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Which .17 Hmr Ammo

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I have only recently started with the HMR caliber, but as I understand it and it has been confirmed with my gunsmith, all the ballistic tipped ammo is made by CCI with hornady bullets. As such, I expect it all works the same.


When I bought the gun, I purchased 200 Hornady Varmint Express, fired them off and bough another five hundred. I have so far only fired about 275 rounds. What I have found is that it has devastating effect on rabbits out to 150 yards. After subsonic eley .22LR which works very well indeed at what it is designed for, the Hornady ammo affords the luxury of easy 110 -120 yard shots. Put the cross on the rabbit's front end, squeeze the trigger and it is dead before you can re-acquire the target in your sight.


Since all the ammo is made by CCI, I think your issue is do you want the 17 grain ballistic tipped 'exploding' ammo for small varmints, or do you need the hollow point 20 grain for more penetration through heavier bones with controlled expansion for something a wee bit bigger.


I had a bad experience with a shot hare the other day that wasn't dead inspite of a reasonable head shot with the Hornady 17 grn. I am prepared to accept the stories about foxes dropping stone dead on the spot, but hell, this hare was well alive with half its head gone. On rimfire central, there are people in America talking about shooting hogs with HMR...... They may have a different attitude to suffering there, that's all I can say.

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All the ballistic tipped bullets are much the same so I would just go for the cheapest available :lol:

Oh and my gun wouldnt load the hollow points properly?! they were catching as i pushed the bolt forward but didn't rate them as highly as the BT anyway.


It's worth haggling a bit. My gunsmith offered me the Varmint Express at £12.50 a box of 50. I told him that the last ones I bought were £10 a box which was true, and after working out on his calculator the difference between what he paid and what I was offering, he sold me 500 for £100.


I haggle everywhere that I can get at a manager who has any authority. Saves a lot of money. Too many Brits get shafted by retailers. Always remember that in the States this ammo is priced dollar for pound. Since there are nearly 1.9 dollars per pound, importers and retailers are living off the fat of the land.

Edited by Evilv
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I have only recently started with the HMR caliber, but as I understand it and it has been confirmed with my gunsmith, all the ballistic tipped ammo is made by CCI with hornady bullets. As such, I expect it all works the same.


When I bought the gun, I purchased 200 Hornady Varmint Express, fired them off and bough another five hundred. I have so far only fired about 275 rounds. What I have found is that it has devastating effect on rabbits out to 150 yards. After subsonic eley .22LR which works very well indeed at what it is designed for, the Hornady ammo affords the luxury of easy 110 -120 yard shots. Put the cross on the rabbit's front end, squeeze the trigger and it is dead before you can re-acquire the target in your sight.


Since all the ammo is made by CCI, I think your issue is do you want the 17 grain ballistic tipped 'exploding' ammo for small varmints, or do you need the hollow point 20 grain for more penetration through heavier bones with controlled expansion for something a wee bit bigger.


I had a bad experience with a shot hare the other day that wasn't dead inspite of a reasonable head shot with the Hornady 17 grn. I am prepared to accept the stories about foxes dropping stone dead on the spot, but hell, this hare was well alive with half its head gone. On rimfire central, there are people in America talking about shooting hogs with HMR...... They may have a different attitude to suffering there, that's all I can say.


200lb hogs taken with HMR Evilv due to skillful placement.








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200lb hogs taken with HMR Evilv due to skillful placement.









Ok - so what about the day when you get it just a tad wrong then. I'll be frank with you, shooting a pig with such a tiny bullet is the sort of wanton, sick, wrong headed brutality the characters in Deliverance might have got up too when they weren't attempting to mouth rape wots his name - yanow - the one with the'prdy mouth' (John Voight).







PS - if perchance you were being ironic up above and mocking the idea of shooting larger animals with HMR, please accept my apologies for missing your humour and for likening you to the hillbillies pictures above prior to their attempt to rape Mr Voight.






PPS - having scanned a few of your posts, I see that you are an intelligent man and must indeed have been writing in ironic mode. Please disregard my unwarranted and abusive attempt to liken you to a sexually intemperate hillbilly intent upon male rape and such like monstrous behaviour such as hog shooting with a 17 grain 200 ft pound bullet.

