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surely the best way to be when dealing with terrorists?



Define "terrorists".


I have woken up this morning to pictures of women and small children covered in claret and packed into make shift hospitals.


If you were to drop a bomb on my house whilst I slept and killed my wife and kids I might well awake with "terrorist" tendancies and an extreme dislike for those who dropped bombs on me. Would that make me a terrorist?


Violence begets violence

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It's a can of worms.


I don't have much time for Islam and even less time for terrorism, but I do think that the Palestinians have a "cause". The world sat by and allowed "Israel" to be set up on the Palestinian homeland (Palestine), just because the Bible said that that was the Jews "promised land". As the Palestinians don't "do" the Bible and I tend to regard the Bible as a popular work of fiction, it all seems like a load of cobblers to me. It's a bit like a load of Islamists coming to South Manchester and declaring it an Islamic homeland, because that's what it says in the Koran - page 542, the bit of land under Chard's house is a holy site, blessed by the Prophet Mohammed, so we're 'avin' it. I think I might wake up with terrorist tendancies too.


I don't like the methods the Palestinians use, but maybe they tried everything else. :good:

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We are stirring mess of our own making unfortunately - I'm with Hammas on this one. Israel tend to crack a nut with a sledgehammer.


Sorry if that offends, buts it's the way i see it (and i do not have an anti semmitic bone in my body)



well the way i see it is that if someone hits you and you hit back harder they should get the message not to hit you. hamas are terrorists, i know there are civilian casualties but then hamas hide behind them.

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well the way i see it is that if someone hits you and you hit back harder they should get the message not to hit you. hamas are terrorists, i know there are civilian casualties but then hamas hide behind them.


I used to think that way, however, if you think back over the last couple of hundred years when has this ever actually worked in practice?


It hasn't worked with the war on drugs, the war on terror or any other conflict you care to mention. You think of the amount of "hitting back" that has gone on in the middle East over the last hundred years and yet do we see any sign of it ending? Nope, just more "hitting back". Great.

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I used to think that way, however, if you think back over the last couple of hundred years when has this ever actually worked in practice?


It hasn't worked with the war on drugs, the war on terror or any other conflict you care to mention. You think of the amount of "hitting back" that has gone on in the middle East over the last hundred years and yet do we see any sign of it ending? Nope, just more "hitting back". Great.


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The typically harsh response's of Israel are-in my opinion-a result of 3000 years of persecution. If 6 million of your people had been murdered, you're not going to be in any kind of mood for mercy. I'm not defending Israel bombing Palestine, but don't forget the Palestinians don't endear themselves to the Israelis. Blowing yourself up on a bus packed full of children and elderley people is not the way to go about getting the support of Israel. Forgetting the politics for a moment, while politicians and soldiers make the decisions, it's usually the civilians who get hurt. They are the real victims.

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We are stirring mess of our own making unfortunately - I'm with Hammas on this one. Israel tend to crack a nut with a sledgehammer.


Sorry if that offends, buts it's the way i see it (and i do not have an anti semmitic bone in my body)



You are entitled to your opinion like anyone else, however you need educating as to that which Hammas is?and why its they who "stir" not the other way, yes Israel has been heavy handed but what else do they do.what else can they do? because if this way wont work as mungler stated, the next step up bears no thinking about.


this is part of a speech from an elected MP (hammas) Fathi Hammad:


[The enemies of Allah] do not know that the Palestinian people has developed its [methods] of death and death-seeking. For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry, at which women excel, and so do all the people living on this land. The elderly excel at this, and so do the mujahideen and the children. This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly, and the mujahideen, in order to challenge the Zionist bombing machine. It is as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: "We desire death like you desire life."


so don't cry foul when the Israelites who are trying to lead normal lives, are goaded into retaliating to hundreds of rocket attacks, and take a few schools and other civilian structures out and with the ensuing carnage that results, as fact is hammas know expect and want the death of kids and women,they do that by placing launching facilities in them.


hammas don't cry when a 13 year old boy walks up to a group of soldiers and blows them and himself to kingdom come, they don't cry when they wont let civilians cross to Egyptian aid camps and receive medical treatment, they don't cry when they have no infrastructure , quality of life, future or needs other than destroying the Zionists? to them that's everyone in the west by the way, not just those with trimmed *****!!


so when "supporting hammas" understand you are actually supporting an idealism that WOULD and WILL destroy you and yours,


cheers KW

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No. This whole thing didn't start with some rockets, it strated in 1967 when the Israeli goverment illegally occupied West Bank and Gaza and have been regularly carrying out genocide. If you were living in a country occupied for 41 years you would be a bit more than peeved off and might do something more drastic to improve your situation.

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No. This whole thing didn't start with some rockets, it strated in 1967 when the Israeli goverment illegally occupied West Bank and Gaza and have been regularly carrying out genocide. If you were living in a country occupied for 41 years you would be a bit more than peeved off and might do something more drastic to improve your situation.


So blowing yourself up on a bus full of women and children is ok? How does that improve the situation?

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