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About beretta

  • Birthday 16/04/1961

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  • Gender
  • From
    west yorkshire
  • Interests
    fishing, shooting.

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  1. Still got it lad. a great result for Rob
  2. some people find it easier to relate gun to clay with a more visible bead/sight. i have had many clients over the years who prefer a brighter more visible one and especially those with eye dominance issues they can be a huge plus. if you shoot with one eye closed the easy hit type of bead can open up a whole new world to you if used correctly..
  3. I still have some from 97, my oldest and have some at xmass every year. not much left and berries were taken out years ago or it just taints it if left in more than a few years. still good stuff.
  4. catton hall has now closed for all shooting
  5. 🤣🤣🤣 yes Peter
  6. https://dryfire.com/ contact Andrea.
  7. said it yourself in opening question. if your shooting clays go for one thats designed for clays.
  8. Scully, it would take me to long to explain in writing, but if you want to meet up ill tell.
  9. my 2 penneth. easy hit beads work, problem is most dont know how or when to use them. ive used them with a few clients who have master eye problems and ALL have been successful. they are NOT a quick fix and need time.
  10. beretta


    cheers for replies people, just ordered one now.
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