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High bird shooting


What is a high bird in your opinion?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Your maximum range?

    • 30-50 yards
    • 40-60 yards
    • 60-80 yards
    • Higher than 80 yards

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Hold on there pedro!!! Before anayone starts, this is not an attack on other peoples Fieldsports, just a poll for intrest. :yes:



Anyway, as you probably know, there has been alot of debate in shooting magazines recently, regarding high bird shooting! The 'Shooting Times' has given this matter alot of attention.


What is that maximum range you are willing to shoot at, providing you could use any Gun/Cartridge combo?

For me, I'm saying 40-60 yards. I've shot birds at this range, and most days have them. I think it is the maximum range I would go. Other people have their opinions. Lets hear them.



Cheers guys



I use 36 no 5 for most game shooting.

Edited by sirnovember
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Shoot within your capabilities.

The bloke in the ST shooting his 3's and 4's in 40gram loads(?), is obviously a very capable shot, but most people would just end up pricking birds at that height - if they could hit any at all.

It is up to shoot to not put on drives that promote that sort of shooting, but it is a case of supply and demand.

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Remember, this is a friendly debate. Everyone has opinions. I couldn't shoot a 80yard bird because I'm just not good engouth. Simple as.


I- think this poll is a bit silly.


It's almost like saying ''How far away are you willing to shoot a fox''.


Well, that question isn't very precise, is it? Do you mean with a shotgun? a .17? a .222? a .50? - The answer changes alot with the variables around it.

Just because you can't hit a bird at 80ft with 28 6's, properbly wouldn't be because your missing it, but that the lead wouldn't get up that far and do much damage.


Prehaps you should of rewored it to ''If you where shooting with 40g no3's, would you shoot a 70yd bird'' or something.

Edited by Bleeh
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I have not voted on this poll as the range you shoot at depends on the gun and load you use. I am happy to use 32 gr of 6s in lead on pigeons up to 50 yards in my game gun , but that is well beyond the range of of 32 gr of steel. On the other hand in my magnum 42 gr of heavi shot in 3s will cleanly kill geese at 60 yards with no problems.

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silly poll.

stuartp is right. You 'tool up' for what's most likely on offer and then keep within your capabilites. Your average syndicate shoot is not likely to bare much resemblence to a commercial shoot on hilly ground, and anyway, of those answering the poll, how optimistic are some in their judgement of distance. I believe the basc (?) did an interesting survey/test on a cross section of shooters and the results were quite astonishing as to thier perception of distance.

I'd say 30-40yds is sporting (then i shoot .410) and kill the majority of my targets, i might push another couple of yards, but the angles and kill zone offered have to be just right - see - thinky thinky about killing the target - over this, or not just right and it can fly by. Yep, maybe i could hit it, but then it's a long slog with your dog - and i find it embarrasing to watch others clearly shooting out of range of either their gun /cart combination or their own capabilities, and pricked birds are a poor result for all concerned.

Did Digweed not take a crew pigeon shooting with heavy loads and big shot and consistently kill long rangers ?Someone ask him.

i do not know why i have even written this


i think i'll stick with first comment. SILLY POLL !

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i voted 40-60yds, but that would be with the 10b and hevi shot or "T" size steel, generally would be the 30-50yds and only occasionally the 50yds if a straight driven shot or a level crosser, i wouldnt bother with any curling or tricky angled shot generally beyond 35-40yds, i'm too mean to waste shells and i like to kill what i shoot at



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I believe the basc (?) did an interesting survey/test on a cross section of shooters and the results were quite astonishing as to thier perception of distance.


I'd agree with that. I use to see this when I used to do a lot of beach fishing. I was always a very long distance caster and I often used to hear other anglers claiming that they could cast baited gear 150 yards plus. When you actually saw them on the beach, I'd say they weren't even achieving 100 yards :good:


Quite a big difference really and when applied to the distances in this poll, it would be a bit of an eye-opener

for some people :lol:


I've also heard people at Worsley, moaning about a target that they insist is about 90 yards away :lol: when it is actually about 50 yards :oops:

Edited by Chard
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Technical issues aside, its interesting to note that wildfowling, once the undisputed home of stupidly out-of-range shooting,has pretty much cleaned up its act and most clubs would deal severely with offenders.


And yet, for some reason, this disgusting habit which callously results in needlessly wounded birds has suddenly reappeared on the Hooray Henry "high bird" driven shooting scene where, in some quarters, it is positively encouraged.


The issue of wounding is one of the serious chinks in shootings armour which, if these cretins persist, will result in the banning of driven shooting.

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Its an interesting question and obviously there are different abilities of shooter and those tooled up for the job. I've seen a few extreme shots, one that springs to mind was a crow taken at 100 yards by a keeper who asked us beaters if we were just birdwatching then shot it dead, then we paced it out so know the distance. Others have been mostly pigeons while driven shooting mostly I'd guess in the 80 yard range may be a hint of luck but the memorable ones are the ones that just fold up dead from a single shot.

I'd say most have an element of luck and the crucial bit are the result of a pellet to the head, so whether its the skill to get the lead spot on or not I don't know, one things for sure in Devon when we were shooting driven pheasants that were pretty high they don't half look small when they are well up there. Its definitely more sporting but of course there is a limit personally though I'd not want to stand 100 yards from a shotgun equipped with even 6's and have it fired at me.

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I also agree that a lot of shooters have no perception of distance.

Pacing out shot birds can also be very inaccurate.

I tend to drop high driven birds between 6 and 15ft in front of me, but they weren't that far away when I shot them. :good:


On the few commercial Game Shoots that can produce the truly high pheasants referred to, most will be missed completely, some will be killed outright and any that are wounded are quickly dealt with by the picker-up teams.

Please lets keep things in perspective.

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