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'Graphic' threads

'Graphic' Threads  

128 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of threads started specifically to show graphic images?

    • I sometimes read them out of mild interest
    • I find them very ineresting and/or educational
    • I don't read them, but don't mind them being posted
    • They are ammo for the antis - don't do it

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Right, been here for five minutes, time for my first controversial thread :) A serious question though :(


I love to read people's accounts of their outings, it's one of the things that attracted me to the site. There are some great narrators on here and some of the descriptions and pictures of a successful days sport are really inspiring. I really like to see bag photos too, especially with the proud hunter with an ear to ear grin of pride and satisfaction. Inevitably some of these will depict a splash of blood, par for the course if it's incidental to the story, rather than the focal point.


However, what's with the threads that make a point of being 'graphic', usually with the word itself prominently featured in the title, where the first post shows some disembowelled pile of pink snot and fur that used to be a creature of some sort. Sometimes, just sometimes it seems to me that one or two people might be getting their jollies by boasting about how much of a mess they can make, as opposed to celebrating a successful stalk, challenging shot, or showing respect for a worthy quarry etc.


Fair do's for warning people, but surely most people on here are under no illusions as to what can sometimes happen when bullet meets flesh and bone? I'm not squeamish and am well aware of what a high velocity bullet can do. I know all the arguments about 'can't get deader than dead', 'no such thing as overkill', 'at least it didn't suffer' etc etc. I also know that it just happens that way sometimes. But why oh why feel the need to go out of your way to select the goriest photos you can find and draw attention to them in a thread title that is going to feature prominently in a Google search by an anti looking for ammunition ('scuse the pun)?


Our sport is constantly under attack. The general public, by and large don't give a toss about shooting and their opinion is easily swayed. A selection of images and the comments that go with them taken from this site and others could easily be taken out of context or twisted to portray us as bunch of sad inadequates who get sick kicks from mutilating animals and photographing the results. I'm playing Devil's advocate here - I know that is not what people here are about, but that is how it could easily be portrayed.


Reading though what I've just written it sounds a bit preachy which I didn't intend, maybe I could have worded it better but I do feel quite strongly about this. I just wonder what others think? Is it just me? Should we exercise a little restraint? Or am I just being a big Jessie?

Edited by Blunderbuss
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basically, it all comes down to peoples choice, they wanna post it, then let em, and besides, Graphic, threads are usually just accidental shots, its just an accident **** happens, dont boter bringing this sorta **** up mate, just starts an arguement...!

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Would agree with you there.

Can i suggest that maybe the section with gorey photoes be blocked from public view? Is tht even possible? Just a suggestion.

these antis will protest at any picture of a dead animal so maybe it would be best if that thread was member only? Maybe im completely wrong but thought id mention it

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Why on earth would you block it ? If your going to cry like a baby then get a filter stopping you seeing anything grown up. I don't mind photo's like that bacause that's the reaity of the sport. If your going to be shooting something its going to bleed and do damage. I don't see why anyone would enjoy hunting but be upset about seeing pics like that! THATS PART OF THE SPORT.


Fair enough its not the prettiest part or the most appealing part but its still a part! Besides if you'd even prefer to not look at them that's the reason that the poster has gone out of there way to say that the images are "GRAPHIC" and if anyone that may be offended or upset by them shouldn't view them. If your offended/upset by graphic pictures why the hell would you open a thread labelled "GRAPHIC - Last nights hunt" or whatever the title is!


As for the Ammo for the anti's arguement. I say **** the Anti's. Regardless of what pics you post they are going to get some over the top graphic pic to use!

Seeing a rabbit with its head blown off from a 17HMR or 223 just shows me you've done a good job and that animal didn't suffer. :( id rather it had a good clean kill than hit with something that didn't kill it and lay around screaming in pain for a while :)

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Why on earth would you block it ? If your going to cry like a baby then get a filter stopping you seeing anything grown up. I don't mind photo's like that bacause that's the reaity of the sport. If your going to be shooting something its going to bleed and do damage. I don't see why anyone would enjoy hunting but be upset about seeing pics like that! THATS PART OF THE SPORT.


