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New Pope

jonno 357

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Well I lost my stake on this, I was sure you RC guys would be getting a black pope this time. :thumbs:


Never was any good at betting :lol:


Not much in favour of the Vatican ethos, the richest religion in the world followed by some of the poorest people in the same world. Not much done to help them by the church.


Sorry, no more religious comments.


Tin hat now VERY firmly on, making for the door..................................SLAM, gone.

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Apparenty Jackson is in Big Trouble He said last year


" I swear on the Popes life I didnt touch those Kids " :thumbs: :lol::lol:


Good Luck to Eggs Benedict the 16th... hes got a lot on his plate..


Look out Gays and Lesbians, this guy is a bit radical in his views... you are intrinsically perverted and even if you cant have sex with each other you must not masturbate either. However if you want to go out and commit a load of crimes as long as you confess on Sunday and put £ 50 quid in the coffers then thats all right.


Not being a RC I dont care.. but would like to have seen a younger man and not just the same guy who has been behind JP for the last 5 years... Punch and Judy come to mind or Harry Corbet & Sooty.... Oops sorry I meant carbon particluates given off during organic cumbustiony


Can this guy actually acheive anything worthwhile at his age :lol: William Hill are already opening a book on his successor.



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I simply cant see any sense in voting in a chap thats gonna need replacing sooner than later. Not that i'll have anything to do with it nor am I a fortune teller, but 78....sheesh!


But then he was aiding the JP for some many years, maybe thats why?!

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