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What's your best shot?

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If i really must i will tell the storey of the long range shot i made a couple of years ago . This was witnessed by a donkey ,a cow and calf and about a dozen pigs . It was late in the afternoon and i saw a nice sized roe buck standing at a very reasonable 800 yards away . I stood up free hand and took the shot . The buck dropped on the spot and did not even twitch . I walked over to pick him up and thought i would pace out how far he was away , would you belive ,947 good paces . When i got to him laying behind him was the biggest dog fox i have ever seen and behind the fox was the biggest hare i have ever seen and behind the hare was a small rabbit . The .308 bullet had passed through the deer and killed the fox ,the hare and the rabbit .

Billy walt Harnser .



Was that with them 110gr solids fired from your 12.01" barrel, iron-sighted rifle?

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Mine was a lefty & right at pigeons sat in a hide with my dad. My dad used to be a good shot, and had'nt been shooting years due to health - when he decided to make a come back he sat in the hide with me one very warm saturday afternoon decoying over laid barley. Two came in like rockets and the blow hole was 35 yards out to the nearest side, both pigeons vearing in oppisite directions but slightly behind one another so l could change direction -


That day my dad said 'you big headed ***' one of them could of been mine (but l dont remember getting many shots in with the .410 as a kid - so l smiled!) :-)


I was quite pleased also the other morning with the 109yard rabbit took with the .22rf through the head! (more the scope than me l feel though!)



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Not being funny Mark but 80ft is only just over 26 yards. Surely you didn't need a 'pot shot' at that range? :lol:


Sorry, i put the distance in 'old money' as the average PW member doesn't like these 'new' fangaled metric measurements (with exceptions obviously :D ), and to be fair i have little understanding of them, it was about 40-45 metres. Next time, consult ruler . . . :lol: Odd how i measure small distances in metric but long distances in miles :lol: I wouldn't have a clue how far away places are in KM!



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Hello breastman

Quote: "Sorry, i put the distance in 'old money' as the average PW member doesn't like these 'new' fangaled metric measurements (with exceptions obviously ), and to be fair i have little understanding of them, it was about 40-45 metres. Next time, consult ruler . . . Odd how i measure small distances in metric but long distances in miles I wouldn't have a clue how far away places are in KM!"


Funny that, all new mums know the weight of their babies in lb and oz, never in grammes.

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If i really must i will tell the storey of the long range shot i made a couple of years ago . This was witnessed by a donkey ,a cow and calf and about a dozen pigs . It was late in the afternoon and i saw a nice sized roe buck standing at a very reasonable 800 yards away . I stood up free hand and took the shot . The buck dropped on the spot and did not even twitch . I walked over to pick him up and thought i would pace out how far he was away , would you belive ,947 good paces . When i got to him laying behind him was the biggest dog fox i have ever seen and behind the fox was the biggest hare i have ever seen and behind the hare was a small rabbit . The .308 bullet had passed through the deer and killed the fox ,the hare and the rabbit .

Billy walt Harnser .



It was about that time I was talking to a couple of pigs and they told me about this amazing shot. The cow though claimed you only winged the rabbit.

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Perhaps 10 years ago after arriving at a small piece of land which covered a very step hillside,my friend who is lefthanded decided he would take a pop at a rabbit at the far end of the field!!I ribbed him that it was way beyond his ability,undeterred he took the shot and the little subsonic round seemed to fly forever but eventually a nice dull thud was heard.Now he was jumping up and down with delight and said he was off to pace it out,just a second I said seeing a rabbit sat in the entrance to its burrow no more than 50 yards up the hill,I'll take that one and you can go and get yours,pssst goes the subsonic round again a nice dull thud.

So off sets my mate as I gradually stroll up the hill,after a while he returns pleased as punch and announces 163 paces,superb I reply but look here,there on the ground is the bunny I had spied but right behind it were 3 others all about 1/2 grown and all stone dead.