Fair enough its not the prettiest part or the most appealing part but its still a part! Besides if you'd even prefer to not look at them that's the reason that the poster has gone out of there way to say that the images are "GRAPHIC" and if anyone that may be offended or upset by them shouldn't view them. If your offended/upset by graphic pictures why the hell would you open a thread labelled "GRAPHIC - Last nights hunt" or whatever the title is!


As for the Ammo for the anti's arguement. I say **** the Anti's. Regardless of what pics you post they are going to get some over the top graphic pic to use!

Seeing a rabbit with its head blown off from a 17HMR or 223 just shows me you've done a good job and that animal didn't suffer. :( id rather it had a good clean kill than hit with something that didn't kill it and lay around screaming in pain for a while :)


Block it from non members trolling websites, and then bringing up 'i seen this on...'.

Not block it from everyone. I am not going to cry like a baby big thug, as i am a member i would be able to view it. i also said it was a suggestion. Another site i post on has the safety and security section blocked to non members. Im thinking of the sport here

Aswel, from my experience the graphic warning wont stop the antis. i say **** them too but its better for the sport not to have this hardship if you know what i mean

Edited by DustyIrl
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Why on earth would you block it ? If your going to cry like a baby then get a filter stopping you seeing anything grown up. I don't mind photo's like that bacause that's the reaity of the sport. If your going to be shooting something its going to bleed and do damage. I don't see why anyone would enjoy hunting but be upset about seeing pics like that! THATS PART OF THE SPORT.


Fair enough its not the prettiest part or the most appealing part but its still a part! Besides if you'd even prefer to not look at them that's the reason that the poster has gone out of there way to say that the images are "GRAPHIC" and if anyone that may be offended or upset by them shouldn't view them. If your offended/upset by graphic pictures why the hell would you open a thread labelled "GRAPHIC - Last nights hunt" or whatever the title is!


As for the Ammo for the anti's arguement. I say **** the Anti's. Regardless of what pics you post they are going to get some over the top graphic pic to use!

Seeing a rabbit with its head blown off from a 17HMR or 223 just shows me you've done a good job and that animal didn't suffer. :( id rather it had a good clean kill than hit with something that didn't kill it and lay around screaming in pain for a while ;)

I didn't ask for it to be blocked, I don't "cry like a baby" or personally get upset by it, I accept it happens so not sure where the "grown up" comment comes from? :) I am just suggesting that focusing in on that particular aspect of the sport doesn't do us any favours in the wider world. I'm genuinely interested what others think, if you disagree fine, but spare the insults.


If your offended/upset by graphic pictures why the hell would you open a thread labelled "GRAPHIC - Last nights hunt" or whatever the title is!

Perhaps because you are an anti fieldsports campaigner who is actively seeking images to support your cause? You only have to look at the anti hunting and snaring websites to see pictures which have been used against those activities, pictures which probably wouldn't bother anyone on here, but then that's not who they are aimed at. The pictures on here are probably off these peoples radar, but the more that are posted the less chance of that staying the case.


Please understand that I'm not having a personal dig at anyone, the images do not bother me in the slightest, I'm just suggesting that in this day an age we have to be a bit more media and image savvy to protect the future of the sport. Is that unreasonable?

Edited by Blunderbuss
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Thanks for that. i might not have explained it great but you get what i mean.

Just on that, i have no problem looking at them BigThug, im talking about non hunters. I never said i have a problem looking at them, nor do i cry like a baby, So read a post fully before jumping down someones neck.

Edited by DustyIrl
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I think they're pointless, certainly do field sports no good at all in a world where the majority frown on them.


Personally, I think it's a sign of immaturity :)


Reminds me of Bunny in Platoon




"Wow, maaaaaaaaan, did you see his ******* head explode?"


I'm not squeamish, I'm impossible to shock, I just don't see any point to them at all, they have a slightly Rambo-esque teenage thing about them :(


Though I only shoot clays, I thoroughly enjoy reading trip reports and seeing photos of the bag, be it shooting, ferreting or fishing. But a photo of half a juvenile rabbit doesn't impress me, it's just roadkill ;)


This "**** the antis" attitude makes no sense to me at all. Anything that feeds them ammo has got to be bad news.

