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Why do parents have to be so annoying!!!!


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Hey guys. Asked my mum today if she would let me have a shotgun. "No" was the stright away answer. Dam woman. She loves me going out and clay shooting with friends but wont let me have my own gun. It took her ages for me to let me have an air rifle.


Want my shotgun so badly and now I cant. I can still get everything else but whats the point!


soo angry right now! Need to make her see its for the best!

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Right, and the more ****** you get and the more *** you show the less likely she will ever let you have one.. I know this to be true as i am a parent :lol:



you cant tell them Lee, they know best :D bloody kids today.

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I expect it's because she doesn't want guns in her house, which is her right. Lots of people don't feel happy around guns. My eldest lad still lives with his mother (my ex-wife) and she's the same. She won't have them in her house, though she has no particular objection to him going shooting :D


He respects her wishes, though he obviously finds it a pain.


You ought to talk it through with her sensibly, it may be that she doesn't particularly object to you having a shotgun, but she doesn't want it under her roof. I don't know as much about gun law as I should, but it might be possible to get one, but keep it elsewhere, which she may not object to.


And don't call your Mother a "dam woman" :lol:

Edited by Chard
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Maybe it's because you still throw tantrums!


Respect your mums opinion, it doesn't mean you can't try to persuade her. Getting all worked up about it won't make her feel any more comfortable. Show her you are mature and ask her why she thinks you can't have one. When she tells you, see if there is anything you can change to make her feel more comfortable with the idea.

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Maybe it's because you still throw tantrums!


Respect your mums opinion, it doesn't mean you can't try to persuade her. Getting all worked up about it won't make her feel any more comfortable. Show her you are mature and ask her why she thinks you can't have one. When she tells you, see if there is anything you can change to make her feel more comfortable with the idea.

^^^WHS. Can't you get your mum out on the clays with you? get her interested as well?

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Sorry im not having ago at my mum at all. I just love the sport and its a pain that i cant get into it proplery.


Regarding the law. Can i have a shogun and keep it at another address. Someone who already has an sgc?


It may be better if you did your homework first rather than say "I want a shotgun". What age are you ? Do you have permission where you can use a shotgun ? Are you aware of the various laws pertaining to game and vermin ? etc.

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Yes mate, you can keep it at another registered sgc holders address, as long as there cabinet has been checked and approved by a fire arms officer. maybe once she has gotten used to the idea of you having a shotgun and you've shown your responsible with it she may have a think, but don't nag her! thats the worst thing to do!

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If your mother says you cannot own a gun, that means you cannot own a gun and keep it at another persons address.

It has nothing to do with the Gun Laws , but everything to do with Mother's Laws. :D


You don't mention your age, which is most relevant.

I suspect her response is more to do with your age (and possible demeanour), rather than her objection to guns.

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Sammy, mothers always know best (Or at least they think they do)! Instead of getting on your high horse and going off on one why not try starting by asking her why she will not let you have one. At leats then you know if the reason is something to do with you or your attitude (I'm not saying that there is something wrong with your attitude as I don't know the circumstances). Once you know her reasons for refusal then you have a base to start working on to help her see that she "might" not be right!

When all is said and done mothers are only thinking of what they see as best for you/the family/ the home/etc! Mothers deserve a lot of respect!

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Been there seen that got the T Shirt, and eventually a shotgun. Know exactly what you are going through, in the end i had to wait until i was 17 and old enough to get my own certificate and own a gun.

How old are you? You might have to wait your turn, sadly i did! However throwing tantrums, and going out of your way to cause arguments about this will make it worse not better, take a deep breath accept the situation as it is, and bide your time. Your luckier than most i was allowed to go beating and that was it! Fishing now, that was a different stroy, i did plenty of that!

(ps i'm 37 now and i have two Kids, if they wish they will both be allowed to shoot, only if they want to though!)

Tight Lines


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Hey guys. Asked my mum today if she would let me have a shotgun. "No" was the stright away answer. Dam woman. She loves me going out and clay shooting with friends but wont let me have my own gun. It took her ages for me to let me have an air rifle.


Want my shotgun so badly and now I cant. I can still get everything else but whats the point!


soo angry right now! Need to make her see its for the best!



Best you don't come round my house young sir.

Snotty little spoiled brats aren't welcome here.


Don't get me wrong, I was a little so and so when I was a spog and all the way up to way beyond when I should have grown out of it, but where do you get off talking about your mother like that? Her house - her rules.

I want, I want. Gawd that attitude gets up my nose! My kids get sent to the naughty step or to their room way before they get to where you are now.


Posting this right now, before I vent even more :D

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Hi mate my dad was the same about this but I was lucky to get a gun when I was 12, just do what I did show her some shooting websites and that you are keen or even better ask a farmers permission to shoot then your mum will take you seriously. Talk about the process of getting a gun. A fter 2 years of using a friends gun me and my dad got sgcs and now I am a proud 15 going on 16 year old sgc and FAC holder with my own shotgun and rifle, I thought I would never get a pop gun let alone a rimfire rifle, just take it in steps

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Firstly if you are 22 and also farm worker you should be a little more worldly wise to shooting than you seem to be-I may be wrong but if you are really 22 and working over 2000 acres then you should'nt be having this arguement with your mother-You just tell her its a requirement of your job, See your employer- get your ticket and leave it in his cabinet.


Not a farmer in the land I know who would have a problem with that.


Failing that might be time to move out into the big wide world

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