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Bloody travellers


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Cranfield, I do love your all-knowing attitude. I don't believe that you're a farmer, effectively on the receiving end - this isn't a weekly occurence for you.


You are correct I am not a farmer, but for many years I was responsible for and also owned large acreages of land, with all the attendant problems of trespassers, poachers (guns and dogs), flytippers, vandals, etc.

I have also spent my life in a rural environment and been involved with all country sports.

I certainly don't profess to be "all knowing", but I have been around and have an opinion.

yes we all have an opinion. :good:

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i once witnessed a local bobby who had been chaseing a local pykie for ages takeing abuse from the pyke daily .when it came to a head they faced each other pykiey screamig at plod to get out of uniform and fight him ? plod took off his hat jacket and obliged never before seen a screaming pykie screaming for his life what a coward and to think of the greif he gave plod . i heard later he got just what he deserved. so sometimes plod will make there own laws ?

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When are some people going to realise that the police do not make the laws, they only have the unfortunate task of trying to uphold them.


There are a raft of laws that protect travellers and others that indulge in unacceptable (to us) behaviour.


I have seen quite a number of confrontations between police and the unlawful, on a few occasions the unlawful have possessed shotguns, at no time did any of the police officers, "cower in fear".


Thank you Cranfield for your supportive comments :good:


Sounds like there's a real problem with travellers in Essex. :good:


I deal with travellers on a regular basis, not as often as I used to because the rural community came to the police with a problem (coursing) and the team i am part of sorted it. I have never cowered in fear and resent the implication. Cambridgeshires rural community has an excellent network all over the county via Countryside watch and a proactive rural team. In problem areas, landowners have our individual mobile numbers for direct contact, and yes I do answer it off duty.


I'm now off to the suggestions part of the site for renameing pigeonwatch, to, letshaveagoatthepoliceagain.co.uk :oops::D:good:


I do feel for other parts of the country where rural policing is not looked at as it should be.



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i once witnessed a local bobby who had been chaseing a local pykie for ages takeing abuse from the pyke daily .when it came to a head they faced each other pykiey screamig at plod to get out of uniform and fight him ? plod took off his hat jacket and obliged never before seen a screaming pykie screaming for his life what a coward and to think of the greif he gave plod . i heard later he got just what he deserved. so sometimes plod will make there own laws ?


This I'd support whole heartedly, 100%: but unfortunately, I have never witnessed such an occasion. I have, however, witnessed a chap, who we will call Derrick (for that was his name) attend a Police Station to report his caravan stolen. Being a bit pro-active, he had already found his stolen van, happily sitting in the middle of a recently occupied ***** site. The conversation went pretty much like this:


Pro-active Derrick: Hello Officer, my caravan's been nicked.


Duty Plod: I'm sorry to hear that Sir; I'm afraid recovery rates are very low. Are you insured?


PD: Insurance is not needed in this case you see, for I am pro-active and I have done the leg work for you.


DP: Excellent Sir. But why may I ask, if you have already located said van, are you reporting its theft? Is it damaged, do you need to make an insurance claim? You are insured, aren't you Sir?


PD: Yes officer, I am insured but happily it still appears to be in pristine condition. It is, however, sat on yonder ***** site and I would very much like some assistance in its recovery.


DP: Arh! That could be difficult. Are you insured? You are insured, aren't you Sir?


PD: Difficult! How so? For you are the Plod; it's what you do.


DP: Excuse me a moment while I confer with a higher authority.


Duty Inspector: I'm sorry to hear of your loss Sir. Are you insured?


PD: As I have already explained, I have no need to recourse to my insurance cover: I just need some help in recovering it from yonder ***** site.


DI: That could be difficult. You are insured, aren't you Sir?


PD: Why won't you help me? Why is it difficult?


DI: It's fraught with difficulties Sir, and dangerous. They don't like us much and they're awfully unpredictable you know? We'd probably have to send 10 or 12 men, at least. Are you insured, Sir? Would you like a crime number, for your insurance? You are insured, aren't you Sir?