Edited by Chard
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Soory chard for the **** the antis saying. i was letting big thug know i was on the same page. Everyone to their own and all that but i just dont agree with them. A group in ireland released near 1000 minks from a farm, thought this was great etc. But the minks came up the rivers and killed a group of pet/wild ducks that were living in the centre of the village for years and years. Theres not one there now which is a shame. They dont think things through. Anyway back to topic in hand.

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I don't pay the threads much attention, but occasionally read them in moments of utter boredom. The pigeon/rough shooting and deer stalking reports I'd happily read, but I see more than enough rabbits and foxes to deter me from reading those threads.


They are excellent fodder for the antis. Anyone who thinks shooting is safe from their glare is deeply misguided.

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I don't pay the threads much attention, but occasionally read them in moments of utter boredom. The pigeon/rough shooting and deer stalking reports I'd happily read, but I see more than enough rabbits and foxes to deter me from reading those threads.


They are excellent fodder for the antis. Anyone who thinks shooting is safe from their glare is deeply misguided.


I am with Baldrick on this and could not be more so. Even if it is a closed forum, and you can post what you want, you might have a mole/troll on the forum who is an anti, you are just playing into their hands. I foe one do not want to contribute to the death of our sport or way of life. It means too much to me.



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I am with Baldrick on this and could not be more so. Even if it is a closed forum, and you can post what you want, you might have a mole/troll on the forum who is an anti, you are just playing into their hands. I foe one do not want to contribute to the death of our sport or way of life. It means too much to me.




Would you have anything to suggest ft? I dont post these pictures either, a lot of forums will take the more graphic ones down. Im not saying thats what i want i was just saying.

Has there been much trouble with antis on this forum??

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Funnily enough, Bunny from Platoon is exactly what comes to my mind too.


IMHO unless whatever bullet used has done something really unusual (ie causing far more or far less damage than expected) and the shooter is asking for ideas on why this might be, I really dont see the point in the "Look at it's freak'in head" threads.



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dangerous ground this one :)


while i have no problems seeing pictures of shot game/vermin some of the threads that have been posted lately have been perfect material for anti's. its not even the pictures, its the attitude of some people (like chard said) about the whole thing - its the "wow! look at how this ****er came apart" sort of thing. yes, we are all aware what damage a .223 does to a crow, or a .17hmr does to a young rabbit when it hits bone, or how a pigeon shot at 12" from the muzzle of a shotgun disintegrates into a fine red mist and a red feathery cowpat, but do we really need to be gloating over the pics?


i remember reading lately of someone who deliberately aimed at the shoulder of a rabbit to get the graphic results - fair enough thats your business, personally i prefer being able to eat the meat after i shoot, but if thats what you want then go for it as long as its a clean kill. but why post the results here in an open forum and say they did it deliberately? do you expect everyone to turn round and say "wow, thats gross, youre so cool!!";)??? :(


one thing that i hate is people not respecting their quarry, if we dont have respect were no better than 13 year old chavs shooting sparrows with an air rifle to see the splat. sitting here posting pics of rabbit thats have been turned inside out and gloating over them is not respect imho.


btu thats just me. and chard, howd you get that pic of me with my pump action?!?!? ???

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dangerous ground this one ;)


while i have no problems seeing pictures of shot game/vermin some of the threads that have been posted lately have been perfect material for anti's. its not even the pictures, its the attitude of some people (like chard said) about the whole thing - its the "wow! look at how this ****er came apart" sort of thing. yes, we are all aware what damage a .223 does to a crow, or a .17hmr does to a young rabbit when it hits bone, or how a pigeon shot at 12" from the muzzle of a shotgun disintegrates into a fine red mist and a red feathery cowpat, but do we really need to be gloating over the pics?


i remember reading lately of someone who deliberately aimed at the shoulder of a rabbit to get the graphic results - fair enough thats your business, personally i prefer being able to eat the meat after i shoot, but if thats what you want then go for it as long as its a clean kill. but why post the results here in an open forum and say they did it deliberately? do you expect everyone to turn round and say "wow, thats gross, youre so cool!!"?????? :)


one thing that i hate is people not respecting their quarry, if we dont have respect were no better than 13 year old chavs shooting sparrows with an air rifle to see the splat. sitting here posting pics of rabbit thats have been turned inside out and gloating over them is not respect imho.


btu thats just me. and chard, howd you get that pic of me with my pump action?!?!? ;)


+1 babbyc1000. Worded better than i could :(

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Guys don't take offence I wasn't saying anyone here would "cry like a baby." As most people here being hunters have experienced that kind of thing first hand!

