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Does anyone know if you get banned on the BBS how long is it for?


I was asked for a reply from a mod, and obviously got banned for my reply, and I don't know what the outcome was.


Is there a standard sentence, judging from the modding I imagine I'd have got shot if they were in government, but they aren't, so any ideas? I'm sure someone, or many, have had the privilage of the most excellent moderating.


I'm just worried if its for life I should have taken a few phone numbers from PM's.

Edited by kyska
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The BBS seems to have a nasty reputation for banning members. So bad in fact that I've never bothered to join!


Perceptions change in a given situation. Place yourself elsewhere and this forum has a similar reputation. Every forum has it's culture, The BBS is pretty good from where I am looking.

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I got banned for metioning a member there who wastes other members time by saying he will buy goods off you and then p *** ing you about, like he did to me on PW. I never got a reason off the mods and they did not even have the decency to reply to an email I sent to one of them. 30 day ban? They can shove their site!

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Perceptions change in a given situation. Place yourself elsewhere and this forum has a similar reputation. Every forum has it's culture, The BBS is pretty good from where I am looking.

Pigeon watch is excellent for the mods, for all you banned off the bbs send me your user names and I'll go on and see them, Borntoshoot you can't post pictures or videos of kills on there :yes:

Edited by Hezbear
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I find Airgun BBS is ok as long as you avoid their politics. I personally doubt a few of them on there actually have been or ever will go shooting but that is beside the point.


Never been banned from there though, but I think its 30 days depending on "The Offense"

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the mods on bbs, must sit there in there little hitler suits.


About right, I maybe made a mistake, with English being my first language, but only educated in the UK I grew up in a different culture and got some sarcasm wrong (do I do this on this site?) and was asked to explain, which I did and have been banned. I'm not that ***** to be honest, I just said what quite a few people were thinking of a particular mod.

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I think the BBS site is good! :good:


So do I, I'm not griping at the site, just what I think was heavy handed moderation, I wasn't even complaining about that really, its their site, not a democracy, just asking how long the ban stands for.

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  • 10 months later...

i thught it was only me

i put a post on for border terrier pups as i did on most sites ,just copied and pasted it got a pm NO PET'S POST REMOVED .

previous to this i registered with the same name as i do on all the site's . then my computer crashed and the only site i couldn't get back onto was bbs . so after 20 or 30 e-mail's to them explaining my problem with no reply .

i registered in another name just to use the site and never used my useual name on there again as i thought it was banned .

so after i got the message NO PET'S REMOVED . i replyed i didn't realise . a little bit of power ay ,

then banned for life for having 2 account's . just spite they can see all my activity .. i sent several e-mail's explaining even asked them to check and see i wasn't using 2 names but not one reply still banned . a friend emailed the mod's and even he had no reply

most ignorant , self richiouse , little boy's ,i must admit it's good site and used to spend a lot of time on there as i do on here ... but run by the wrong people . imature little no hoper's ,

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I think it's 30 days, if you want I'll get in touch with the mods and ask them


I have been banned for well over a year now, I have no idea why I was banned.

I have asked several times, both by direct e-mail and by using the contact us link, never had an answer.

Oh, yeah, I was never even told I was banned, just one day no access.

As this forum seems to have swear word ******* there not much point in saying what I feel about it.



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I got banned after I got ripped off by BALDIE on there over a rifle I'd paid for I asked for my money back as I had changed my mind never possessed the rifle and never had my money back, he's in with the mods told them a pack of lies that I threatened him an I get banned!!!


If your not in with the click on there you get no where. The admin / mods are all jumped up nobodies on power trips especially BAZ and GARY C. *** it's a forum not real life they need to get a life an stop talking **** an thinking they know it all.


Never had a problem on any other forum shooting or other related but all you ever hear about the bbs is bad press, perhaps mr Ramsbottom should think again about who he has running his site.


All I say I what goes around comes around!!!!


End of rant! Lol :0

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