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About wabbitbosher

  • Birthday 02/11/1964

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • From
    Kettering Northants UK
  • Interests
    Fishing,shooting(,16b s/s,12b s/s Hammer)country walks,
    Restoration of Clocks and Vintage Guns

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  1. Hi,have you any AyA no 3 3inch magnums at all or do you know of any other traders thats selling one.


    Kind regards paul


  2. Got PLENTY of side by sides here ! 😜
  3. Or contact me ! Try before you buy Baikal or other over and unders from £75 get one that fits you with 3 months parts and Labour warranty and 9 months after that Labour only 🤷🏼‍♂️
  4. Hello from the USA. It was suggested i contact you for possible sliding extractor for Voere 9mm Flobert Rimfire shotgun.

    I would even be glad for measurement of one as i have someone here that could make it..

    many thanks
    Larry in Reno Nevada USA

  5. Hi


    I'm looking for a Barrel for a Beretta A390 semi auto. is that something you could help with?

    1. wabbitbosher
    2. Steve Tur

      Steve Tur

      Could you have a look please ! And let me know.


      Thanks for your help

    3. Steve Tur

      Steve Tur

      Any news about the Beretta 390 Barrel ?

  6. Can anyone remember the name of the guy that ran the Norfolk flush ?
  7. I’ve actually got a couple of no4’s here if you fancy one
  8. I should start selling guns on here again
  9. I’m still in Deep shock, he was more than just a good customer, he was a Dam fine chap indeed, talented and funny he will be missed RIP dude
  10. Hi mate, any chance you have a 20 bore barrel for a Mossberg pump action? 

  11. Still looking for Him , last known living in Northampton
  12. I’m trying to locate a customer from five years ago, brought a Baikal side by side off me lived in Northampton anybody know his user name ?
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