More towards the people like the trolls who have nothing to do about the sport and cry about how we go about our sport and try to stop or control us!


That's why I say **** the anti's! Don't let them even try to stop us enjoying what we are free to do! However I do agree that it might be a good idea to make alot of the site private to members or members who've been here a while :(

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This thread has come up in the past and i have allways been against the showing of dead game and graphic pictures of foxes and rabbits blown to pieces . The gore dosent bother me in the least ,but is ammo for the antis . What i shoot is quietly moved into the food chain for eating and freezing . Thease graphic pictures allways seem a bit juvenile and school boyish to me . Whats the point to them ,please tell me . Do they make somebody feel good ,if they do my advice is to stay away from them . The shooting of wild game is a responcible activity and should be carried out by responcible people who can show a certain amount of respect for their quarry . Posting graphic pictures on the internet is not my cup of tea .

Harnser .

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How can anyone find them "Interesting"?


I very rarely look at them again not because I am sqeamish or they offend me I just have no need to look at a rabbit/fox/magpie that has half of it missing or its guts hanging out.


As for the "Bunny from platoon" attitude you really need to take a long hard look at yourselves in a mirror.

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who is that in relation to? I thought the lads who said that have the same views as you?


I think MC just meant that if you are excited by things blowing apart, you need to take a good look at yourself, or get help ;)


I've seen posts on here before, which are clearly from people who just want to "shoot stuff". You know the thing :


"I saw a seagull the other day - can I shoot them?"

"There's a woodpigeon on my neighbours lawn, is it legal to shoot it?" :(

"Can I shoot cats/dogs/hamsters/guinea pigs/hares/badgers/red squirrels/dormice/beetles/dragonflies?"


It's like they're desperate to get something dead :)


I have to wonder at this place in Essex, what is it, Miss Judy's Farm. Plinkers Paradise, you get to shoot anything that moves (if you can find anything that moves). Seems a bit schoolboy/chav/odd to me. Maybe I'm just picky ???

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I think MC just meant that if you are excited by things blowing apart, you need to take a good look at yourself, or get help ;)


I've seen posts on here before, which are clearly from people who just want to "shoot stuff". You know the thing :


"I saw a seagull the other day - can I shoot them?"

"There's a woodpigeon on my neighbours lawn, is it legal to shoot it?" :(

"Can I shoot cats/dogs/hamsters/guinea pigs/hares/badgers/red squirrels/dormice/beetles/dragonflies?"


It's like they're desperate to get something dead :)


I have to wonder at this place in Essex, what is it, Miss Judy's Farm. Plinkers Paradise, you get to shoot anything that moves (if you can find anything that moves). Seems a bit schoolboy/chav/odd to me. Maybe I'm just picky ???


Oh yeah, i just thought it was in relation to previous posters. I have seen a few newbie shotgun shooters at tha kind of thing. Songbirds etc.

Dont worry im not some freak who gets excited by "the bigger the splat the better'. Always for the quick clean kill. I dont know the need of these pictures. I think id rather pictures of good shot placement etc than lokking at something that once resembled an animal

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Would you have anything to suggest ft? I dont post these pictures either, a lot of forums will take the more graphic ones down. Im not saying thats what i want i was just saying.

Has there been much trouble with antis on this forum??

Dusty, I do not have the experience of managing sites like these, so I do not know if problems have occurred with anti's. I just think that it is probably in our sports interest to provide the general public with our best "profile", and not to give the misguided anti's any ammo to use against us.


Just to qualify this; I personally do not have any qualms about shooting living things, I do prefer to eat what I kill, but would quite happily kill vermin, and not eat them, if they were a problem.


Atb, ft

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