PD: Arrrggghhh!!!


DI: Would you like a leaflet on dealing with 'Being a victim of crime' Sir?

Edited by LEFTY478
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I'm now off to the suggestions part of the site for renameing pigeonwatch, to, letshaveagoatthepoliceagain.co.uk :oops: :yp: ;)


I was thinking of setting up a website myself, titled www.pikiesburntmybarndownbutthepolicearentinterested.co.uk, with a link to a sister site called www.whymustItakeitinthearrseforbeingataxpayingcitizen.co.uk


Lefty, I really like your anecdote.

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Don’t know about the city but if you have a crime problem in the countryside you’ll be lucky if plod turns up the day after you rang to ‘take a statement Sir’.


Incident; wife and I driving out of the lane onto main road and there’s a fairly serious traffic accident, 3 road traffic police cars, ambulances etc. We stop to get the way out then plod stops us and comes over to tell us the characters on wife’s private number plate are spaced illegally and to get them changed. He even apologised for seeming to be a stickler for the rules. What a waste of space especially when they’ve more serious things to look to.


Is it true they have to have a frontal lobotomy in order to join the force! :oops:


I thought the old chestnut about ‘we were only following orders’ went out at Nuremberg. :yp:

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Why do these threads always end up bashing the police?


I wish I hadn't bothered now.


P. (A copper and proud to be one :oops: )



Because some people can ony see whats infront of them.


They expect a bobby to be there 24/7 and dont understand what constraints and other work is involved



were they spaced illegally.. probably.. which means they are illegal end of story, what happens if you were involved in a hit and run and you couldnt read the plate of the other car because they were too close or and been layed out so it spelt someones name or the like.. you would be moaning then


Your dammed if you do and if you dont but lets just carry on making the police out to be usless because you have never needed them or they have never helped you at all have they?:yp:?

Edited by ph5172
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I'm now off to the suggestions part of the site for renameing pigeonwatch, to, letshaveagoatthepoliceagain.co.uk :oops: :yp: ;)


I was thinking of setting up a website myself, titled www.pikiesburntmybarndownbutthepolicearentinterested.co.uk, with a link to a sister site called www.whymustItakeitinthearrseforbeingataxpayingcitizen.co.uk


Lefty, I really like your anecdote.

wht dont you become a special then you could deal with it yourself.... job done

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Why do these threads always end up bashing the police?


I wish I hadn't bothered now.


P. (A copper and proud to be one :oops: )


I'm actually sorry you feel that way.*


It is not Policemen/women in general, that I take issue with - frankly I'd be surprised to find a nick anywhere in this country, where the Troops wouldn't like to break the PO kit out of the G10 store and go crack some heads provide some pro-active policing, to chavs/******/druggies/dole scroungers/scumbags (delete/insert as required) - however, management structures that allow/disallow policing policies, based on cost/time management, are not likely to endear themselves to Joe Public.


I do realise that the Police are terribly constrained by bureaucracy and government red-tape; if I could change that, I would. But at the same time, many members’ of your profession would remind us that, “largely, society gets the police force it deservesâ€. So I think it’s a little churlish to complain when members’ of that ‘society’ suggest that perhaps, we’re not getting the (Police) Service that we should.


* Edit for clarity: I refer to your "I wish I hadn't bothered now" comment, not the "...proud to be..."

Edited by LEFTY478
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Howdy folks, if I may quickly intro myself. I am Dex, user name STORMWOLF. Accessed your site when researching Heart/Lung Worm.

Obviously decided to read some posts to see what I was getting myself into. Must say I am really pleased to have found your site though not as a shooter. Have done some shooting when lived in old Rhodesia/Zimbabwe but closest been here is my next door neighbour is a shooter (Pedro) and I own a gundog who is scared of bangs. Ce la Vie! LOL!


