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Who are you voting for?


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Although not a fan of tactical voting, I must admit... I’d happily vote for a Pig nailed to a burning tree, if it meant one in the ‘hoop’ for Pa Broon and the rest of his ZaNu Liebour cronies.


I know what you are saying Lefty - I reckon I could hold my nose when voting if it meant a Labour MP would get it stuffed up them.


Last time round they wheeled out the big guns because we were a "key marginal", which meant that we not only got subjected to Blair, we got Prescott aswell.


For some reason we also got Rory Bremner dressed up as Michael Howard, shouting at the Labour tour bus to "**** off" up by the war memorial, which was the highlight of the whole fiasco. Perhaps that was why the Tory candidate won!


Some lass got nicked for throwing eggs at Prescott's bus too over the hunting ban (terror laws again :yes: ). Still, it could have been worse, she could have got a smack in the face from fatty himself!



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Bombdil, honestly fella, if Britain does not stop the tide of immigration, it may not be you that will suffer but it will be the offspring of you that will pay for it and as long as it continues, it will slowly be the death of this Nation.


Racism what are you on about, this is blatant racism in a time when there are tens of 1000's of Brits loosing their jobs and some ***** has found 4 million pound to help out non whites, if that is not racism then nothing is.


Hambone did you think of that name all by yourself lol.

:oops: Had to have help and with the spelling :yes:
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I would like to say that my previous posts were not calling members of the BNP racist, as i say, i can understand fully why people would vote BNP, they have alot of polocies i can agree with. And the affirmitive action going on, the catering of muslims, and the prioritisation of non-whites is alarming, we are surprisingly far from democracy at the moment, and people are still only just realising it.


But i think the BNP is racially focused even if the members are not, and although they have some good policies that would really help Britain, in many of the other policies racial discrimination is implicit, and this is enough to put me of. For example a halt to the immigration of non-whites. What about a black male from Germany who wants to come to britain for some perfectly legitimate reason? Why should he be declined and a white man accepted? A great reduction to immigration would make much more sense to me.

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I would like to say that my previous posts were not calling members of the BNP racist, as i say, i can understand fully why people would vote BNP, they have alot of polocies i can agree with. And the affirmitive action going on, the catering of muslims, and the prioritisation of non-whites is alarming, we are surprisingly far from democracy at the moment, and people are still only just realising it.


But i think the BNP is racially focused even if the members are not, and although they have some good policies that would really help Britain, in many of the other policies racial discrimination is implicit, and this is enough to put me of. For example a halt to the immigration of non-whites. What about a black male from Germany who wants to come to britain for some perfectly legitimate reason? Why should he be declined and a white man accepted? A great reduction to immigration would make much more sense to me.


Exactly right, eastern europeans would still be OK under the BNP!!!!!


What is needed is a imigation policy similar to Canada were we work out a demographic of skills that we need and only allow imigrants in who can provide these.

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I'm with Gunner on this one. I get along with all colours & creeds but you can't deny what is happening in this country. All of you should take a good long look as to what is happening around us and then see which party is attempting to do something about it. If you work, pay your taxes, speak english and don't slag off this country (whatever colour) then your ok with me. But should you be here living off my hard earned taxes, shouting hate of Britain and spouting muslim **** at every opportunity then i think it's time for you to **** off back where you came from!!"


Just as an example, try and go to a muslim country and say & do what they say & do in our country and see how long you last!!!


Rant over. BNP for me and my working class family :yes::oops:

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This is a very interesting read from the religion of peace, if articles like this don't make you sit up and start asking yourselves some very serious questions, then there is no hope for you.


That nobhead Choudary, should be arrested charged with inciting hatred, hung drawn and quartered or jailed for life, there is no room in Britain for SCUMBAGS like him.




Wake up people it's coming, unless you do something to stop it.

Edited by SA1Gunner
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SA1 Gunner-


It is easy for the BNP to publish a manifesto which promises things many of us want to hear. Unfortunately it is all just fantasy.

In reality if the BNP were elected and tried to put all their promises into place we would be up the creek without a paddle. The figures just don't add up. They know they stand zero chance of running the country so they can indulge in their idealistic dreams because they know they will never be asked to put them into practice.


As always, I shall be voting tory. After over a decade of liebour, Dave deserves a chance. :hmm:

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Exactly right, eastern europeans would still be OK under the BNP!!!!!


What is needed is a imigation policy similar to Canada were we work out a demographic of skills that we need and only allow imigrants in who can provide these.



the problem is the jobs we need to fill aren't the skilled jobs. Have a trip into London see who cleans the streets and toilets and all the less savoury jobs and they'll all be immigrants because our own unskilled would rather live on the dole as it is better for them. Look at who does the hardest work on all the farms in East Anglia and the really monotonous picking jobs will be 90% migrant workers for the same reason.


