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I have just been reading Yahoo News on the Net, headlines are,' animal activists are up in arms because Prince Edwaard allegedly broke up a dog fight on a Shoot using a stick'. The usual lies have been trotted out, note Yahoo is no better than any other part of the media in this and have not asked anyone involved in gundog training or shooting of their opinion. Yet they have talked to a B Hugill of the League Against Cruel Sports, who spouts this gem, "People in field sports tend to show a complete disregard to the welfare of animals. He has truly set a sickening example." Well Mr Hugill two points, the gundog owners who I know put their dogs welfare before their own. Point two the last time I saw someone trying to break up a dog fight with their hands emerged with a Border Terrier firmly fastened to his arm . from the Border terrier hung a Jack Russel and from that Jack Russel a further Jack Russel. You break up a dog fight with your bare hands at your extreme peril.


Disgruntled blackpowder

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Am with you on this one Blackpowder, broke a fight up with my own dog and a large wiemaraner as no large stick was available i tried to use my foot...to no avail..the owner of the other dog only managed to stop it by hitting the dog with its lead neither of us were putting our digits anywhere near the pair of chainsaws rolling about the floor

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Presumably Edward was supposed to stand and watch the dogfight until it came to its natural conclusion. If one (or both) the dogs happenned to have lumps missing out of them, then so be it.


The paparazzi just love this stuff. They can sell pictures that prove nothing to newspapers that know nothing for exhorbitant sums.


I can think of no better device for stopping a dogfight than a stick. Several years ago two of my English Bull Terriers had a disagreement over who should stand closest to the fridge door as my wife opened it. They set off and had hold of each others necks. My wife and I separated them with our bare hands. I got a perforated thumb nail and my wife got two crescent shaped rows of teeth marks where incisors went into her forearm. It all happenned so quickly that neither of us to this day know which dog bit which of us.


We both went off to the sink crying. The dogs stood there watching us with their tails wagging :rolleyes:

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Unfortunately my experience of witnessing "animal control" sometimes makes me wince and if truth be known many of the dogs on my shoot are considered tools ( not all I may add) as opposed to animals,they are certainly not soft house dogs! I have witnessed dogs being kicked so hard in the ribs that the dog has gone down, dogs punched in the head, over use "to show them" of electric collars etc, all in all I suppose its how the owner has gained control, and I for one am not going to preach who is right and who is wrong, just simply saying please don't make out that all gun dogs are treat as cuddly pets? they ain't.


and as I know to my cost owners control their dog their way, which I found out once by trying to take a bird from a lab that brought a bird to me ( not my dog) and it promptly bit me, that one did need a kick!!!


cheersd KW

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I once tried to get my terrier off a fox and ended up with the fox attached to my arm,and still have the scars today.I then proceeded to say the F word more times in a minute than gordon ramsey could only dream of.The fox ran 2 mile and went to ground again in a big pipe.A terrier was put in and it KILLED the terrier and ran the hounds another 7 mile before making good his escape.One hard ******* of a fox that one !


Moral of the story.....Hit them with a stick :hmm:

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Its made for some sensational pictures but none show him hitting the dog and as yet I've only seen reports of him swiping the stick near the fighting dogs. Assaid anyone with anything to do with dogs knows when they are fighting you don't put your hands in the middle of it. He was unlucky to get photographed with such supposedly damning photos but to me he hasn't done anything wrong and they are simply up because of who he is. Were he battering them for anything else then maybe it would be different but not for stopping them fighting by slapping a stick on the ground near them.

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Most of the media reported that two labradors were playing "tug of war" with a pheasant when they were picking up after a drive.

He chased the dogs with a stick and a broken gun under his arm, there were quite a few pictures in the Mail on Sunday.


Its the sort of thing that most people would do, but if you have photographers following your every move, perhaps it was not a wise thing for him to do.

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when my mum lived here with me i always kept my two rottweilers locked up in their pen and warned her not to let them out when her german shepherd was out, as it was trying to show them it was the boss dog, and i knew my dogs wouldnt take that. so of course, doing her usual "mother knows best" routine she let them out one day with her dog, which promptly pounced on my female and tried to cower her into submission. it didnt work. luckily i got home early from work and walked outside just as they got stuck into each other, i lifted the first thing that came to hand (a length of plastic pipe) and seperated them. believe me there was no way i was sticking my bare hand in there!

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They know they are being targeted by long range photographers when their out shooting. At best Edward is a f/ing idiot for doing in on camera, at worst he is a spitful b/stard.


So what was he supposed to do, just stand there and let the dogs rip each other to bits (or a Pheasant in half depending on which story you read)?

Is him waving a stick between them more spiteful than letting them fight?


DOH :hmm:

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the only quotes were from the league of cruel sports. Presumably the Kennel club etc would have given a proper opinion. To my mind he was probably doing what any proper owner should do and certainly one that you'd see if the occurence happened on any shoot in the country. He also got flack for being so cruel to bash a pigeon that had been injured during a drive a few years earlier. I'd question whether anyone on here hasn't tapped a pigeon on the head after it had been shot but not killed.

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