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Old 2 stroke bike prices

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Rose tinted glasses are a great thing !


Flexing frames thin fork's and small power bands ! Oh yes and **** thin tyres. Loved my LC but after a 10 year stay at the back of my garage, while I used newer superbikes, I got her out for a run !

What a mistake forgot that after a wash she sometimes ran on one pot until the moisture came off the plug then as you where pushing a limping bike the second pot burst's to manic life testing your heart rate.


Sold it a month after that and have no regrets.


Get my 2stroke kick's with a chainsaw now.

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I've got an old '78 fr 80, I reckon it would look the muts chopped and a decent spannie.

had quite a few over the years from a very tame gt 250, 380, and the 500 to a quite leary tuned 350lc.

I think the prices reflect the collectability, they don't make anything like them anymore.

Edited by Paddy Galore!
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Nice one from Classics on the Common earlier today you boys might appreciate




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Fond memories of these...... Sold mine 6 years ago

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I had a look on t'net for that 50cc Honda but couldn't find anything concrete.


So... Anyone know of a Honda Racing 50cc (not sure if two or four stroke) and possibly a twin from around the late 50's/early 50's? I've found an RC116 which looks like it but this one had disk brakes on the front and rear. Wish I'd taken a picture now...

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mmmmmm 2 stroke smell...... yum.


Brings back memories!!! I had a RS50 when I was 16, which I then put the Aprillia lion head stickers on etc... haha.

Used to have the Leo Vinci exhaust (that way it got rid of the restricting washer so was 'full power') and a K&N air filter that needed taking off and washing everytime it rained! used to get about 65mph out of it haha.


I recently had a go on a friends old Cagiva Mito that he never sold and I had repaired for him millions of times after he kept hitting things! Great fun, that nice annoying noise :-)

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I had a GT500 and a GT750, not to mention lots of 2T and 3T gillies engined ones (Greeves, James, Francis Barnet etc), plus BSA C15 and A7 plus A10 and an A65 Lightning.

Various Honda and Yamaha too (CD175 and CB250)

Then there was the Sports Cub and the Bonneville, plus the Royal Enfield GT250 and Super Five LOL

Yep, I guess that makes me old.

Would love to get a nice Honda 4 in 350/500 or a Suzuki GT380/500 or even a kwakker 500 :)

But seeing as I'm not really into cafe racing anymore, I think a nice two stroke or four stroke single cylinder 500 Dakar type would do me.

But as stated, they are very very expensive :(

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I had a GT500 and a GT750, not to mention lots of 2T and 3T gillies engined ones (Greeves, James, Francis Barnet etc), plus BSA C15 and A7 plus A10 and an A65 Lightning.

Various Honda and Yamaha too (CD175 and CB250)

Then there was the Sports Cub and the Bonneville, plus the Royal Enfield GT250 and Super Five LOL

Yep, I guess that makes me old.

Would love to get a nice Honda 4 in 350/500 or a Suzuki GT380/500 or even a kwakker 500 :)

But seeing as I'm not really into cafe racing anymore, I think a nice two stroke or four stroke single cylinder 500 Dakar type would do me.

But as stated, they are very very expensive :(

CD175! I once held a friends lurcher in my arms on the way to a vet with a broken leg on the back of a Honda CD175 ! The good ole' days. Lol.
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Yep they have gone silly, had a few over the years including a 1993 RGV250 vj22.

Wish I still had it, worth 3 times what I sold it for.


What amazes me is the price of 1980s/ early 1990s motocross bikes. Bikes you could pick up for 450-650quid are now up to £3000.


CR500's used to be worthless, no body wanted them. Now look at the prices of them. I paid more for one in bits recently than I was offered em complete and running 10 years ago.

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Yep they have gone silly, had a few over the years including a 1993 RGV250 vj22.

Wish I still had it, worth 3 times what I sold it for.


What amazes me is the price of 1980s/ early 1990s motocross bikes. Bikes you could pick up for 450-650quid are now up to £3000.


CR500's used to be worthless, no body wanted them. Now look at the prices of them. I paid more for one in bits recently than I was offered em complete and running 10 years ago.


That’s because the ACU British Evo motocross series (Bikes made 1981 to 1989) has become very popular. I know a few of my mates have come out of retirement to take part in it. My Mate who works in a family MX dealers makes a nice sideline in rebuilding them to race ready condition.

I used to have an MTX 200 back in the day, I loved the thing it was a nice step up from my XL 100. The gearboxes had an issue with the selectors on the early models, I know I had mine fixed free of charge with an updated part when it wouldn't select 1st gear.

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Don't dismiss this idea completely out of hand until you have thought about it for a while. Look at Puch Maxi mopeds on ebay.


Cheapest, two wheels you can buy but going up in price RAPIDLY. All the parts freely available and simple

Edited by Vince Green
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One here cheap!....




I share your love for mtx,s I also started with an mt5! Used to have a mtx 125 and I still think bout it daily!

I've bid on a few but that's out my price range cheers. I recon it's cheaper to buy a 5 year old enduro bike

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