I must add a short comment about Gyppos/******/Travellers/Scumbags whichever label we use. Did the leaders of the Third Reich not have a clever way to deal with them? I suppose we are too civilised to even 'think' (the thought Police are out there) of that solution.


The true Gypsy as a nomad, selling his services to sharpen and steel (**) on his colourful caravan was probably much like the folk who live on narrow boats now, pity that they have evolved into something that is alien to us. It is hard to sympathise/empathise with folk who do not give a monkee about law and order, others feelings etc. You all know how long the list is, I don't need to waste time and effort re writing it. :yp:


What galls me is how the authorities are so damn scared of upsetting the apple caravan (oops). CART! If law abiding citizens carried on as they do we would be manhandled into the back of a black maria, cuffed, fingerprinted, DNA'd, interrogated, up before the beak and bailed. Where is this stupid Human Rights Act taking us?


I was intrigued by the post from Devon about the Log Cabins. My dream is to live in an isolated woodland, live in a cabin with just my wife and dogs and work the land, manage the trees etc. I cannot do it because I cannot get planning permission and I could not risk everything on just going ahead and doing it expecting to win battles against the council in the long run. Anyway it is illegal and if I do anything illegal it is minor much as most folk do. My poor old dad popped his clogs in January and I am due a third of his house which aint selling and is now under £90,000.


Ah well, live within the law and you are shafted, live beyond the law, take your chances and if you are a ***** carry on tipping, driving new top range vehicles, live in a huge newish (stolen) caravan, steal, poach, fight, draw benefits, do dodgy driveways, fleece old folk from their savings. Whoopsee...said I would,t do that. This is one of those subjects that makes you want to get it all off your chest. I am signing off and will check out some more posts.


Go well folks! :oops:

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PEDRO funny my next door neighbour is Pedro or Peter (italian), he is a shooter and should have been a police officer, anyway that is beyond here.


May I thank you Pedro for being a policeman (that's a novelty). If folk just stopped to think for a while they would realise that all that stands between us and anarchy is that thin blue line. You guys don't ask for all the stupid, petty rules, regs and red tape. I wish it could go back to the days when an officer could cuff a youngster or tell his dad and watch him get a thick ear. I am 54 now and even as a youngster I said to my dad that the day was coming when the libs and lefties would have too much influence. I think anyone in their right mind should be Nationlist and Patriotic and support our country and our history (for better or worse). I am not a Royalist but admire the immediate Royals, however I do support our Security Forces in whatever shape or form. Now the Lords and Ministers of the Crown that is a different story and if our treason laws were anything like as strong as they should be...well there wouldn't be enough space in the Tower!


It must be so difficult dealing with scumbags and I know my intolerance of ******, Yobs, Violent and Sexual Offenders would not allow me to stay in the job. You need to have a strange mentality to do your job.

A quick story. When my wife and I were courting...I was 20, she 16. we went to a charity dance at Heathrow, I worked for BA at the time. As we were leaving a group of gatecrashers stormed in, guys in their 30's, one was a football manager for Hillingdon. He proceeded to assault my girlfriend as I went to intervene I was smashed in the face breaking my nose and I was only just conciouss, my girlfriend was pushed to the floor and they began kicking hell out of her (this was about 1975/6). My cowardly mates did nothing. It was only the intervention off an off duty officer that saved us from bad injuries and he got a good kicking for his trouble. Since then I have had nothing but admiration for the force despite having had dealings with less than pleasant officers but I realise you get all sorts in every walk of life and you should not tar all with the same brush.


So again matey, thanx for being one little part of that important thin blue line and more power to your elbow.

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Part of my job with a local authority involves evicting members of the Traveling Community from council owned land.


We work closely with the police, which includes air surveillance of their encampments to monitor the build up of tipped rubbish for evidential purposes.


We organise multi agency stop and check days involving the police, Environment Agency, Customs and Excise and Benefits Agency.


