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About Eyefor

  • Birthday 01/01/1953

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  • From
    North East Northants.
  • Interests
    Huntin', shootin', walkin' 'n fishin' (interspersed with the occasional glass of wine or three).

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  1. Many years ago (1970's) my younger brother and I were in Ullapool and took a 10ft dinghy out on Loch Broom to catch a few mackerel and a basking shark (with a wide open mouth the size of a tunnel) went underneath our dinghy. Yes, I know it was filtering plankton. Yes I know they are supposed to be harmless - but we were off that water in record time and I am still not comfortable in any boat less that 30ft and with at least 3 feet of freeboard. That video made me sweat!
  2. I'll take these please. PM inbound
  3. Eyefor

    David Lammy

    As advised by Mr W Churchill...."All progress depends on unreasonable people. Reasonable people accept the way of the world, so nothing changes". I think some of Trump's ideas are a bit crazy - but he gets people talking. That is why we need Farage.
  4. Could it be a comment (or an apology.....) in the completely wrong thread? Allegedly, this has happened before.
  5. ..Waffle Wednesday..?
  6. Eyefor


    Would he then be known as David "monica" Lammy? πŸ˜‰
  7. Surely the Chinese response to US would be - we wont' bitch when you take Greenland & you don't bitch when we take Taiwan? Who else is capable of effectively stopping either? We certainly are not.
  8. Definite scammer. I got the same message about a telescope. BAN HIM NOW please.
  9. She's gone for Abacus lessons because, for sure, she doesn't know how to use a ****** calculator?
  10. Does that make you tax free then? πŸ˜‰
  11. imho It's Y2ki mark II Loads of panic, nothing happens.
  12. I respect your opinion and that you disagree. Be a boring old place if we were all the same? Happy holidays !
  13. Well done. In response to the original question - I lived and worked in the US for 11 years. Owned property there and was fully immersed in USA life. What Enfiedspares said that "Money talks" there is absolutely correct and the USA would be bottom of the list to relocate because the divide between the haves and the have nots (irrespective of colour) is sickening and widening and I am sure will cause very serious issues in the future. If I posted on here what I truly think, I would be banned from PW OP can PM me if they want.
  14. Terry Casey in Leicester is v good. EDIT This link works https://www.luxurywatchrepairers.co.uk/ 07704 678 398
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