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After some time I have had a reasonable day!AND what a day!I shot 218 pigeons on a bean field yesterday!I got that magic farmer's call on Friday afternoon saying that there was a lot of pigeons on a bean field (pigeons were hammering that for a week,why wasnt i told earlier?).

I was there at 06.30 am and I could see the first pigeons dropping.There was no wind and could not decide how to set up the decoys.I put my magnet on one side of the pattern,a flapper with timer on the other and 2 floaters at the front.They started coming and coming despite the complete luck of wind.By 10.00 I had already shot 100 pigeons!My problem was to get them to the car as i was on my own.I had to do that 3 times and believe me its not easy to carry 70-80 pigeons for a few hundred yards!They kept coming and by 16.30 i had shot 218 with 376 shots(thats below my usual pigeon to cartridge ratio but it was not easy to keep my concentration for that long...).

I left a message on the farmer's answering machine saying that I will drop in to say thanks and leave a bottle of malt...well worth it, dont you think so?

My body is aching(especially my legs) but who cares after such a day?

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Hi TW!Unfortunately no pictures.By the end of the day I had 10(or more..)plastic bags full of pigeons by the car.I had to call somebody to give me a hand to offload the car.I have never felt as tired after shooting.I hope i will find a game dealer tomorrow as my garage is full of pigeons.

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Well done matey, what a superb days sport, and you must be one hell of a strong guy, or perhaps the woodies are a bit skinny in your area...:D, but the most i've ever been able to carry is 55 in one bag, (and i'm 6 foot 3 and 17 stone plus..!!) and no bag that I know could hold 70 - 80 birds...:lol:, still keep on zapping 'em and let us know how U get on...!!!!!!

Edited by Double H
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Thanks for your comments chaps!Double H:I have got 1 of those rucksacks with a bucket to sit on and find it very useful!I was putting 35 in there(my back is still hurting...),25 in a strong green bag and about 15 in a black bin bag on the other hand.If I had had some help with carrying the pigeons i think i would have shot more.I think i have wasted well over 1 hour and I also noticed I was missing a few each time I was returning to the hide...

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Hi Ferretmanabu!Everybody has got their own ideas about setting up but I am fairly rigid on my approach(at least at the beginning).I used 12 flocked decoys(I find them excellent) and 10 dead pigeons that i always keep in the fridge as I go out at least once a week.i like to have the wind behind me and always start with a horseshoe pattern.One of the differences with many fellow shooters is that i try to keep decoys close to the hide(15 yards) to get better chance with the second shot.I also like the magnet near the hide and put it at one side at the front of the pattern.On the other side I use a flapper.Another difference is that I use 2 low floaters at the FRONT of the horseshoe(think of the pigeons feeding and the way they move towards the front of the pattern).I used this pattern throughout my succesful day(it usually works).i am sure other people use different patterns but this has been already extensively discussed.

Hope you find this helpful,Savvas

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well done DOC. A great days shooting. and i know its a pain when you cannot get your vehicle near to the hide when you have shot a few, to well. Never done 200 on my own tough but did 187, and been at it 20 years + but last season shot 5 x 100 + days on my own. Biggest bag this season is 65, just cant get into them last last year. ( well done again )

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Nice one DOc


We went out at the weekend and shot 128 pigeons and 1 lonesome crow on Saturday and 38 on sunday.


And i know the feeling about lugging the proceeds of a good day as my hoppo carried 96 in ONE SACK well over 100 yards and today his GROIN is killing him.


Daft ******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Nice one, I'm off out tommorow and i hope i get half as many birds .... even a 50 bird day would be good , still on OSR though but watched about 200 / 300 leaving a field near catterick (N/E).


Wish me luck.


Going to try and scare them off first though ,law abiding citizen that I am. :beer:

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hi chaps!WB:I was shooting with my 13 year old Beretta S687 sporting using Rotweil special trap no7 32 gms(only because I found them for only £90 per thousand)

PM:I will bear this in mind.We had a reasonable day last summer,didnt we?If you need company for one of your days please let me know

PJ:No it was not NPPC land but itwas in the area where NPPC operates.I know that not far from where I was shooting a member had a 150 pigeon day again on beans...

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