man and admit you make mistakes :good:

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yeah and at 17 years old you never made one mistake bob well i did probably a few but i have the decency to accept that.

and i now am also man enough to admit it, and to let others learn from these mistakes. as accidents WILL and DO happen.


go be a man and admit you make mistakes :good:

A very immature response, is that the best that you can do? I assume that you are still 17?

I find your attitude puzzling, you admit to being stupid, I agree with you, and you respond with aggression and abuse, very amusing.

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yeah and at 17 years old you never made one mistake bob well i did probably a few but i have the decency to accept that.

and i now am also man enough to admit it, and to let others learn from these mistakes. as accidents WILL and DO happen.


go be a man and admit you make mistakes :good:

A very immature response, is that the best that you can do? I assume that you are still 17?

I find your attitude puzzling, you admit to being stupid, I agree with you, and you respond with aggression and abuse, very amusing.

god how BORING you are this was supposed to be topic to help people learn from others mistakes congratulations for ruining it

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Some years ago I managed to fire a muzzle loading punt gun in my living room. The bang was very loud and the burning wadding set fire to the curtains. The charge of shot ruined the carpet before punching a hole through the skirting board and the wall behind it.


The recoil sent the gun back about ten feet and smashed through the closed french windows. By the grace of god, no one was injured.


I pulled off a cap on a muzzle loader that I`d have sworn was empty. Evidently it was`nt. The bloke I was showing it to was impressed by its penetrative qualities and bought it there and then. When he had stopped shaking. Still makes my blood run cold when I think about what might have happened.



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Some years ago I managed to fire a muzzle loading punt gun in my living room. The bang was very loud and the burning wadding set fire to the curtains. The charge of shot ruined the carpet before punching a hole through the skirting board and the wall behind it.


The recoil sent the gun back about ten feet and smashed through the closed french windows. By the grace of god, no one was injured.


I pulled off a cap on a muzzle loader that I`d have sworn was empty. Evidently it was`nt. The bloke I was showing it to was impressed by its penetrative qualities and bought it there and then. When he had stopped shaking. Still makes my blood run cold when I think about what might have happened.



was the guy just not that scared that he thought jesus better buy the gun and get out of there :yes: .

nice one bet you laugh about it though now Nick .

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Ive had an idea!!!!


hows about as well as having a playpen having a fighting cage as well!


bob & mt lets get it on! :yes:

yeah i do think bob was trying to get this one sent to his favourate grounds THE PLAYPEN.

but hey everyone has there opinions

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Some years ago I managed to fire a muzzle loading punt gun in my living room. The bang was very loud and the burning wadding set fire to the curtains. The charge of shot ruined the carpet before punching a hole through the skirting board and the wall behind it.


The recoil sent the gun back about ten feet and smashed through the closed french windows. By the grace of god, no one was injured.


I pulled off a cap on a muzzle loader that I`d have sworn was empty. Evidently it was`nt. The bloke I was showing it to was impressed by its penetrative qualities and bought it there and then. When he had stopped shaking. Still makes my blood run cold when I think about what might have happened.





That made me laugh :yes::P

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:yes: I hit jerico in the head with a no6 pellt from an elley pigeon, hes was about 100yards away, stalking a pheasant that he had seen, i was standing with wobba and a pigeon flew over, i let it get too close and some of the pellets hit a branch above my head and one of those....god knows the odds...hit jerico in the back of the head....he was not a happy bunny, even at 100 yards he said it stung!!!


another one that i know of was when my Dad was 17 (must be the age) he and his mate were shooting ducks in a lake in Tilbury(the lake is now the go-cart track) They were both rockers and had leather jackets on , quiffs , winkle pickers...the lot. My dad told his mate to go one way round the lake while he went round the other side, as they walked off, being about 30-40 yards apart, my dad's mate slung his gun backwards over his shoulder and it went off, hitting my dad square between the shoulder blades!!! Luckily for him his leather stopped too much damage but he still ended up with several hours in Orsett a/e having pellets removed form his skin and with scars like acne scars on his back....silly *******!!!



The worst one was me and a mate, called tiddler were walking from my house to his with our airguns in leather cases on our backs. I had a bsa mercury and he had a Baikel(nasty thing).We took a short cut thro some woods, when we came across 2 blokes shooting airguns, for those of you that are old enough, one was a jackel, one was a couger with an arm extension.


they asked us if we wanted to have a "shoot out" we declined. as we got about 30 yards past them the #### with the cougar shot me in the back, it stung but I had a thick fishing coat on. I ignored him and walked on...zinnnnng!!! AH!! Tiddler was hit in the back of the leg and limping, wack again the **** with the cougar shot me in the back, at this point we decided to run. Once we got out of sight tiddler stopped and put his hand on the top of his leg, there was a lot of blood and he passed out, we were very close to his gps house so I picked him up over my shoulder, with the 2 guns and ran to the doctors. On arrival he called an ambulance and we ended up in Orsett a/e. He had a 2 hour operation to remove the pellet that was actually embeded in his femur.


