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Stolen Bike


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After looking long and hard for a cheapo push bike that I could knock about commuting into Central London, I finally plumped for the one rescued from a skip by my father about six years ago and which, up until this Spring, had been used as a mechanics' run-around in a plant/scaffold yard.


This was suitably abused and dilapidated and (so I thought) theft-proof. :lol:


How wrong I was. :good:


This morning I went outside to see the bike lock dangling forlornly from one of the pillars of the portico, Lady Seagrave's (much more valuable) Puch bike pushed to one side and no sign whatsoever of my 'theft-proof' bicycle.


Thanks a bundle you thieving ***. It would almost have been expected were I at home in the ghettos of SE22, but this was in NOTTING HILL for heaven's sake! Unbelievable.


So, if anyone sees a red Centurion men's bike for sale in the London area, with a number 12 written on the upright of the handle bars in UV ink - please let me know. Otherwise, if anyone has a knackered old men's bike that they want to get rid of (any condition considered) then by all means give me a shout.


If anyone would like to try and make me feel better by sharing their tales of having supposedly undesirable items stolen, please share.




LS (back on the filthy sweaty Underground this morning ??? )

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I came back to my office this morning to find my cherished bic pen stolen :P


I feel for you, having to endure the filthy underground, it's not good - I spend many a morning on the district line with my face in someone's armpit - and I'm 6'3!



Feeling the love Bagsy - thanks buddy.


I too had the armpit seat (Central Line), though, at 6'2, it sounds like I might have to get used to it. Who knows - it could be your armpit one day! :)



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I've decided that enough is enough and I'm leaving job in the city for one based in Kingston upon Thames, sweet, going in the opposite direction to the rest of the rat race, seat everytime, quicker journey time to work and might even cycle (if I can find place to have a shower).


Can't wait.


When I was looking the recruitment agents thought I was mad turning jobs down that involved a tube journey but it's bad enough on the overland from Clapham the tube is hell in the mornings, oh and come winter every germ and virus is instantly spread to everyone, I used to get ill far more often when I used to use the tube.

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i had a mountain bike when i was 9 it was my secound bike and i used to keep it in my garden behind the hedges and one day i went to go out on it and found that some1 had stolen it , it turned up at at a police station with a broken frame both tires warn down to punctures both brakes snaped off some one had found it in a hedge by a river !

Edited by Saltashshooter
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My sister had one of her teenager's bikes nicked from her walled back garden, but the scumbag left a brand new Peugeot propped up by the wall.


The theory is that he wanted an anonymous bike and the Peugeot was too identifiable, so may be why your wife's Puch was disregarded.


Unless of course that disappears tonight


Why don't you get a small motorbike - beats the train/tube and sweaty pushbikes any day

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I think the theft that really p***ed me off for a day was when my bosses concrete mixer was pinched from a site we were working at. The place had a six foot compound fence all around it, but somehow the thieving scum managed to haul it over and do a runner with it. I had to hand mix all the muck that day, and it was hot!


The funny side of the story is better though. The crappy old mixer needed one bloke to hold the carb to keep it running, or it would cut out. After all the effort they put into stealing it, they wouldn't have got much for it. I was glad to see the back of the heap of **** in the long run, and they did a lot of straining for nothing :)

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I think the theft that really p***ed me off for a day was when my bosses concrete mixer was pinched from a site we were working at. The place had a six foot compound fence all around it, but somehow the thieving scum managed to haul it over and do a runner with it. I had to hand mix all the muck that day, and it was hot!


The funny side of the story is better though. The crappy old mixer needed one bloke to hold the carb to keep it running, or it would cut out. After all the effort they put into stealing it, they wouldn't have got much for it. I was glad to see the back of the heap of **** in the long run, and they did a lot of straining for nothing :)


And you got how much for it. :P

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sorry to hear about everones losses theiveing scum , i had my pride and joy stollen about 6-8 weeks ago 1978 mk2 escort rs 2000 in show condition she was mint and cant tell you how gutted i still am about it :) , she was stolen of the car park at the shropshire game fair at newport on august 24 my birthday one i hope to forget :P

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4 yrs ago i had my shed broke into and the contents emptied, usual stuff pushbike, petrol strimmer and of course the power tools. my wife called the police and they said that there had been 5 other people done in my area that same evening, they also told her not to touch anything untill they had been round to take prints.


If any of you police are reading this I AM STILL WAITING FOR YOU TO TURN UP!!!!

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I had a bike nicked about a week after i bought it, the very first outing to the station (no insurance)! After that rode an old bike into the gound and when it finally came to buying a new one bought a motorbike lock for it. So far so good, added it to my house insurance but it costs almost as much as buying a new one on an annual basis! Small beans compared to what most people have lost, don't know hopw i'd cope losing something like the rs2000, only a car in some peoples minds but what a car to lose...

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Sorry to hear of your loss LS. Words cannot convey the sense of rage when something like this happens.


Thanks Robert. To be honest, it wasn't so much the rage that struck me first, more abject incredulity - why on earth would someone want to steal my crummy old bike? Obviously the rage kicked in later on when my face was wedged into the sweaty crook of some chap's elbow on the way to work...


Notting Hill is a breeding ground of the worst kind of scumbag.


Thankfully, most of the Labour donors have long since departed to Islington.




I'm here all week. :)



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LS, my sympathies. I know it's a bit late, but the old adage "out of sight, out of mind", might apply to the next bike, and the Puch.


As for travelling on the Tube - no way. I cycle in to Chelmsford, (shifts permitting), put the bike on the train and then cycle from Liverpool st to work, where the bikes in a nice "safe" place - although some ****** keeps turning my bloody lights on :)


Part of my route is pitch black and it's a nightmare with no lights :P


Have you tried flea bay for a replacement?



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3 Thieving scum broke into the house whilst we slept, look laptops, my air rifle and the car :P The coppers caught two of them later and one got away in the car.


All the stuff was reovered from there houses! My Dads friend who was also from the area heard about it and knew where these people lived.


Needless to say he "thanked them" for us :/ glad to know there is a bit of justice going around :)

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