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Should the Gurkha soldiers recieve British citizenship .


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Some 200,000 Gurkhas fought for Britain in World Wars I and II and more than 45,000 died in British uniform. Around 3,500 Gurkhas currently serve in the British army, including in Iraq and Afghanistan.


"When these guys joined the Gurkhas, most of them were told they had to serve 15 years, but now the British government are saying they have to serve 20 years.


This is total discrimination."


Other foreign soldiers in the British army can settle in Britain after four years' service.



Immigration Minister Phil Woolas denied campaigners' claims that the British government had betrayed the Gurkhas.


"What we've done today is to allow even more people in without setting a precedent that would create a massive pressure in my view on the immigration service, which I don't think the public would want me to grant," he told BBC television.




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prob one of the most ( if not THE most outside the sas ) loyal and dedicated british forces unit and the goverment STILL refuses them citizenship !!! absolute disgrace .


when one of our royal family served in afghanistan ( i now have a lot of respect for him for doin so too :good: ) he was protected by 3 sas men and a regiment of gurkas :lol: yet they still refuse them :good:


think its time the press hounded the goverment over this until they change their minds


and storys like this make me sick .


give the gurkas what they deserve and have earned over and over again :good:


Ive just searched and there is no petition at this time ( on 10 downing street ) for this .... so i have applied for one :hmm:


as soon as i get back confirmation i will post the link :good:

Edited by jinxy72
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Maybe they should Get Max Clifford on their case?


This just sums up Britain today, you fight for your country and get nothing.


Yet, wasters can live in costa del sol and still claim their dole and winter fuel payments (obvoulsy not the same people, or can they?)

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prob one of the most ( if not THE most outside the sas ) loyal and dedicated british forces unit and the goverment STILL refuses them citizenship !!! absolute disgrace .


when one of our royal family served in afghanistan ( i now have a lot of respect for him for doin so too :good: ) he was protected by 3 sas men and a regiment of gurkas :lol: yet they still refuse them :good:


think its time the press hounded the goverment over this until they change their minds


and storys like this make me sick .


give the gurkas what they deserve and have earned over and over again :good:


Ive just searched and there is no petition at this time ( on 10 downing street ) for this .... so i have applied for one :hmm:


as soon as i get back confirmation i will post the link :good:


Brilliant we can then show Gordan what we p.w. members want for the Gurkha's


Harnser .

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the goverment is scared of setting a president,if they let these lads in they will have to let every other nationality who served in her majestys services in.good i have no problem with that, better these loyal men than the hoards of sponging hate filled garbage from all over the world were being lumbered with today.a land fit for heroes,i think not.

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At Catton game fair there was a stand raising funds for then. How degradeing some old ladies raiseing money for their fund when the country they have faught for denies them so much, Yet we allow all the scroungers and beggers in and give them money to be here atleast they have earned the right to be here in more ways than one

Edited by Justintime
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Replied early on, just seen the news, BLOODY DISGRACE, when you go into an army canteen, you see every battalions coat of arms up on the wall and they are up there with them.


Jinksy mate BRILLIANT you could just break all replies on PW ever recorded.


Every PW member should sign this petition.


Cheers Dave.

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This is the inscription on the statue of The Gurkha Soldier in Whitehall.


Bravest of the brave, most generous of the generous, never had a country more faithful friends than you.


Then they are not allowed to stay in the country they put their lives on the line for ............... IT F*#KING STINKS!


YES, they should recieve citizenship.

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Morning all, well, what a bloody disgrace, I am nearly lost for words, (but not quite)


after abit of thought, it realy doesn't suprise me that our government turns it's back once again on ex-servicemen, with all thats in the news recently, bad housing, loads of stress related problems, poorly equipped troops, soldiers having to buy their own kit, and then when they are home from a tour they feel they cant wear their uniform, because chavs and left wing anti's spit at them for fun or in disgust. It makes you wonder why any body would still want to join up. Didn't some one on here in another post recon the government listen's to it's electorate, well hear this you toxxer's hang your bloody heads in shame, you have embaressed this country, and you have let down one of the bravest and most loyal regiments this country has ever known, I hope you rot in hell you worthless pile of cxxp

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I'm not saying no, but there's another side to this.....


The deal with Nepal is that Britain takes some of their best young men for a period after which

they return as disiplined trained leaders.


If Nepal doesn't get their part of the deal back why should they let their best your men go and

fight for a foreign country?


Perhaps they should be given a _much_ better pension so they can live very comfortably in

Nepal and give even more back?




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I'm not saying no, but there's another side to this.....


The deal with Nepal is that Britain takes some of their best young men for a period after which

they return as disiplined trained leaders.


If Nepal doesn't get their part of the deal back why should they let their best your men go and

fight for a foreign country?


Perhaps they should be given a _much_ better pension so they can live very comfortably in

Nepal and give even more back?






I think the "option" would be welcomed by them

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Its an absolute disgrace, as said in many posts these people have died for this country and this is how our government repay them, what an ungrateful bunch of S****s they really are.

Now I don’t want to sound racist but how many Muslim regiments do we have?

How many of these immigrants are actually serving this country and would any of our lads want to fight beside them (I very much doubt it).

This country is already down the pan as far as I’m concerned we let no good dregs from other countries in here to scrounge, rob, con and murder our own, yet the government still keeps letting them in.


Why not let the Ghurkhas have a crack at policing this country for a couple of weeks, there would be a massive improvement me thinks.

Edited by chopper
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