The #### with the jackel had put a box spring in it apparrently, and although there was no legal limit in those days it was very fac. The policeman said it went through 1" plywood down the yard!!!


Moral of the story...yes guns are dangerous....especially in the hands of idiots!!!! :P

Edited by Evil Elvis
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:yes: I hit jerico in the head


Temple :P

at 100 yards he said it stung

I had to sit down before I fell B)



he was not a happy bunny


Well you scared the bloody pheasant, we spent half hour looking for him again and YOU shot it a few days later, ******* :)

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Some years ago I managed to fire a muzzle loading punt gun in my living room. The bang was very loud and the burning wadding set fire to the curtains. The charge of shot ruined the carpet before punching a hole through the skirting board and the wall behind it.


The recoil sent the gun back about ten feet and smashed through the closed french windows. By the grace of god, no one was injured.


I pulled off a cap on a muzzle loader that I`d have sworn was empty. Evidently it was`nt. The bloke I was showing it to was impressed by its penetrative qualities and bought it there and then. When he had stopped shaking. Still makes my blood run cold when I think about what might have happened.






That means - rolling on floor laughing my ar se off....... What did the insurance company have to say - or were you too embarrassed to tell them?


That one puts my rifle primer iidiiocy into the 'very minor' category for maniacal danerousness. I won't say I couldn't imagine doing such a thing

myself though, because I can. Anyone who thinks he couldn't make a mistake of ludicrous proportions, is setting himself up to do exactly that.


I have seen some terrible mistakes, some of which ended up with serious bodily injury, though only to those who caused them:



1976 I set off a .303 rifle primer in a duff cartridge with a punch and received a nasty reminder in my thumb about my stupidity.


1978. My mate let off a twelve bore right behind me and blew a great crater in the mud about twelve inches from my foot.


1979 I was standing about a yard away from a man who ran a gun club known to other more pucker rifle shooters in the Northumberland Rifle Club as, 'The Bad Reputation Gun Club.' They were right. He was firing solid slugs in rapid succession from a mosberg pump action repeater. he had about five loaded which in those days you were allowed and one failed to fire properly having no powder. it just went click. He fired again and the gun blew up right beside me. It had strips of metal barrel splayed out all over in a most dramatic way. The click was a primer pushing the .729 slug up the barrel about 18 inches, and the boom that followed was caused by the following round coming up into the obstructed barrel. no one was hurt - amazingly.


1980. I saw a man shoot himself in the hand at the same 'Bad Reputation Gun Club, when he was loading a muzzle loading flintlock pistol. he had it on full cock and the trigger caught in his clothing. He had a large ragged hole in his hand where the ramrod and ball went right through. He was also burned somewhat, but that was the least of his troubles. He was severely injured in a car crash about a year later while trying to retrieve a dropped packet of cigarettes from the floor of his van while driving at seventy miles an hour.


1981 At the same ragamuffin gun club, a man clearing up and burning the rubbish, was stuck in the ar se by a pistol round (9mm) which had inadvertently been put in the fire with rubbish such as smashed up targets.


1981 While shooting black powder pistol at the same shockingly bad club, the man next to me had his colt 1860 blow itself in half as the chambers flashed over and several rounds went off at once. He was severely shocked by this and never came back.


Since those days, I have mostly shot on my own and have probably increased my life expectancy more than a little.

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Six or so years ago I was a member of a quite decent walk and stand shoot based in a wooded and steep sided valley. For a change they decided to walk a few fields back towards the wood to catch up with any pheasants that had run from the main woodland to hide in hedges on the flat ground. I was a stander and fortunately we were quite well spaced out with our backs to the wood. A hen pheasant flushed in front and flew low back to the wood. Just before the tree line the hen bird put on the air brakes to land in the remains of the game strip the guns were stood in. As I watched this my neighbour put up his gun and swung on this pheasant, the thought passed through my head that he cannot not seriously be going to at shoot this? The bang confirmed my fears followed by the horrible zinging sound of pellets passing too close for comfort. One hit me in the thigh and another on the arm. Luckily I was wearing thick winter clothing and the chap was about 70 yards away but they did sting a bit. He did not join the shoot again.

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