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Close range shooting


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So we have had enough long range stuff on here, what about close range shots?

I have a feeling the airgun boys might win this one hands down, but what is the closest you have ever shot something?

I mean alive and not blind :unsure:

What prompted this was stalking up and shooting a rabbit last Saturday at no more than 4 yards away, so close in fact it just a blur in my scope.

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I had a pigeon come into the tree above me about 5 foot, gave him 32grms of 5 at 6 foot from the wonderful full choke greener gp............ I was glad i was wearing my hat :unsure: :hmm:

Edited by EdwardtheloneShooter
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I was stalking a roe buck in some fairly heavy woodland and had been on his tail for about 45 minutes . He had no idea i was there and just kept wandering about feeding every now and again . I had twice put the gun up to shoot him at about 80 yards but was unable to make the shot because of the dense cover . I suddenly lost sight of him and had no idea were he was and thought he had done the magical dissapearing trick which they are very capable of . I thought i would give him 10 minutes and try to get back on his tail if he had not run off . I was stood beside a very mature oak tree and had my rifle in my right hand waiting , suddenly I saw the buck within about 40 yards of me coming towards me , I raised the rifle for the shot and he was gone again . I was now suffering a bit of buck fever as i waited to sight him again . Suddenly he he appeard not more than 15 yards in front of me crossing from left to right . He was so close my scope would not focus down so I had aim down the side of the barrel to shoot him , he was killed instantly with a .308 150 grn bullet to the heart and lungs . A very memorable stalk ,and yes the closest shot at deer I have ever had .

Harnser .

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Two come to mind. A magpie landed in a tree about 7 feet above my mate and myself when we in a hide. I just pointed my shotgun at it and fired. Guts and feathers landed on my mate.

The second one was recently, when I was driving along a farm track. On the bank below me was a large crow feeding, and unaware of my presence. I got out of my vehicle, grabbed my 243 off the back seat, loaded one round, and shot at it about an inch above its legs. Total oblivion! I measured the distance later and it was 22 feet.

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Good so I am not alone then, this is second time I have got that close to a rabbit, the first time was by accident stalking up on one much further away. I was using trees for cover walking in quite quickly when I went to take the shot at the 'long' one, looked down and there was one no more than 3-4 yards away the other side of the tree, I walked up behind.

What surprises me is they don't just bolt, they freeze, in a way like muntjac do, only rabbits do that "Oh christ I hope he hasn't seen me" thing before legging it a split second later. Gives you about half a second to get on them and shoot.

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I saw something funny on the clays last weekend at the Coniston shoot. They had a stand with an incoming mini clay, about the size of a bottle top :)


When you were stood behind the stand waiting to shoot, you could see how close it came to the shooter, you could nearly reach up with the gun and poke it out of the sky. Shooters who hadn't seen it from behind before they shot were giving it lead and missing, because it looked further away :good:

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sat in a hide a few years ago and a mate shot a woodie at about 6 feet as it was flying directly at him. 32g 6's sent body parts flying in all directions and me ducking behind the hide to avoid the shower of blood and feathers. Was truly grim he then proceeded to do it again :good: but hey he's the farmer and it was definitely humane :)

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I forgot about the roe I shot at point blank after hitting it with the car, but let's not into all that again :good:


Getting up close when stalking in Scotland gets my heart pumping.

Especially when the stalker comes back from having a look over the ridge with a big smile on his face and whispers 'how many rounds does that mag hold?'

[and it isn't a reference to shooting ability :) ]

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