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My dog AMBER is shaking, whats up

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My ESS bitch Amber,


She has just gone down hill in the last 15 minutes, very slow when moving and she wont stop shaking, I thought she was just dreaming but she is awake and she is still shaking.


Her heart rate seems quite fast aswell for being at rest, anyone come across this before?


I've never seen this in her before, the thing thats worrying me is the last 15 minutes she has gone from a ball of fun with loads of energy to a dog that seems to be about 15.


Any advice/


The PM

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Could be a fit of some sort! Monitor her for any signs of worsening and then call the vet if she is.


She may also have gone into shock after a wasp or bee sting. Has she been in the garden and do you notice any lumps?


good luck mate!



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She has just come in from the garden not long ago, it could be that...I hope its that. She just jumped up from her bed and fell to one side. I'm starting to panic, she is always high octane but not anymore.


I will give her a few hours and I will call the vet I think.


The PM

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Is there the slimmest possibility she has an adder bite :)?


This is the prime time of year for the reptiles to be emerging from slumber after a warm snap.


Normally they are docile and avoid contact with humans and other large animals but after emerging they are at their most vunerable and dangerous.


Hope she is OK.



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F.M. I was going to reply with exact same question. I had a Terrier who had similar and his face was very swollen, the vet reckoned it was an Adder, anyway a few jabs and a couple of days he made a full recovery. Are there adders South of the Border? Not sure where yor based P.M. please let us know the outcome, I hope she's OK.


By the way FM I heard then spotted my first Cukoo in China today. I can't remember ever seeing one back home, hear plenty in the Springthough. Any idea where I could pick up an English Language Chinese bird book? We have one we got from Amazon, but it's not so good, I can't match hardly any of the birds.


Sorry for hijacking this topic.



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Hello, The pigeon Master is a happy guy.


I called the vet and explained the situation to him, he was concerned as me, which worried the pants off me as you can imagine.


Anyway, he came out and checked her out. All the usual checks, gums, temperature and such like then asked where she had been during the day and what she had eaten.


He then asked if she had jumped off something high and explained that dogs could shake like that if they have damaged their vertebrae, but I didn’t recall anything but you know what these dogs are like.


I did mention that we had a barbeque the previous day and she hadn’t stopped running around the garden for about 10 hours so its seems that she had just fatigued herself and the unsteadiness was more than likely very stiff muscles.


In the end he told me to keep an eye on her and let him know if she became any worse, but by the morning she was back to her normal self.


It seems that these dogs are made of flesh and bone and do feel the effects of an active life just like us.


I’m happy though and thanks for the response to those concerned, sorry about the delay but I’ve been up and down the country like a yo yo.


A picture of Amber the day after, shes a top girl.


The PM


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