I cant repeat the comments and names my mate called me on that occasion.

Another night whilst out foxing I took a vixen at about 120 yards with the .22 HV,my friend firing slightly after me,my round hit the fox in the throat and it dropped like a stone,my friends round continued on and was heard to land in the water of the flooded quarry behind the fox where I quipped he had just shot a trout.Before anyone mentions it ,its a disused quarry at the back of the fields own by the same farmer and not a boating lake!!!

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  • 2 months later...
I am still feeling pretty smug about the >50-yard mallard that I killed stone dead, the final shot of the day at last November's Essex Mafia driven day. 3/4 choke and 36gr #5s, and it dropped like a stone. It also tasted mighty fine.





You are too modest. The shot was nearer 60 yards, you had a perfectly balanced Browning with you and I seem to recollect you were shooting one handed off the hip that particular day

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Over the years I have had a lot of flashy high or difficult shots , but three stick in my mind.


On a stormy evening flight a single teal came in to a saltmarsh flash a mate and I were flighting. I missed it both barrels and the little cock teal flared over my mate who also missed it. It shot up with the gale under its wings and a hasty reload connected spinning the teal down in the darkness . It took the dog some time to find it as the wind had carried it off some way.



On a clam January dusk I spotted 150 wigeon sitting 400 yards off on the mud. I got down on my hands and knees and bellied up to them. This took some time and small groups of wigeon kept leaving the flock as it was now flight time. 50 yards off I ran out of cover and could get no nearer. There were only 9 wigeon left on the mud by now . They were a bit far for normal duck shells so I slipped in a couple of XXX Winchester 1 7\8s oz 3s , a goose shell. I rose onto one knee and took the first shot as they jumped. To my amazement two birds fell to my first shot , I hesitated for a second and fired the second barrel again dropping two wigeon and as the remaining 5 birds flew away a 5th birds dropped down 100 yards off. I must add this was back in the days when we could use lead for wildfowl.


Finally a couple of years ago I got my first triple with my auto. A dozen wigeon swooped into the decoys and I dropped 2 dead with the first shot , one with the second and then I waited for 2 birds to cross and killed them both with the 3rd shot.

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i can remember 2 notable shots, both were flukes,

the first about 15 years ago on a driven day we were all stood at our pegs waiting for the drive to start when a big old crow flew over about 80yds up, the gun next to me had 2 barrels and missed then shouted to me something like "lets see what you got then boy" I upped the gun and killed it clean first shot, absolute fluke but the guy still laughs about it when i see him now.

the second was a joint effort with my mate mark, we were out fowling one morning when a huge cloud of wigeon, perhaps 6-700 came straight at us about 40yds up, we both had a bang and 3 dropped out, the flock then bunched right up and went almost vertical, we both shot again and killed 8 with the 2 2nd shots, both dogs didnt know which way to turn as dead ducks seemed to rain down all around, we still laugh about this one too, another fluke



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The shot i will never forget was when i was 14 and me my grandad and cousin were spread out sitting in a ditch waiting for pigeons to fly over, i had shot a couple and my cousin had not yet had a shot, a couple of minutes later a pigeon flew across the field towards him but landed up an old dead oak about 70 to 80 yards away so hoping i might push it over my cousin my grandad said fire at the tree, so i raised my AYA yeoman and fired my hull special pigeon and to every ones amazment the pigeon sat there ! a minute or so went by and it just tipped sideways and fell out the tree and it had one pellet through its eye

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Hmmm, 348 yds at a rabbit, with a .22 smk from the hip at a 47.2 degree angle, which took it by surprise. Took a fair old swing to get it that distance though, those guns dont exactly have a good ballistic coefficient or aerodynamics.



In all seriousness, who says a good shot is a long shot, maybe it is a shot that persuaded a more 'adaptive' position or one that meant crawling almost ontop of your quarry to get clearance for the muzzle. Food for thought, me thinks.



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