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Horrified twitchers watch as starving buzzard kills rare phalarope


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I roared with laughter when I saw that in the paper this morning.


Some of those ******** probably drove 300 miles to see that Phalarope :good:


Very unusual for a Buzzard to go for a wader like that, they normally know their limitations, and they're not exactly the fastest and most agile of raptors :good:

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This Comment got me:


Counselling will be available for all who have been affected by this event... Paul Samways, Skipton"


Oh thank god!


...and perhaps St Ives council could recruit a "Community Outreach Buzzard Strike Grief Team Leader (£63,000pa + allowances)" in case it happens again - one can never be sure!



Homer, London,





Lovely photos though!

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Taff its rare fro them to take birds. Part of my job has been studying them for the last 12 years and only on one occasion have I seen one with a dead bird ( a coot chick ) and out of the 100s of pellets I have disected I have never found the remainds of a bird. Thats is not to say the odd individual may take the odd bird , but they are not built to be fast agile hunters like goshawks.

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A buzzard attacked my mates wife as she rode along the road on her pushbike! He hurried in his van to where she was and found her with her head and face covered in blood from the gashes it had made on her head.


The only thing I've heard like this was of someone being attacked by a tawny owl.


Has anyone here been attacked by a bird of prey?

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we had one here actually seen taking live chickens also i have seen them taking fledgling woodies, they are capable of taking rabbits so why do people think they dont take birds?

they certainly do here.



All the posts on here say it's UNUSUAL for them to take birds :angry: (which it is)


(That coupled with the fact many people identify any biggish raptor as a Buzzard :yes: )

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All the posts on here say it's UNUSUAL for them to take birds :angry: (which it is)


(That coupled with the fact many people identify any biggish raptor as a Buzzard :lol: )



i meant people in general not the previous posters i was agreeing with them actually :yes::yes::hmm:

i know what a buzzard looks like ,there are so many of them in cornwall we literally see them every day.

hope thats ok with you now chard :hmm:;):lol:

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