Personally a vote for the BNP is a vote for labour so carry on with your mozlem hate boys thats what got this current mob in last time. ts fine if you live in the valleys you won't get to see what a lot of the imigrants contribute but in civilization they are there doing the scummy jobs. Just don't believe all you read on the BNP website and the daily mail a lot of our own are far far worse

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If Scotland and wales got independence does that mean they would be self financing and not be able to vote on things that affect England. At the moment it seams it depends where you live in the country as to what services you receive. I don't think any of the parties have got the spine to sort this country IE restrict immigration and get out of the human rights act. Stand up to Europe like the french and just say no to we don't like that and wont do it. I'm not sure what the answer is to sorting the country but we seam to be slipping into a hole. Every one is ****** with the way it is being run but no one will take a stand and be hard but fair with policies. Just my two pence worth

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Lose the DM's and grow out that crew-cut, boys. Then go down to your local War Memorial to ask the ghosts of those that died what they think of extreme nationalism?


While you're there, offer a word of thanks to the tens of thousands of men from India, the Punjab, Kashmir, Nepal, Africa and the West Indies etc. Men that fought and died for this country, helped deliver us from tyranny and secured your freedom to spout ballocks on the tinternet.


If you think that the BNP is the answer; you have spectacularly failed to understand the question.

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Lose the DM's and grow out that crew-cut, boys. Then go down to your local War Memorial to ask the ghosts of those that died what they think of extreme nationalism?


While you're there, offer a word of thanks to the tens of thousands of men from India, the Punjab, Kashmir, Nepal, Africa and the West Indies etc. Men that fought and died for this country, helped deliver us from tyranny and secured your freedom to spout ballocks on the tinternet.


If you think that the BNP is the answer; you have spectacularly failed to understand the question.



I think by saying grow out of that crew cut etc you are implying that some people are living in the past and then in the next sentence you are spouting about a war that happened almost 70 year ago.


The world is a very different place now and its almost illegal to be proud of your country now.And is not the muslim faith a form of extreme nationalism,so extreme that they kill innocent people in the name of it.

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Lose the DM's and grow out that crew-cut, boys. Then go down to your local War Memorial to ask the ghosts of those that died what they think of extreme nationalism?


While you're there, offer a word of thanks to the tens of thousands of men from India, the Punjab, Kashmir, Nepal, Africa and the West Indies etc. Men that fought and died for this country, helped deliver us from tyranny and secured your freedom to spout ballocks on the tinternet.


If you think that the BNP is the answer; you have spectacularly failed to understand the question.



Round of applause that man !!

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the problem is the jobs we need to fill aren't the skilled jobs. Have a trip into London see who cleans the streets and toilets and all the less savoury jobs and they'll all be immigrants because our own unskilled would rather live on the dole as it is better for them. Look at who does the hardest work on all the farms in East Anglia and the really monotonous picking jobs will be 90% migrant workers for the same reason.


Personally a vote for the BNP is a vote for labour so carry on with your mozlem hate boys thats what got this current mob in last time. ts fine if you live in the valleys you won't get to see what a lot of the imigrants contribute but in civilization they are there doing the scummy jobs. Just don't believe all you read on the BNP website and the daily mail a lot of our own are far far worse



Lose the DM's and grow out that crew-cut, boys. Then go down to your local War Memorial to ask the ghosts of those that died what they think of extreme nationalism?


While you're there, offer a word of thanks to the tens of thousands of men from India, the Punjab, Kashmir, Nepal, Africa and the West Indies etc. Men that fought and died for this country, helped deliver us from tyranny and secured your freedom to spout ballocks on the tinternet.


If you think that the BNP is the answer; you have spectacularly failed to understand the question.


Very well put gents. Point is that BNP are more likely to win on protest alone than any of the other patriot parties. I too rather hope that if enough voters went with BNP we'd benefit from a conservative BNP government where the two parties might work together on some issues and meet near the middle. A reduction in the lavish benefits offerred to our workshy would be a good part of any party mandate.

Edited by Dave-G
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I find myself sat somewhere between tories and BNP, the torries being wet and BNP being way over the top.


So dont know what i will vote. but i know my feelings on the whole lot.


Am thinking of voting BNP but not because i want to see them in power but so if they start to grow in popularity then maybey the tories will grow a pair and stand firm and take a few small leaves out of the BNP books.


But for sure i would like to see national service bought back but with service to the health care, emergency services aswell as the millitary. I think any new comers to the contry should have to do 3-5 years national service and criminals should lose there rights the second they start to comit criminal offences. And more powers to the police and courts.


What i dont agree with is just rounding folk up and shipping them off to back to problematic contrys risking there lives etc .


Thats the basic jist of my thoughts, but wont get onto my soap box to much, putting the world to rights.

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