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Two (youngish) pest controllers have just made the rest of us puke. After a good days ratting, 101 killed, they proceeded to throw whole, unskinned, ungutted rat onto the brazier. A quick turn over until the skin was crisp and splitting then pull it apart and eat YES EAT the damn things.


Have they been watching too much Survivorman or what!


Sorry but I draw the line at putting something a loathesome as rat in my stomach.

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According to whoever once told me; the SAS are allowed to eat any meat whenever they are working. This includes swan and all other protected species. EXCEPT rats, because of the possibility of being infected by a disease!!



exactly !!!!! RATS CARRY DISEASE ..... end of !


if they did eat it they good luck to them .... thats if they reach 40 !

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there,s a group/tribe in india that catch rats using catapults.they wander the towns at night killing them.some are sold to the local croc farm to feed the future handbags etc the rest are thrown on a wood fire and then eaten by all the familys.all mamals are edible at the end of the day.not for me though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

we used to shoot hundreds of rats in the rafters of a pig breeding unit-when they fell amoung the pigs they were devoured in seconds by hungry pigs that, after a few weeks, used to stand and look upwards to see when the next one was coming!-these pigs end up in the food chain so perhaps weve all eaten a little Roland? : :)

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How to Cure Rat Meat


This recipe was originally intended for wild game, such as venison or boar, but works surprisingly well with roof rat meat.


This is probably best with 9 -12 well aged rats. First you need a crock that is big enough to hold the rats you want to cure. First make the brine.


For three gallons of brine, add to your crock:


1 1/2 lb. Kosher Salt, 5 oz. Sugar, 2 Tbs. Peppercorns, 1 Tbs. Whole Cloves

6 Bay Leaves, 10 Tbs. Pickling Spices, 2 Onions, Sliced , 12 Cloves Garlic, crushed, 10 Small Hot Dry Red Chiles, and enough cold pure water to make three gallons.


Stir until sugar and salt are dissolved. Add rats, do not pack tightly, they need some room. A half ounce or so of Nitrate is protection against the possibility of Botulism. When the rats are in the crock, cover them with a plate, and put something on the plate heavy enough to ensure the rats will stay submerged in the brine. Tie a cloth over the top of the crock to keep out bugs. Store in a cool spot. Turn the rats every few days. A scum of white mold may form on top, but that is normal. The rats will be ready to cook in 2-3 weeks. What you don't use immediately freezes well.


Check out this site for more: Recipes ala Roof Rat


NOTE the addition of Nitrate !!! Important Ingredient apparently :good:





Remember, a rabbit is just a big rodent. The taste of the flesh is identical.


TIP: when cooking rodents, pre-soaking up to 5 hours helps take away that pesky rodent flavor. AND the longer you cook it, with the other ingredients, the better the meat tastes.

Edited by V8mondo
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  • 4 weeks later...

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