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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. In what respet do you agree with Cranfield. This post or the other one? is everyone agreed that pheasants and partridges are a crop. Barleymore plants them and shooter reaps them. If I could get 50 quid a day over rape during the season the shooting would overshadow any monies made from the crop. If you want to control pests, and take them away from farmers fields, plant yoursd up to attract pigeon. You will make a fortune. jim 1500 quid a month during the summer, do the math
  2. If you feel confident that you can deal with the pigeons once they have seasoned and grown then go ahead P.S If we are really only there to control vermin, instead of spending our money on cartridges perhaps we should be ploughing our money into waays to eradicate birds in the nest. It is now not beyond the ken of man to introduce either contraceptives into the woody population or genetically engineer birds that can be released that will make the eggs too thick or thin. I shoot pigeons for sport and vermin control and help to the farmer are all very very nice side effects but not the only reason. If the farmer has potato blight or colorado beetle are you there on the fields every weekend or cold winter morning spraying pesticide on the land? Jim
  3. Indian buzzards as just as clever. just cheaper to employ Jim
  4. They do know what it means Piebob, It is a little known fact that buzzards are in fact one of the best known mimics in the avian world. The truly amazing thing is that a fully grown buzzard is not only able to mimic but hold a conversation in any given language. It is because of this fact that many are now employed in call centres the length and bredth of Britain. This also goes someway to explain the proliferation of these birds as now that they have a steady income more and more of them are settling down, in semi's and bungalows all over the country, and as happens to humans, are deciding to have children now they have a secure, financial future. The reason your buzzard was so suprised, I would suspect, is that it was probably a product of this affluent lifestyle and would never encounter such bad language in the everyday course of its life. If you had spent a few minutes to explain the situation in a calm and rational manner, no doubt, you would have recieved an apology, possibly a wingshake and an invite to the rotary dinner. If you dont believe me ask Bill Oddie or Tiercel. Jim
  5. YP Have you got a skin'ed?? Jim
  6. Aled you great welsh Lummox Of course it was going to be a windup. If in future you see the Fish obviously setting someone up dont spring the trap beforehand. It takes all the fun i now have away and that job is exclusive to the missus. Jim
  7. i would bet £1 that it is a set up.... classic JimD. Aled Aled, It is not. Should'nt you be out sheperding or sexing lambs or summat. I have a very real reason for asking RS which public school he attends as my boy is nearing the age of going to an upper school and I am considering sending him into the private sector. I would really like to know from Red how the whole public education system has affected him and whether he would recommend it. Jim P.S Hes only ten if you look at my details
  8. I Reginald Bolsover Do hereby cordially invet all you PW Reprobates to drinks in the PW arms at 10:30 to celebrate the introduction into high society of his beautiful daughter Gloria. No trainers, No bad language and most certainly not anybody with a breed of dog in his name ( you know who you are) Reginald
  9. RS Are you at public school, if so which one? Jim P.S This is honestly not a set up for a p@sstake. I am genuinely interested
  10. jimdfish


    Why not? You dont become a member of a club and turn up in a balaclava, Unless of couse it is a Crimean war re-eanaction society or a member of the Alpine sports club. At a push Bank Robbers Of the World Unite may also wear bally's but dont be a shamed Log in. Jim
  11. jimdfish


    nowadays there always seem to be more guests than members. WHY DONT YOU REGISTER?? Come on, Uncle Jim will show you round, dont be shy, come on , Here guesty guesty guesty, come on, thats right, ooh youre a lovely little guest arent you show your face to all the nice people, AAHHH. look at him, i could eat him a butty. Jim
  12. Turk, they are the ones in the clear cases with blue writing arent they. If so I really like them. Tried some italian nobel sportitalia the other and they were pants but my mate loves them. jim
  13. Aled hahahahahahahahahaha. Sorry. laughter spontaneous, ahahahahahahah you Aled hahah in a hahaha quiz oh dear cant stop, feel like John Lemesurier, ohohhooh ha ha team. god help us all oh hoh hahaha. Jim :blink: P.S oh it hurts, stop it P.P.Shahaha
  14. Aled youre giving me the fear. Jim
  15. Thats why you wanted LB1 adn LB2 made up then was it you cunning devil. You have something of the fox about you LB. I posted them to 23 Meridian street just near the allnight spar in the village of dunsmore ( not to be confused with the one in somerset) Lower Loxley Kent k23 988b I hope this was the right address Jim
  16. Always willing to help Jim
  17. dont tell him anything else LB Jim
  18. Did I did I not plainly state in an earlier post on this thread that if you are to use abbreviations you will need to explain them to me. Well didnt I. Mmm ( not an abreviation nor an acronym, just a mild form of contempt) Fortunately I was able to work out this one without anyones help and I think that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me so I will forgive you LB ( Lurcherboy). Modesty prevents me from changing my title to incorporate you heartfelt sentiments but I appreciate the gesture. Jim
  19. As opposed to handbags you fruity midlander. Jim
  20. Why put IMHO?? Do they also put IMDO, In my dishonest opinion?? Aled, If the girls text Wa U doing it means that they want moving to the top field Jim
  21. HP MR Hope you get goosed good and proper Jim
  22. IMHO, honestly what does it mean?
  23. As a poor and simple lad, cannot tell water from champagne, I am having problems deciphering some of the TXT abbreviations put on the posts. For a limited time could those who are posting acronyms please put a P.S explaning what they stand for. I really find it hard to work them out. NS. Maybe the fish is getting old or just FL, but either way with a few cans inside me i just cant do it. Jim P.S they are both rude and the first begins with no and the second ends in lazy
  24. It wasnt my kidney LB was after if you know what I mean and I am sure that you do Jim
  25. If there is any money left could we buy one for RS as well? Jim
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