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Human Kindness


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This bloke was on the radio yesterday.He has had a random poor person at his for xmas dinner every year for 40 year and already given away millions to charity over the years.He did say his daughter and son were not ecstatic about him giving away their inheritance,but he said he couldnt take it with him and would rather other people benefited from it.A bit wacky and eccentric but nice all the same.

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How amazing, and a brilliant cause too!


The MacMillan nurses made the passing of both my grandfathers very comfortable and dignified. The ambulances they were taken home to die in were a disgrace, so custom transport sounds like a brilliannt idea.

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Ironically, although - granted the other end of the spectrum, it makes me think of people like Bono and bob Geldof how get up on their soap boxes and preach to us common folk about giving to charity whilst their bank balances increase astronomically by the second.... Hypocritical F wits


In this case though Good on the fella - If he truely is selling up the lot and giving it to Cancer research. However you could argue that he could have done it a bit earlier in life though, surely 16 Million quids worth of real estate is more than enough for 30 families let alone one.....

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Ironically, although - granted the other end of the spectrum, it makes me think of people like Bono and bob Geldof how get up on their soap boxes and preach to us common folk about giving to charity whilst their bank balances increase astronomically by the second.... Hypocritical F wits


In this case though Good on the fella - If he truely is selling up the lot and giving it to Cancer research. However you could argue that he could have done it a bit earlier in life though, surely 16 Million quids worth of real estate is more than enough for 30 families let alone one.....



Not sure what you mean by the last sentance? The old boy worked, speculated and took risk to earn that money starting from nothing. He has earnd that money. ~The other 30 families could have made the same money if they took the same path he did!


Good on the old boy though. Our politicians could do with taking a leaf out of his book; greedy ********.



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In this case though Good on the fella - If he truely is selling up the lot and giving it to Cancer research. However you could argue that he could have done it a bit earlier in life though, surely 16 Million quids worth of real estate is more than enough for 30 families let alone one.....


There's just no peasing some folk, damned if you do damned if you don't, I bet you haven't given 16 quid to charity and yet you'll bitch about this guy, jeez

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