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Just to steer this back on track, despite Evilv's fixation with Deliverance, I find Remington Accu Tips perform the best from my 20"-barrelled CZ. Federals come a close second, and are the cheapest at £10-25 per 50.


But do you shoot hogs with them and did you know that all the plastic tipped rounds are made on the same production line at CCI?

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your hare does confuse me Evilv, any animal missing half its head is usually simply dead. As for the CCI factory yes I believe most comes from the same factory but not all off the same machine and of course the tip colour varies which makes the biggest difference :lol:


As far as using on larger animals my experience with foxes has been the bt are better than the hollow points at putting them straight down but the 20 grain hp's do have one hell of a way of going straight through foxes. I had one that was half facing me the other day shot it through the chest just in front of the leg and had an exit wound half way back on the other side but well behind the chest. Went about 5 yards and dropped dead. They can travel a bit with chest shots even with a hole straight through but thats no different to people shooting deer with far larger calibers. However you have more room for error than a head shot, if you're bothered about hares / rabbits just go for front chest shots, you may get slightly less meat but you are far more sure of the kill. As for shooting hogs with one well they do vary in size a lot and what you can say about the HMR is it is very accurate so if the bullet is in the right place it will do the job. Not sure I'd do it but you do have a caliber with a lot of power behind it and certainly the solid bullets do have one hell of a lot of penetrating power

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your hare does confuse me Evilv, any animal missing half its head is usually simply dead. As for the CCI factory yes I believe most comes from the same factory but not all off the same machine and of course the tip colour varies which makes the biggest difference :lol:


As far as using on larger animals my experience with foxes has been the bt are better than the hollow points at putting them straight down but the 20 grain hp's do have one hell of a way of going straight through foxes. I had one that was half facing me the other day shot it through the chest just in front of the leg and had an exit wound half way back on the other side but well behind the chest. Went about 5 yards and dropped dead. They can travel a bit with chest shots even with a hole straight through but thats no different to people shooting deer with far larger calibers. However you have more room for error than a head shot, if you're bothered about hares / rabbits just go for front chest shots, you may get slightly less meat but you are far more sure of the kill. As for shooting hogs with one well they do vary in size a lot and what you can say about the HMR is it is very accurate so if the bullet is in the right place it will do the job. Not sure I'd do it but you do have a caliber with a lot of power behind it and certainly the solid bullets do have one hell of a lot of penetrating power


Interesting info there - thanks.


Yes - I was horrified to find him like this, especially since I had waited thinking him dead and then I walked up and he was alive and tried to get away in a pathetic kind of a way. Really put me off - he was gasping and groaning with a bullet hole on one side about five mm below his eye and 10 mm behind it, and a right mess on the other side. Revolting and very sorry I was to see him still alive.


It certainly is accurate stuff. I went out this afternoon in the pouring rain and my frist shot was a 150 yard rabbit. It was the only one I saw, unsurprisingly because of the driving rain, but I also got a 110 yard wood pigeon which we ate tonight as a starter before the lamb steaks and my allotment French beans.

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Currently I shoot Remington ammo through my CZ Varmint. I would be very intrested to hear any information, good or bad on other makes of .17 Hmr ammo.



to answer your question, all the ballistic tipped are made to do the same job, but each make may possibly shoot a different POI, and may group different, as suggested try as many different makes as you can and pick the one that shoots the smallest group. once you have found the best one then buy a brick or 2 of that make.

I only shoot feds through mine there's not another that groups as well :good:

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All the .17HMR ammo is made by CCI, maybe packed differently and have different powders/bullet weights/tips but I've put them all through mine and haven't noticed any difference between them. IMO unless you're shooting competition targets then the accuracy of them all is just fine (for that read bl**** marvelous) for varmint shooting.

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Well being a big fan and a big user of the 17 hmr rifle ( i have had 5 in total ) kept 2 sold 3 on, and mine will shoot both the rem and hornady 17gr heads with the same point of impact,


I have also done a lot of tests with 17 hmr mods/ ammo, and i am looking into the noise level differences with 22 lr and 17 hmr when it hits the target, this is due to noticing that some horses i shoot close to don't mind the noise of the hmr but the 22 lr spooks them that much i have stopped using it on that shoot.




find out what shoots best in your rifle and stick with it, and i am paying £90 for 500 rem and £100 for 500 hornady. :stupid:

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