Even the courts are having an attack of common sense. At a recent hearing, when the travelers produced a pregnant woman hoping to use her as an excuse to remain on the site, the judge - a woman - pointed out that the pregnant females vehicle was not on site a few days previously when the Needs Assesment had been completed. The judge concluded that she had driven there recently. She enquired from whence the pregnant female had come and suggested she return to that place since she had been well enough to make the journey only days before!


The average time that Travelers now spend on any one site within the Authorities area is down from eleven days, to three.


I love my job.



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Stop bashing the Police. My rugby coach has been in for years and retired last week. Alot of the Police dont like policies as much as you or I, BUT it is they're JOB and DUTY to uphold those Policies. If every copper only enforced the laws they agreed with then who knows what this country would be like!

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I think we should all stop and have a little think about this post, for starters not all groups of trespassers are "Travellers" a good few are just yobbish trash who do not give a hoot about anyone else but themselves.


I know that not all "Travellers" are bad people, but they certainly get all the bad press, and I must say often for the right reasons.


Its a bit like 90% of all street robbery in London is committed by black males, a stonking fact!!


But you dare mention that and its a racist slur on an oppressed group that have been treated poorly by the white establishment, blah, blah, blah.


I know a lot of Coppers are hard working people who do there best, often working with a reduced Force ( The cut backs have been bad I am told)


Yes you get some lazy ones I have no doubt, and I dare say that some occasionally do not make the right choice of decision when dealing with stressful situations, oh wow I wish I was a super cool chap who ALWAYS did the right thing.


But thats all a load of hot air, because if there is one thing we Brit's are very good at,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its moaning ;)



And the establishment have always been target number one,


So all you Coppers out there, I am afraid the groaning about your Dough Nut binges, snooker on the M25, Fitting up poor innocent members of the public,


retiring early to enjoy your huge free fat pensions :yp: massive overtime payments, brown envelopes, and the rest of the very long list of highly accurate observations


( They must be they were in the Sun)


Will not stop :oops: May your God be with you,



I will continue to look to St Jude for guidance

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****** appeared on the edge of a field on a client's farm today. Two fields of drilled wheat trashed within hours by ATVs and a stock car, battered Transit vans trundling round local farmyards, general panic amongst the villagers etc.


The two very drippy police officers sent from Braintree to defuse the situation didn't know what a Section 59 vehicle seizure was, and the female officer told me and the tenant in a very po-faced fashion that "the travellers have rights too". Thankfully the local officer is a very dependable bloke with a robust view on ****** and the damage they cause.


So in answer to your post, ASOM, if all police officers were so dependable and tough, there would be a lot less moaning and griping from the public.

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So in answer to your post, ASOM, if all police officers were so dependable and tough, there would be a lot less moaning and griping from the public


Erm I did not say they were ALL Dependable and Tough, I said they are a mixed bag of folk. Things will change when they deploy the Mk1 Police Robot, think Terminator but in a Top hat :yp:


I think we should all leave the Travelling comunity alone.


They I am sure are victims in all this, and those Police People are right,,,,They Do have rights too we are to fond of bashing and downtreading on the basic rights of the lesser few. We must strive to understand there ways and customs even if we do not always agree with them, so next time a load of Human trash drives all over your land trashing fences and flattening crops please just give them a bit of slack. They are just expressing there primal beliefs, I am off now to try and find a hoodie to cuddle up to.

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It is a regrettable fact that most police forces have been seriously infected with a virulent Political Correctness that renders them blind to the facts that they see staring them in the face.


I recently attended a brief police training seminar on travellers presented by an Inspector who had been a probationer of mine many years before I retired from the Job. I was accompanied by my dept. supervisor who is ex RMP, in our capacity as Local Authority Gypsy and Traveller Officers.


We went prepared with photographs and statistics.


The lecturer trotted out the usual **** about Human Rights, a sentiment with which I do not disagree in principle, but he was completely unable to show me where in the legislation it gave them carte blanche to commit endless criminal offences without fear of retribution.


