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does anyone want to improve


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easy question really.


it seems quite a few people on here shoot clays on a regular basis yet not many seem happy with their shooting for one reason or another.


my question is, does anyone actually want to do well at clay shooting and win big shoots and go for county, country honours. or are people just happy in what they are doing. :good::yes:


just me being nosey.

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Yes please :good:


I'd love to be in a position to contest for County honours and beyond one day but realize that it's a long road ahead; shooting is going to have to take a back seat for a little while whilst I adjust to being a new dad as Mini T is scheduled to arrive in late August :yes: I wouldn't swap that opportunity for the world though :lol:

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Happy to want to shoot to the best of my ability having regard to the fact that I have my own business, a young family and a life; the sacrifices required (time and money) to go that extra mile for those extra few clays is just not worth it to me.


Moreover, the whole set up of competitve clay shooting in this Country (via the CPSA) is a total and utter farce. I would love to know the proportion of people who shoot registered as opposed to haybale - I think one would dwarf the other. Anyhows, I am done giving them my money for nothing - in the last 3 years I don't think there has been 1 regisered ESP shoot in Essex. Yet if you look outside of the CPSA to the Essex Masters, the Essex team shoot (this coming bank holiday Monday) and the Mays shoot at the end of the year, you will see there is plenty of good ESP shooting in Essex but at "haybale level". For my 2p, I reckon BASC should set up a subset of their organisation and sort out the clay shooting world.

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Damned right I wanna improve. However, it's dawning on me that I gotta serve the time first, being only shooting (properly) for 15 months. Had a nice (and typical) rise in ability early on and was actually high gun at a few strawbale shoots during last year, not to mention winning the inaugural and highly prestigeous Daddy title. :good: Then there was a plateau and then a decline. Whilst speaking to Dave Peckham yesterday, he mentioned that this is considered normal.


Been reading on other forums and sites that there is a 5 - 6 year apprenticeship to serve before becoming consistantly good, if you stick at it, and I guess the game has to be played.

Edited by Peter De La Mare
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Been shooting for just over 6 months now and at first showed some rapid progress ie hitting something rather than **** all - Seems to have leveled out lately if not got worse.


Not aiming for county standard or to win any major registered shoots but would like to reach a decent standard. Be happy to become a damed good Haybaler - perhaps i've left it too late

Edited by Bigweed
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People always "level out" in my opinion :lol:


I couldnt count the amount of people who start quite well, then kind of loose thier higher scores somewhere along the line. I always say, consistency is the thing, its not your highest score that matter as as much as you avarage!


Me I've been shooting clays only about 4 years (used to shoot air rifles and stuff) and I definately don't think I've "topped out" yet, my scores are still improving (mostly!), and thats what I want.


I know Chard will probably berate me for inverted snobbery, but I remember when I first used to shoot ay my local clay ground, most of the regulars used to sniff quite a bit at my synthetic Mossberg, but I do think I've got 'em round now, well, at least, they don't say anything, probably because I've outstripped them in scores as time has gone by. Not that I'm a top shot, just that some of them wern't really very good :good:


So, do I want to improve, christ on a bike, yes I do.



I just want to do it with a pump action :yes:

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I think it was the Sex Pistols that said "we don't practice, we want to stay bad"

I have days when I can hit them and days when I can't, but do I want to spend all my waking hours thinking about clay disks, and the ones that got away? no thanks.

For me, and I guess those I shoot with it is something we do from time to time, a social activity with a bit of friendly 'competition' thrown in amongst us.

If I put more into it, I know I wouldn't enjoy it as much.

I was a fiercly competaive squash player years ago and resisted the urge and the advice to take it to the next level, for exactly the same reason.

Shooting clays is a small percentage of what I do in my spare time so for me the answer would have to be I am happy as I am.

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I'd like to learn how to concentrate :good:


I used to think I was happy doing it for the craic, but I think I want a bit more than that. :lol:


Might have left it a bit late though, at 54 I can't see me getting a lot better. However I think if I could train my head better, I'd do well, because I can hit the sodding things, but then my head goes walkabout and I chuck it all away. Did it again at Worsley today. I straighted 7 stands, but managed to end up on 79 :yes:

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I'd like to learn how to concentrate :good:


I used to think I was happy doing it for the craic, but I think I want a bit more than that. :lol:


Might have left it a bit late though, at 54 I can't see me getting a lot better. However I think if I could train my head better, I'd do well, because I can hit the sodding things, but then my head goes walkabout and I chuck it all away. Did it again at Worsley today. I straighted 7 stands, but managed to end up on 79 :yes:



Blimey, Are you only 54?


Seriously though I think you have hit the nail on the head. Concentration is everyones downfall. I can normally shoot over 70% of the clays on any stand. I can go on to shoot 9 out of the 10 yet if I do that it is normally the last bird I miss. It is usually just as you think these are all in the bag you flick over the top


I was on a corporate day last year on was on for a straight and missed the very last bird

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I'd like to learn how to concentrate :good:


I used to think I was happy doing it for the craic, but I think I want a bit more than that. :lol:


Might have left it a bit late though, at 54 I can't see me getting a lot better. However I think if I could train my head better, I'd do well, because I can hit the sodding things, but then my head goes walkabout and I chuck it all away. Did it again at Worsley today. I straighted 7 stands, but managed to end up on 79 :yes:


Shoot more skeet and DTL, that'll learn you how to concentrate :lol:

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I'm in it for the weekend shoots, i love shooting shotguns and the craic with friends. As Mung said, i too have a young family etc and the simple haybales gives me my selfish afternoon out of fun and frolics once a week/fortnight. However, it nice to do well so I do compete with myself, and it's good when shooting with familiar friends that you can judge yourself against them. I do have some bogey birds and new layouts that i'm working on, it comes when it comes.

