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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. They do round here in London, especially if you are young black and driving a BMW. Random stops are how they catch people I have been stopped three times in about ten years when driving the 12 miles home from the rifle club about 11.30 at night. Always in my van, stopped for a random breath test or "a vehicle fiiting your description" type tug I don't mind, its called doing their job, always been very polite. I'd much rather they did it than sat in a layby drinking coffee
  2. Nobody said that it would be, but it does prove that you have, at least, been vaccinated which is about as good as we can get at the moment. Not perfect but its a start and hopefully can be refined in time. Lets build on what we can achieve rather than just dismissing it as bonkers and doing nothing. Because we are not going to get out of this without a recovery plan. We are not going to just wake up one morning and find its gone. This is going to be with us for the rest of our lives certainly and the lives of our kids for many years to come
  3. All Ryan Air or the owner of your local pub wants is a way to get back to something approaching pre covid levels of business. Thats not unreasonable, in fact in the long term its absolutely essencial. Thats why instead of being some sort of half hearted joke, not really being taken seriously A covid pass should be receiving a huge amount of development cash It wont be perfect, nothing is perfect but this virus is not going away and we are going to have to live with it for the rest of our lives. We need a swipe card or a tap card that we use everywhere we go Most businesses will just go bust if we don't
  4. How nice of all those countries all over the world being worried about our NHS by insisting on covid passports. Very thoughtful of them
  5. I have now heard of three people (all double jabbed) who have tested positive this week. All parents of kids in my step grandson's year at school. They had a very low key leavers party on the last day but it was all done very cautiously. Or so everyone thought so how much use is a vaccination passport actually going to be in real terms? It is, after all, not about stopping people travelling its about stopping the virus travelling
  6. Part of the reason a vaccine certificate is never going to work is because there is no international standard. People arriving in this country from India were supposed to have taken a covid test before they could fly, but the evidence now is that a lot of the tests were fraudulent. "Take the money and run" bogus testing outfits were popping up all over the place. giving out fake certificates in exchange for cash. Result, 5% of all passengers arriving from India tested positive on arrival in the UK But they had infected a lot more passengers on the plane coming over. So a week later its more than 30% who are positive This is never going to work, its a free for all Its going to have to get a whole lot better . In the case of India, testing must be done by the British Embassy. Turning up with a bit of paper is not going to work.
  7. I think you would blame Boris if your horse lost in the 2.30 at Sandown Park
  8. The only bit i'm uneasy about is the growing practice of charging people to shoot pigeons
  9. I agree The NHS is great but a lot more accountability is needed
  10. I think it was an accident, if then had released it on purpose they wouldn't have done it there on their own doorstep. Probably not in China at all, somewhere deniable like Africa maybe?. But then AIDs and Ebola both appeared out of nowhere in Africa, it makes you wonder? The big smoking gun is that cases of a previously unknown bat virus just happened to break out in the immediate vicinity of a lab doing research into - guess what! - bat viruses. Thats no coincidence
  11. My uncle used to keep goats in the back garden, but that was before I was born. He would buy them young from Southall market and bring them home on the bus to keep them in the garden to bring them on. This was in the days of rationing
  12. Its only a fairly small number of employees who have any REAL job security. Here we have the illusion of being protected from unfair dismissal but the reality is different. It costs thousands of pounds to take an employer to court and the process can drag on for years. Very few people can afford to go down that road unless they are a member of a strong union with deep pocket. Even if you win the compensation is hardly worth the time effort and stress. Employers know this
  13. Very much like lamb but not so fatty, The Halal butchers round here sell it but I won't buy Halal on principal
  14. When, in November 2019, Trump started rattling his sabre at China and threatening a trade war with China somebody in the US administration managed to convince Trump that it would be a war the US would not win. The evidence must have been pretty convincing because Trump dropped it like a hot potato. The truth is if China stopped supplying goods to America, the American economy would grind to a halt, The US is an economy based totally on consumerism and China has very cleverly made itself indispensable. So dependent now is the US on Chinese made goods it cant do without them. China on the other hand could afford to sit out a trade embargo for months and months. Being communist they can just order the factories to close down and nobody in China would dare to complain I suspect China is pretty much untouchable. I personally believe 100% the virus escaped from the the lab in Wuhan through lax safety procedures. Its far too much of a coincidence for it to be anything else but the truth However, China will never allow it to be investigated .
  15. Nearly every country in the world is looking into this. It does have its merits, It would kill stone dead the cash in hand economy, illegal immigration, benefit fraud and internet scammers for example
  16. usually obtained by having you head up your own behind. its called be hindsisight. Thats the trouble with this pandemic, every idiot is an expert
  17. speaking of communist states China rejects WHO push for more investigation into coronavirus origins in Wuhan - The Washington Post
  18. I still don't understand how you try to link deaths in care homes to Boris?
  19. A family friend who works in the local council's housing dept offices said half their staff are off claiming to be self isolating. All you have to do is phone in and say you are having to self isolate and its accepted without question, Its a skivers charter. I can see why they want to be able to grant the councils exemption status
  20. Yes but thats hardly using the rifle to its true potential. Try shooting foxes with 14.5 grns of 2400 and a 158 grn jacketed soft point at 1600 fps and you will realise you have a whole different rifle. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Its a damn good target load at 100 yds too, even 200 yds on a still day. Not legal in the UK for deer but thats a common deer load in the USA. Braver souls than me shoot bears with it Fast burning powders are OK for plinking ranges but once you go out to 50 or 100 yds you find that much slower powders hold the accuracy when the fast burning powders fall apart. Unique, Herco, N340 rule at these ranges. Lead bullets too have their limits. Most (all?) serious shooters double lube their bullets. This has happened since pistol days and before All this talk of chamber rings in rifles using .38 special loads is like a trip down memory lane. rediscovering old knowledge from the pistol days . Fast burning powders don't only burn fast they burn hotter. Hot enough to strip raw molten lead from the base of lead bullets and deposit it on the chamber wall or the bore Slower burning powders are much gentler but generally use 50% or more powder charge .
  21. Competitive clay shooters don't appear to clean their shotguns, ive seen dozens brought into the shop to trade that look like they have never been cleaned. I think thats why so many have chrome bores
  22. All our bins are emptied by contractors. The council don't have any part in it since 2014 when it was privatised and has it got worse? you bet it has
  23. Exactly!! and you have to wonder why he is doing it.
  24. How did they "allow" patients to be sent anywhere? Those decisions were made by doctors not politicians. Its the doctors that signed the discharge papers to send covid patients back to care homes. I can't believe for one minute that they didn't fully understand the implications of what they were doing. Care homes are not isolation hospitals, they have no facilities for dealing with what was thrust upon them by the NHS
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