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Tescos queue


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I shop at Tescos nearly every day and when i come to join a q i try to pick one that i think is going to be nice and quick.BUT every time i join one i obviously give it the kiss of death cos it then becomes the very slowest out of all 32.Ive tried joining the q when theres a fairly fit checkout operator..no luck,then ive tried an older more experienced operator...no luck.Ive tries to judge which customer is likely to cause a slow down...no luck.It seems i have an inbuilt talent at choosing the very slowest checkout all of the time,its going along just fine and then i join the q and bang ..things go wrong.Ive even tried the self service ones but there even worse!!


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The trick is to choose the queue that looks least likely to be quick. Pick the one with a queue half way across the store, with a checkout operator that looks a little "Care in the Community" and at least 3 customers in front of you who look like stamp collectors - they're bound to have picked up the only products with no bar codes on them. They do this to be "quirky" because they read the Independent. :D


You should be first out :yes:

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I don't shop in Tesco. They treat farmers and hunters badly, as well as delivering **** food out of date and going bad to home deliveries, so I'm not going to line their pockets. Their MD over here was on the radio yesterday, talk about up his own ****. If they disappeared tomorrow I'd not notice.

Edited by JohnGalway
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How about multiple single trips to the fag counter?


ps Hardys White and Red wines £3 a bottle last night.I dont approve of their monopoly but cant afford the alternatives.

Me either...im barred from our only other supermarket Morrisons,apparently the manager told me every time i go there i hold the queues up!!! :yes:

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One would suggest that simply by putting the various goods inside your jacket (Poachers pockets are very good for this) and walking out without catching the security guards eye, this would avoid any problems with both queueing and your monthly budget, thereby killing two birds with one stone.

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it's murphys law (or sod's) any queue you pick will always be the slowest, like the lane picking on the highway,


choose the longest line as others have noticed it's moving quicker, the short queue is stuck.


otherwise, keep an eye open for the new till opening.


peace to all.


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They have a lot of men on the checkouts in Ireland then? :good:


I bet you get money off everywhere like that.... your local builder, car dealer, barber


exactly, if it works and saves me money why not :good:


you have obviously not experienced the speed they put your stuff through the till. wasnt it aldi where they made till operators wear wrist supports to stop RSI.


i thought that was just shop assistants in essex... :good:

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Try to avoid going to Tesco's if I can help it. If I have to go in there I guarantee at the till it will be quite quick untill "Coupon Man" loads up the belt, he will be the one in front of you. Does he tell the checkout person he has a mitt full of coupons? Nope! he waits until the end before presenting them.

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Their was me thinking it was the little woman. That did the weekly Shop. B)



No - the weekly shop gets done online,


it's just the mobile phone requests from 'er indoors "Whilst you are out can you just pop in to Morrisons and get a ........"


at which point I'm definitely looking at the most efficient way of completing the transaction.


Anyway, Morrison's diesel is the cheapest around here



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