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Lloyds Business Banking


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We make about twenty foreign bank transfer payments to our foreign hauliers every month.


On the bank form it asks you to write the numbers i.e. £3000.00 then underneath to spell it in words i.e. three thousand.


In August we found out that our bank have paid one of our hauliers 5600.00 euros instead of 3600.00 euros.


We wrote them a letter straight anyway and pointed out their mistake. They came back saying that the 3 written on the form looked like a 5 (even though it clearly said three thousand in letters underneath) and that we need to chase our supplier for the money back.


After the bank pushing it to and fro for over a month I called my Bank Manager today to set up a meeting about it. He told me that he "doesnt have the power" to give me my money back (even though he agrees with me) and that I will have to fill in a complaints form or take this to the Banking Ombudsman.


What is happening in this world ? - ten or twenty years ago a Bank Manager was someone people respected and he would have just written me a cheque and sorted it out from his side.


I am seriously considering changing banks, but are they all as bad as each other though ?

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I think the Ombudsman will sort it for you. In a recent dispute with my old ISP about over charging,I mentioned them and got an immediate payout. Best of luck. Thing is with the banking system imploding,I get bthe impression from financial reports that Lloyds is one of the big boys hence less likely to go bust. Then again I dont even open bank statements....... :oops:

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That just about sums up everything that's wrong with banks these days, customers are simply a hindrance to them and accountability only seems to work one way :oops:


A couple of years ago my bank refused to give me the managers name saying they weren't allowed to give it out. I wrote a letter to head office and heard nothing, diddly squat. Whilst I eventually got my money back my complaint went unanswered.


If you don't figure on their valuable customer radar they're not bothered if you walk.

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LV, our company used to bank with Lloyds, but after numerous mistakes & errors on their part, we left them for another bank some five or six years ago. Although we still get errors from time to time (which fair enough is understandable) the bank we are with now have been far more agreeable in sorting them out quickly and with no cost to us.


Similar to you, we also have a regular batch of European suppliers to pay in euros every month. I don't know, but I imagine that Lloyds may be charging you over the odds on the exchange rate and possibly charging you fees to process each transaction. (We certainly used to get shafted by the bank on foreign transactions.) We now get safe, reliable fee-free transactions and an excellent exchange rate on our euro payments, if you would like any further info, please feel free to PM me. :oops:



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They are all as bad as one another, I have just had a cheque returned from Barclays as there wasn't room to write the whole ammount so I put the odd pence in figures.


The conservatory company weren't best pleased.


I am still waiting for them to aknowledge a complaint about sending someone elses bank statement to my address.


It is little Britain all over, The Computer say NO!

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They're all equally worthless. You must need to be certain grade of **** to be a banker. Our business account is with Barclays, my personal account with Lloyds TSB. I have nothing but the vilest contempt for both organisations. They don't have the first idea about customer service and they're not fit to run a corner shop. They wouldn't last 5 minutes in a proper business.


You might as well leave your account where it is LV - you won't see any improvement with the other ******. :oops:

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sounds **** but generally they are all as bad as each other IMHO, The problem is with a business account it is so much agro to change, we don't have many problems with Barclays but I'd love to change. With your problem is there any way you can hold a separate account with Euros in possibly a foreign bank so you can pay everyone online and only change the currency when you need to.

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I work for a bank and would have to say a lot of staff now are just computer operators, they put in what you ask and the computer either agrees, or as someone else has said, it says no. Its sad too that some banks have managers with limited powers to do anything to do with banking. They are often just man managers, there to look after the staff and may not have a clue about finance or their particular area of expertise.


My Advice - If you are getting nowhere, write a letter marked "Private & Confidential" and "For the Personal Attention Of ......" put in the name of your banks chief executive and send it to him (you can ask the branch who that may be or find him/her on google), even writing the content as Dear Mr ....... That way the letter will reach his executive team and you will find the branch or business area causing you a problem will have to act quickly.


If what you ask is not possible, then at least you will have a swift detailed reply, alternatively the problem mentioned here, should be solved quickly.


I have done this plenty of times, it works, don't bother with local management or middle men, go to the top !

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This is the problem with 'free' banking - the banks need to make their money through ever more devious means, and cut costs wherever possible.


Excellent customer service no longer comes as standard - you have to pay for it.


Time to switch I think. All the benefits of an old-fashioned bank, with all the mod-cons as well. Plus maximum kudos when you get the comapny credit card out! :drinks:





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Last Friday I wrote to the Chief Executive of Lloyds - still nothing back from him.


I also set up a meeting with the Manager of the branch who processed the payment (Billericay). That meeting was this morning. The guy there was 10 times more helpful than my own bank manager (who wouldnt even agree to a meeting). He has agreed that it is a Lloyds error and has told me that he will call me back by the end of today with the results of his investigations.


In the meantime we have given more work to the supplier that has been overpaid so we might end up getting it back from Lloyds and from the supplier now :hmm:

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He has agreed that it is a Lloyds error and has told me that he will call me back by the end of today with the results of his investigations.



...and did he?






did he **** ! :wub:



I called him yesterday but he was "in a meeting" - righto ! :wub:



On the up side, I have arranged to get the money back off the supplier now, so if Lloyds refund me the money I get it back double-bubble - nice ! It is still with Lloyds complaints department in Bristol and the Financial Ombudsman, so it is now in the system - albeit a very slow system !

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I've banked with them for 20 years or so, mrs stuarp has done for 30 years, we had 2 business accounts with during that time, never had a problem


I thought of you when I saw this advert today




yeah...I saw that advert today...nearly put my foot through the TV !

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