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I know im setting myself up for a ripping here,but my certificate dropped through letterbox this morning so off i went to buy a Hatsan semi Escort plus everything else i needed from local gunshop.


I bought:gun,slip,250 clay cartridges (he also gave me 50 game carts for free),glasses,ear defenders,safety tag,cleaning kit and cartridge bag.Got the whole lot for £430 which wasnt too bad.




So tommorrow morning-im going to local clay shoot to christen it! :oops:



ps.I said no laughing... :yes:

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Good gun, the Escort. When I bought mine the dealer said "You can bury this thing, dig it up a year later, hose it down, and shoot it". I reckon he could be right. I've got the cammo version, and it's spot on for the pigeons. That third shot has proved priceless at times, and I've had quite a few left, right, and centres.


On the subject of semi-autos, a chum of mine has an East European model (I'm not sure of the make) which is chambered for 3.5 inch shells. Obviously the magazine is 7 inches long to take the two reserve shots. He's found that if he uses short cartridges i.e 2.25 inch, it is actually capable of holding 4 shots. Needless to say he never does this, as it would be illegal.

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On the subject of semi-autos, a chum of mine has an East European model (I'm not sure of the make) which is chambered for 3.5 inch shells. Obviously the magazine is 7 inches long to take the two reserve shots. He's found that if he uses short cartridges i.e 2.25 inch, it is actually capable of holding 4 shots. Needless to say he never does this, as it would be illegal.


I have an escort with 3.5"chambers which will fit 3 normal shells in the magazine, I questioned this with my flo and he said that this is known by the authorities but they can,t really do anything about it except trust you,"just dont get caught with 3 shells in the mag."

I agree with whats been said they are a great gun and very reliable,although some have had problems with them but the same could be said about much more expensive guns.

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My RFD told me they had alot of trouble with them so that put me off getting one, although I have read ALOT of good reviews about them on his site and am now considering one lol! :blush:


Well this morning,i shot an entire box of 28g plus nine 32g cartridges with no problems.Im going clay shooting tommorrow so needed to know it would cycle properly-which it did.I just kept loading-firing-loading-firing until the box was empty then switched to the 32g also with no problems.I cant fault it!

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what price is the escort now?

They vary depending on colour and chamber, 3 shot or FAC.


My local dealer is quoting me £370 for a new model 3 shot 3" chamber in Shadowgrass. They can be had in black for as little as £280ish, the newer model with the adjustable recoil pad slightly more.

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