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Have to call the police every time you go to a shoot!


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Has anyone read the latest 'Sporting Gun'? I don't have it to hand but there is an article in there where a particular council (can't remember which)are proposing to make it law where every time you go out to shoot on a farm you need to call the police to inform them! Apparently this is so that they can reduce the number of false alarms where the police are called out because of gun shots etc.


My god! I mean, how many callouts can one council possibly get in a single day compared to how many people go out shooting? They prefer to get a few hundred calls to say 'I'm going to shoot on such and such land' instead of the odd false alarm call out.........erm, that makes a lot of sense! To save a couple of plod going for a drive to check out what they probably know will be a false alarm, they would have to create a whole call centre to manage the amount of calls informing them that people are going out for a shoot.


Well BASC has/is telling them what a ridiculous idea this is, so well done BASC :look:

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im sure northumbria will love that ( NOT)

which blithering idiot thought that one up i wonder

just out of daftness how many of us would fone local force to let them know we going out shooting

im sure they will have better things to do than take hundreds of fone calls from us saying : (oh bye the way im of out shooting just thought id let you know)

christ knows what people think when they here my .243 going bang bet they think christ what the hells that and maybe they can fone police (save me doing it LOL)

even more so at late at night when im out shooting the foxes ( dont half echo across the hills for miles )

mind you ive been stopped when leaving one farm by a big scotch policeman in a 4x4 and all he said was you been lamping and i said yep and away he went

so guess he already knew about me shooting no doubt someone had foned local police

but it on their records who shoots were espeacily with fac

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"Hello, is that the council civic offices?"


"Yes, can I help you?"


"I`m going shooting tonight."


" Why are you telling me this? We are the civic administrators for the area. I can help if your bins have`nt been emptied but the fact you`re going shooting is of no interest to me. Try phoning someone who gives a ****, Like the POLICE"

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What a load of old horlicks . I have never informed the poice when i have been out shooting and in fifty years of shooting i have only been questioned once by the police and that was when i was going for a stalk first light and the farm i was shooting on had been burgled and the cops were swarming all over the place .

When ever i am out shooting i am allways acting within the law and have nothing to worry about .What about a farmer wanting to put out his gas guns ,will he have to get permission . What a load of old horlicks . If this should ever come in it will be another nail in the human rights coffin of the law abiding citizen . If this stupid law ever comes about i will truly pack it all in .

Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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Kent police actively encourage people to phone and advise them when they are shooting, all you need to do is give an approx start/finish time, location, what you are shooting, vehicle reg, name, address, contact number and i think that`s everything.


I live in Kent,and have never informed the police as to when or where i'm shooting,and i've never been asked to.seems strange that you are being asked,Who was it that said to inform them? :good:

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I live in Kent,and have never informed the police as to when or where i'm shooting,and i've never been asked to.seems strange that you are being asked,Who was it that said to inform them? :good:


Nor me and Ive been shooting for yonks in Kent, never heard of this before, tell any local residents living nearby just out of courtesy, but never the police.


Most of us living in the country are used to late night bangs, someone somewhere will be out Foxing/ Rabbiting most nights.


Rgds D2D

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"Hello, is that the council civic offices?"


"Yes, can I help you?"


"I`m going shooting tonight."


" Why are you telling me this? We are the civic administrators for the area. I can help if your bins have`nt been emptied but the fact you`re going shooting is of no interest to me. Try phoning someone who gives a ****, Like the POLICE"

:good: :blink: :good:

It always puzzles me the things people ring the council about! This would be like ringing a pizza shop to tell them your house is burning down! :D



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"Hello, is that the council civic offices?"


"Yes, can I help you?"


"I`m going shooting tonight."


" Why are you telling me this? We are the civic administrators for the area. I can help if your bins have`nt been emptied but the fact you`re going shooting is of no interest to me. Try phoning someone who gives a ****, Like the POLICE"




I do apologise for the mis-use of the word council.

**ck me, you having a bad day or what?


I'll send any of my future posts to a proof reader next time in case the dictionary police are about!

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