We were able to prove that every single incursion into the local authority area in the last ten years had resulted in damage, dislocation to the lives of local tax paying residents and enormous cost. The highest recently being almost £18,000 to clean up fly tipping. A cost borne by local residents.


Not all travellers are animals. True enough, but he was unable to provide a single example of an encampment locally which did not result in the above.


I asked him why he trotted out this political correctness when I knew him to be a good copper with the right attitudes and instincts. He eventually gave in and admitted that the line he was forced to preach was imposed upon him from the very top.


He was unable to give a reason as to why this might be, but agreed that if he had been given a talk by an apologist for the Kray Twins, he would have laughed out loud and formed his own opinion on the strength of what he saw with his own eyes. With travellers, personal eye witness experience, along with common sense, has flown out of the window.


I don`t know whether we managed to change the coppers minds, but after our little chat they got very brave and issued a Sec. 61 eviction. And have done so on another four separate occasions without any political comeback whatsoever.


In some parts of the country at least, the wind of change is blowing around traveller encampments, and not before time.


It can be done.



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I will impart a bit of history, as Poor Pedro's problem seems to have been sidelined by "Knock the police time "


In 1910 the boss of Arbour Square police station was Superintendent Mullvane, a nice chap but very stern and not to be crossed by all accounts.


There were Four reliefs or teams as they are now called, each with an Inspector and three sergeants and about tentyfive constables.


Also enployed was one station Inspector, that was IT apart form the cleaner, now the small area of the Stepney that this nick covered had twentysix beats.

the area was hard, tough East End working class and you had to be a bit handy.


Everyone knew there local Copper, even if you were a villian, ASBO merchant it mattered not a jot, you all knew him. And most sensible people were a bit wary of most of them, scared in some cases. If you got up his nose you were nicked and that was that, you could be locked up for two days without being charged, and then released without any explenation at all. This was often used to square away mouthy yobbish behavior.


If say a pub fight brewed up and the local Old Bill turned out, the fight stopped or else!! Hitting a Copper back then made you a marked man, you would get no let up for some time from the local Plod, and there were LOTs of them back then, here is a breakdown of the area now covered by the new Bethnal Green Supernick


H or Whitechapel Division.

Leman Street.

Thos. Arnold, Supt.;

Inspectors 30; Sergeants 44; Constables 473. Total 548.


J or Bethnal Green Division.

Bethnal Green Road.

James Keating, Supt.;

Inspectors 38; Sergeants 56; Constables 522. Total 617.


K or Bow Division.

Bow Road.

George Steed, Supt.;

Inspectors 48; Sergeants 71; Constables 619. Total 739.


The new Bethnal Green nick will put out about ten Pc's for a busy night duty, a lot of Emergency call will not get answered.


This is the same across the Met, its pants!!


A good few years ago a young ish copper was called with the whole relief of Leman Street and a load from the Green and Limehouse during night duty to a large group of Irish Tinkers that had converged on a bomb site near Stepney Green. there were a shed load of quite large travellers who refused the polite request to move on, one of the Leman Street inspectors then just flipped and a huge punch up started, police dogs were brought in and the whole camp was told to $u&k O7f !!


We all stayed untill they left our borough and of course they were met along the way till they were out of the met.

Now days that Guvnor would get the full measure of the Services diciplinary action thrown at him, and in all likyhood be sacked.


The Job has changed beyond all recognition, the public have got the squeaky clean super straight coppers that they have demanded and bloody good luck to them.


The PC on the street is totaly on his jack Jones these days, twenty years ago you could count on the back up of your relief on your Sergeants and Guvnor's

But now that is gone, replaced by the fear of slighting someones beliefs or saying the wrong thing, or getting the powers of arrest incorrect.


Mr Mullvane and all his staff would have been sacked within a week for certain sure, and replaced by a Chief Superintendent, Three Superintendents, Four Chief Inspectors, Eight Inspectors at leat Ten sergeants, and a few Police Constables.



I could rant on but I think I have gone on long enough, as I am sure Pedro will agree " The Job Is Well ****** !!

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