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Day invite from Catamong and Garyb


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Had a great morning shooting thanks to Catamong and Garyb this morning, got an invite to cover some rape with them.

Met up at 7am and drove up to the field where i was to be shooting, said goodbye to Cat and Gary (they would be shooting a couple of fields away).

Weather is looking good, overcast with a nice little breeze.

Got set up - used a magnet (with the much maligned Air-pro's to start, replaced with the first two birds shot) and tight horseshoe, with a crow atop the hedgerow.

Little slow to start, but things soon picked up, shot some great birds and missed a lot of easy ones! Was great to be shooting with someone else for once, as you know if you heard shots

you would soon be seeing birds (if any escaped), and vice versa that i was sending them their way.

Decoying skillls i'm really happy with as i had a nice stream of them coming in, but i kept missing a lot of close birds - was fine with the mid-range ones.

Here's the pattern after and hour or so...


Camo boy...


Hide, kit and results...


Ended up with 21 birds (though i couldn't find one of them, think it was in the hawthorn hedgerow, which i managed to drop a few in - ouch cut myself to shreds retrieving the one's i found).


I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but had to leave by 12 (but ran out of cartridges by 11.30 anyway!) Ratio was 1 to 3.5.

Many thanks again to Cat and Gary.

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