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Blimey, Are you only 54?


Seriously though I think you have hit the nail on the head. Concentration is everyones downfall. I can normally shoot over 70% of the clays on any stand. I can go on to shoot 9 out of the 10 yet if I do that it is normally the last bird I miss. It is usually just as you think these are all in the bag you flick over the top


I was on a corporate day last year on was on for a straight and missed the very last bird


I've had a hard life :yes:


On for a straight? That would be a haybale flipper flopper Boy Scout amateurs Sunday driver mothers meeting picnic I expect :good:


Not a proper shoot :lol:

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Oh good god no,


I don't go in for all that proper shoot nonsense. This was one of those shoots where 99% of clay shooters go to. You know the ones, the sort that the CPSA nerds frown upon and then go to if they think they can win £20 or 100 cartridges.

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I have never pictured myself on the podium next to faulds and digweed.


But I would like to hit every clay eye see :good:


And I have found entering into club comps is really entertaining, and in reality your only shooting against yourself.

I suppose at the moment I'm one of those that isnt happy with my standard of shooting, but it dos'nt stop me really enjoying it at the same time :yes: .

Edited by annihilator
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I'd like to learn how to concentrate :good:


I used to think I was happy doing it for the craic, but I think I want a bit more than that. :lol:


Might have left it a bit late though, at 54 I can't see me getting a lot better. However I think if I could train my head better, I'd do well, because I can hit the sodding things, but then my head goes walkabout and I chuck it all away. Did it again at Worsley today. I straighted 7 stands, but managed to end up on 79 :yes:



Well you can't get any worse :lol::lol:

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I want to get back to where I was 15 years ago. That was good enough to win trophies and quite a few pounds. In the intervening years - chopped the tip off my trigger finger - grew back, lads got into motocross for 10 years (ruined my weekend shooting) and then one of my verterbrae - T6 or T7 (can't remmber) disintegrated after being attacked by MRSA. I want to improve and would settle for my former level.

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Been shooting for just over 6 months now and at first showed some rapid progress ie hitting something rather than **** all - Seems to have leveled out lately if not got worse.


Not aiming for county standard or to win any major registered shoots but would like to reach a decent standard. Be happy to become a damed good Haybaler - perhaps i've left it too late


......You fibber Dave....!!! lol..... yes you do!!! :good: ..... what was it you said the other day "always need to be pushing the boundaries"?


agree with Mung ref. the dedication bit. I would like to be in the position to dedicate the time (& money), but certainly am not at present. would love to have a 12 month period where I could practice 3 times a week & travel round to shoot across the country..... hopefully one day!


at present, 6 months in to shooting with an inconsistent technique.... I'll stick to the weekend's of shooting & save for a few more lessons!

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......You fibber Dave....!!! lol..... yes you do!!! ^_^ ..... what was it you said the other day "always need to be pushing the boundaries"?


agree with Mung ref. the dedication bit. I would like to be in the position to dedicate the time (& money), but certainly am not at present. would love to have a 12 month period where I could practice 3 times a week & travel round to shoot across the country..... hopefully one day!


at present, 6 months in to shooting with an inconsistent technique.... I'll stick to the weekend's of shooting & save for a few more lessons!


dedicate time and money !!! :yes: ....... now coming from u that has to be a joke :lol: how many guns u had in last 12 months ? eh hmm ? oh and the nice shiney new landy to hold the guns with the designer doggie cage for the carts and ur secret drawer for the gun itself :o :lol:


not to mention ( :P ) how many shooting jackets u got :lol:


no seriously .. i would love to make it to county level in a discipline but with a family and work i just aint got the time :good:

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easy question really.


it seems quite a few people on here shoot clays on a regular basis yet not many seem happy with their shooting for one reason or another.


my question is, does anyone actually want to do well at clay shooting and win big shoots and go for county, country honours. or are people just happy in what they are doing. :yes::lol:


just me being nosey.



Think you should get back on board :good: or you looking for an apprentice ?




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I can go on to shoot 9 out of the 10 yet if I do that it is normally the last bird I miss.


I was on a corporate day last year on was on for a straight and missed the very last bird



The answer or rather the question about improvement is a simple one, "Is the prize worth the price" in other words if winning to you is not worth the sacrifices neccesary (practice time,cost,effort,family sacrifice) to achieve that goal then you have the wrong goal.


I also believe performance level is all in the mind.


By reinforcing your errors & talking about them you increase the probability that you will do them over & over again.


Next time you get to that last bird I guarantee those very thoughts will now pop into your mind, dont be surprised if you miss because your mind is picturing missing that last bird & not hitting it as it should be.


You have to keep the contious mind occupied with something that will help your score & not hurt it, never ever talk or write about your mistakes, that only reinforces failure in your mind, picture hitting the birds nothing less.


If you can hit 9 out of 10 you can hit 10 out of 10, you are technicaly able to do it, your skill level is high enough, the rest is all mental.





Edited by neil smith
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