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I like pigeon watch


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I like pigeon watch because of the very sound advice that is given to novice and the not so experianced shooters , by some very experianced field sportsman . We tend to forget that the inexperianced shooters have some very basic questions and they are very nervous in asking these questions in case they think they are making fools of themselves . Lets not pillage them but answer the questions in an informative and friendly manner no matter how basic the questions are . Keep up the good work posters . Harnser .

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:look: :P??? :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :yes: :yes:



I joined PW almost a year ago now, and I can't thank everybody enough for the advice, tips and tricks given to my silly questions :look:


Do I still count as a newbie?




Yes till you have done at least 3 yrs :good: :good: :look:

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Well said Harnser. I have have allways told my young lads n lasses that work for me that there is no such thing as a stupid question, just a stupid person for not asking and F....N up!


I have found this site and most of the people on it a friendly font of knowledge! :good:

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I like pigeon watch because of the very sound advice that is given to novice and the not so experianced shooters , by some very experianced field sportsman . We tend to forget that the inexperianced shooters have some very basic questions and they are very nervous in asking these questions in case they think they are making fools of themselves . Lets not pillage them but answer the questions in an informative and friendly manner no matter how basic the questions are . Keep up the good work posters . Harnser .



:look: Bloody hell he's been hacked :good::good: :look:


Tis one of the better sites :look:

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yes, ive been blasted by some of the "experts" on here a few times, threads removed because i had the Gaul to ask without searching the forum before hand...its even more frustrating and almost personal when you then see very similar posts left on ?

"this has been done to death" :good: sometimes, searching through the threads and reading tens of pages on a subject isnt so good, not with half the bickering that goes on aswell in them :good: , so its easier to just ask a quick simple question t try and get a quick simple answer...


i sugested that usful topics for beginners on things like chokes, cart loads, air rifle bores etc etc... should have stickys or there own catagory...... but no.... its easier to delete a thread and make a fool of someone because your tired of answering the same old questions...:look:


ive had some really great advice from blokes on here, there are a few on here to whom i owe all of the shooting experience ive had to date, great guys with a world of experience, who've taken me on and helped me out.... without them im quite sure id still have only managed to get out on the clays and im equaly sure id have probably gotten a little bored of that by now.... theyve helped me with technique, equipment, shoot opertunities, knowledge and most of all, i can say we've become good friends....


so yes, in short, good post harnser, not everyones an expert, some questions may get tedious, but try and remember, we all started out as newbies one day....


guys, i owe you, and i genuinely hope that one day, many moons from now, ill be in the postion to help many a newb out....


so, yes.... i like pigeon watch too !

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I like pigeon watch because of the very sound advice that is given to novice and the not so experianced shooters , by some very experianced field sportsman . We tend to forget that the inexperianced shooters have some very basic questions and they are very nervous in asking these questions in case they think they are making fools of themselves . Lets not pillage them but answer the questions in an informative and friendly manner no matter how basic the questions are . Keep up the good work posters . Harnser .



Well said that man.... now where can I get some fezant deeks? :good:

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:o :o :o :o :o


I joined PW almost a year ago now, and I can't thank everybody enough for the advice, tips and tricks given to my silly questions :o


Do I still count as a newbie?



Yes till you have done at least 3 yrs :good: :good: :look:



Excellent, I can carry on asking silly questions for two more years

:look: :look: :P???

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I like PW forums because I have, and will continue to, learn so much. On occasions I have felt like Mr. Thicky on thick day in thicksville, then just once in a while I can pass on a little bit of what I have learned either here on in the field and then I get a nice warm fuzzy feeling, or is that just the beer ??

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I like pigeon watch because of the very sound advice that is given to novice and the not so experianced shooters , by some very experianced field sportsman . We tend to forget that the inexperianced shooters have some very basic questions and they are very nervous in asking these questions in case they think they are making fools of themselves . Lets not pillage them but answer the questions in an informative and friendly manner no matter how basic the questions are . Keep up the good work posters . Harnser .


i agree but even the experianced learn some thing on here.not like many forums where people take the pee because of a basic question.

i for one always go out my way to help and some times go ott but atleast i give a newbie good advice.

sick of forums where your 1st reply would be do a search,specialy when they could of just answered the question.


dont get me wrong we get smug types in all situations and even here on pw but they soon get the message and stop posting or go else where.

one other thing about pw is the moderators! they do a good job on here,keep the place tidy and enrole in the forum.moderators help and give good advice and if you accidently up set some one they will pm you not just ban you like some places.


the amount of info on here is un real and theres plenty of people who go out there way!!


enjoy and stay here. :good:

Edited by j.stuart
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Well said that man.... now where can I get some fezant deeks? :good:


Malki ,

What you need is half a dozen dead fezants on cradles set out around a large feeder as close to the release pen as possible ,or if possible inside the release pen . You will then get some super shooting . Harnser .

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Ahh but you can always tell a real man by the pitch of his roof :good:


Sorry Harnser but which way do you lean, apex or pent?


Rgds D2D


You carnt tell the way a man leans by the pitch of his roof . You would do better to look at the hight of his wellies or the lenght of his leggings . Harnser .

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Good post harnser,

just one winge though :good: sometimes questions are answered in one reply or with various opinions again which is what a forum is all about BUT it really gets my goat when the original poster cant even be bothered to add a reply or say thanks. :good:

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I stumbled upon PW at the time I was putting in for my sgc.I had fished for 30 odd years so to start a new sport was and is a humbling experience.I have moved to an area away from all my old mates ,do shifts and am a busy family man so my shooting trips consist of me and me alone and I love it.PW makes me feel part of the shooting community and makes up for the lack of mentorship maybe.I dont get involved in the handbags ,tittle tattle or mud slinging as that is how I live my life beyond the internet but do get plenty of laughs and info from the site.I dont mind moderation either,like society in general,we are not evolved sufficiently to do without.I cant get into the other forums so apart from the odd peek have quit trying.

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Good post harnser,

just one winge though :good: sometimes questions are answered in one reply or with various opinions again which is what a forum is all about BUT it really gets my goat when the original poster cant even be bothered to add a reply or say thanks. :good:


I know what you mean harv ,and yes it dosent hurt just to say thank you . Harnser .

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