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what does everyone work as


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i am a Bailiff Booo... (its only people who get deep in debt that hate us, most people understand that its a job that needs to be done.) its actually a really good job and very rewarding and not at all like the old fashioned stigma associated with the job, we are very tightly governed and dont go round beating people up for money the worst part is that i work in wandsworth collecting council tax, i get attacked about once a month and invariably end up rolling around on someones carpet.......

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By Day.............I am a chartered Surveyor involved in the sale, letting, and management of commerical property (indutiral Office and Retial)


By Night I have my own small security company providing door supervisors to local night clubs and licensed premises.


By Week end I am involved with my Wifes Pure White Dove Release company, and spend most saturdays attending weddings co-operate days and funerals.


In between I study, look after my 2 small children / several dogs / and 45 pigeons.


the rest of the time I sleep and hunt & Hustle B)



..................locally I am famed as one of the busiest men in Lincolnshire !! :rolleyes:

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Full time Student trying to get into one of the most difficult degrees known to man.


M.Pharm/s - Has a 300 point minimum entry.




It's not as hard as the Army catering college's 'Chef's Course'. That course as been running for well over 70 years and todate, not a single slop-jockey has passed the ****er!

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I am a forest warden. I go round the woods checking if everything is in working order. Its a great job I see lots of deer and those red coated animals foxes I should ask if i can take a rifle with me next time.


The only thing I hate about it is the midges if anyone has an invention that gets rid of them come to me first I will be a guinea pig as long as it works

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