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guardian online poll ; hunting

pegasus bridge

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There's a poll on the Guardian website that appeared yesterday afternoon. At the moment it's 36.2% to 63.8% against us:


Guardian 7.4.09


Should the Hunting Act be repealed?

Despite the Hunting Act, which bans hunting with dogs, coming into law in 2005, not a single hunt has since gone out of business and, according to the Countryside Alliance, the number of people engaging in the sport is up by 11%. Shadow justice minister Edward Garnier argues that the act is "unfair and unworkable", and should be repealed. Do you agree?






lets have our say ladies and gents - :hmm:

Edited by pegasus bridge
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From the comments section:-


"A cretinous law passed by a cretinous government. I don't care either way but the people I know who care wanted to punish the toffs. For being toffs. For existing at all. The only way to protect foxes would have been to declare them an endangered species. As there are plenty of foxes, this would have meant that the term itself became meaningless.


Yes, as the nation's so vastly wealthy and crime-free, let's have our under-employed, idle police forces out enforcing this one. And arresting people who drop fag ends. And motorists who speed by more than two miles per hour over the limit. Let's arrest everyone, especially toffs and Hooray Henry's"


Nicely put.



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Good man. :hmm:


Get voting guys. :o


And yes, Baldrick, this does mean you are going to have to visit the Guardian website twice in one day. :o


FM :o


Bloody hell. That's twice I've had to scrub myself with bleach today. But it's a small price to pay for the delight of ramming our point of view down the filthy lefties' throats.

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Out of interest what are people on PW voting....


I have voted no....


Because if hunting is returned back to the way it was then the next time is banned they will do a better job of it....at the moment most hunts (I'm supporter of hunting BTW) seem to be passing hunting as normal but within the law. Which yes makes the law look v stupid, but if it were to be repealed and banned again they would tighten the loop holes allowing it to continue as it is now..


If it is left as it is now i can't see that the law will be changed again.


BTW i'm not an anti or anything like that just my thoughts and wonder whats other are... :oops:

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I think that considering the many hundreds of hours of parlimentary time wasted on passing the Hunting Act, were it repealed and a case came forward to ban it again it would be thrown out due to the time and money spent previously in vain. Also the case of overstretched police forces having to run around the countryside trying to decipher what is or isn't legal hunting would not be a popular vote winner when they are many bigger problems in Britain right now.


FM :oops:

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I enjoyed voting on this one more :





Should postal workers be fined for dropping rubber bands?


Dickie Felton, of Keep Britain Tidy, claims red rubber bands, used to hold bundles of letters together, are littering the nation's streets after being discarded by postal workers. He proposes "shaming Royal Mail" into action by giving postal workers an on-the-spot fine of £80, with the penalty rising to £2,500 if the case goes to court. Is this a good idea?

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Guest topshot_2k
Out of interest what are people on PW voting....


I have voted no....


Because if hunting is returned back to the way it was then the next time is banned they will do a better job of it....at the moment most hunts (I'm supporter of hunting BTW) seem to be passing hunting as normal but within the law. Which yes makes the law look v stupid, but if it were to be repealed and banned again they would tighten the loop holes allowing it to continue as it is now..


If it is left as it is now i can't see that the law will be changed again.


BTW i'm not an anti or anything like that just my thoughts and wonder whats other are... :oops:


if they wanted they could change the law to close the loopholes now. Lifting the ban is only way to go, fox populations near us are increasing rapidly.

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What about this comment and the response to it towards the bottom


Shooting, does not give a clean kill unless the shooter is a marksmen and the range is short. This leaves the fox to die a terrible, slow painful death from gangrene or infection or bleeding to death or even starving to death.


Well then shoot them with a bullet that would kill them outright. You know, something like the army uses. They tend to not take prisoners.


Fantastic eh!

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