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Even newsagents can be anti's


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Well I honestly say I have seen it all this morning......


Went into a regular newagents in deepest Kent this morning at 6.15am after my usual two dailys, smokes,apple pies and gum. Usual spend every morning 7 quid....


Just mentioned in passing to the woman on the counter to save me a copy of the shooting times tommorrow (I normally get it back home but always end up reading a week behind) when I got this....


'The day this shop stocks publications of any bloodsports nature whether it be shooting,fishing or any hunting sports including horse racing will be the day I close up.....'


I said 'Oh thats fine then'...... But I notice you still cater on the top shelf for the 'Anorak merchants'


Talk about someone in business running a double edged sword and prefervbally 'Biting their nose off to spite their face' :blink: :P


Anyway I left my gear on the counter, called her a daft old cow and cleared off to other paper shop down the road.


Shes the loser as today I was going to add 1/2 a pound of winter mixtures to to my shop today :good: :blink: :blink:





Media critic

Edited by starlight32
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Well I honestly say I have seen it all this morning......


Went into a regular newagents in deepest Kent this morning at 6.15am after my usual two dailys, smokes,apple pies and gum. Usual spend every morning 7 quid....


Just mentioned in passing to the woman on the counter to save me a copy of the shooting times tommorrow (I normally get it back home but always end up reading a week behind) when I got this....


'The day this shop stocks publications of any bloodsports nature whether it be shooting,fishing or any hunting sports including horse racing will be the day I close up.....'


I said 'Oh thats fine then'...... But I notice you still cater on the top shelf for the 'Anorak merchants'


Talk about someone in business running a double edged sword and prefervbally 'Biting their nose off to spite their face' :lol: :o


Anyway I left my gear on the counter, called her a daft old cow and cleared off to other paper shop down the road.


Shes the loser as today I was going to add 1/2 a pond of winter mixtures to to my shop today :good: :blink: :blink:





Media critic



Daft old bat :blink:


She's probably guilty of some kind of discrimination. I would refer it to the Elf & Safety Equal Opportunties Race Relations Amnesty International Directorate Executive :P:lol::lol:

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If that is a privately owned business, then I am surprised.

Its my experience if it means money in their pocket, then these shops will sell you almost anything.

They may clench their teeth when they do it, but the "ka-ching" of the till usually salves most consciences.


I once had a polite conversation with an old friend who owned three newsagents/general stores and asked him how the girlie mags and alcohol sales fitted in with his religious beliefs.

He said that he did not personally indulge in either and didn't feel that selling them compromised his beliefs.

He also added that they accounted for 22% of his turnover. :good:

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I have encountered the same before................................... yet another example of people bowing down to public opinion......they all do it........shop keepers.....politians...........newspapers...................


Their faces fit what is going to put them in a favourable light every time........dam holyier than thous'...



If they could charge the same tax on shooting mags and hunting equipment as they did on fags and booze........ you'd be hearing a different story; let me tell you

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I used to work around the corner from a asian newsagents ( you know the type normally on a corner) I went in one day and asked for the Shooting Times only to be told it was against their religion to have anyone to do with guns.


Quite obviously a different kind of muslim to Osama bin Laden and his cronies.

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Funnily enough a similar thing happened to me the other day in (wait for it) Gamestation...


This would be funny if it wasn't so unbelievably STUPID:


Apparently there is directive from head office that they are not allowed to sell Cabellas hunting games or any other game involving the hunting of animals.


Funny thing is, Manhunt, possibly the sickest game ever invented, is perfectly acceptable in their eyes, as are any number of other games involving shooting / maiming / torturing people for fun.


Some people need to get a life and get their facts straight and their values in the right order.


So if you're the director of Gamestation, have a word with yourself, yeah?




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This is one of my pet hates that shops will openly sell girlie mags but wont sell shooting magazines. I have no problem if guys want to read top shop mags at all its a free country to read whatever you want but can we have magazines that we all want as well!


My local tesco has only just started selling shooting times but no other shooting mags at all but I can buy any girlie mag i want and if I want a gardening magazine at some shops they put them on the top shelf! I carnt even reach them never mind buy them! (the gardening mags that is!)


Why have shops and the big supermarkets have such double standards? I had a letter printed some months ago in the shooting times regarding this subject.


Bet she sells fireworks to the kids as well!

Edited by Jan147
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I have waited a few hours to see whether your post has been removed and whether you have received a pm, warning you of the blatancy of this suggestion.


Double standards?


Because it is not an illegal act.


You are simply asking her to stock an item in her shop at no point has a contract for sale been entered into.


I'm not sure what you're getting at

Edited by Dr W
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