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Everything posted by Cosmicblue

  1. With the 1st of January fast approaching and nothing finalised I wouldn't be surprised if there is an extension of some kind.
  2. I'm expecting imported goods to rise in price from 1st of January. Maybe it wouldn't have been so noticeable if C19 hadn't shown up but now the Chancellor is going to have raise taxes to recover £3Tn of debt, so import duties are an easy and lucrative target. I fear bleak times are ahead, the calculated risk of 2016 is about to bite us in ways that simply were not envisaged back then.
  3. Are your really living somewhere where that internet service is so poor that you can't stream iPlayer or the other 'catch up' TV services via a Smart TV? We haven't owned a TV recorder for 6 or 7 years..
  4. I've never worried about upsetting people - Tough excrement, like it or lump it.
  5. Philips Series 9000 Wet and Dry Men's Electric Shaver with SmartClean Plus System and Beard Trimmer - S9711/31 Simple the best shaver I've ever had, I paid £155 earlier in the week, now £139.99. List is £450, they are usually around the £300
  6. Yeah, I think once the vaccination program is rolled out - with a say 95% cover rate the wearing of masks will be seen as common courtesy just as it was in some Asian countries Pre-Covid. We will have to live with Covid-19 and it's successive mutations for the rest of our lives - and masks.
  7. PM me with an address, it is of the Mk 1 Mercury era so it ought to be with your gun, and I'll find something to pack it in, have to go to the post office for something else anyway. John
  8. Thanks for sharing - uncomfortably close to the truth I suspect.
  9. 40+ Years ago I had a BSA Mercury .22 and bought a BSA MKIV 4x2 scope for it, traded the rifle when I took up clay shooting, I'll happily give the scope to someone who'd like it, collection only, I'm in the Midlands, CV34 - scope is mint, complete with lens caps. PM me.
  10. There's a a nice calendar in PDF format for download with pictures https://www.sellier-bellot.cz/repository/file/SB-kalendar-2021.pdf
  11. Like all of us I've watched the headlines and seen that some of BJ's advisers have walked. To be balanced and fair whilst I didn't vote for his party last time around the C-19 event has meant trying to steer a path through very difficult times with no historical precedent to learn from. I think - on balance - it's gone OK, if you ever deal with the public sector at the higher-levels then the final-salary-pension-scheme jobsworth mindset prevails to the point of getting a straight answer from anyone senior comes with caveats to absolve the individual of responsibility if it's the wrong advice. BJ will have had to figure out the truth for himself and it would have been very, very difficult hence the constant changes and reversals. I'm less charitable towards Cain and Cummings, two 'advisers' who were not elected and yet seemed to have powers that have effected us all. These two characters had considerable influence over getting Brexit over the wire and now, coincidently perhaps, are leaving just before the train-crash that happens on 31st December despite having 3.5 years to get the big issues resolved. BBC - Felixstowe Port in 'chaos' as Christmas and Brexit loom . The worrying thing is that they will have received generous 'Golden Goodbyes' paid for by us lot.
  12. I'd be very surprised if something like that went ahead given that C19 will still be a major issue by then.
  13. Learning to play guitar from scratch has been a 1st lock-down project for me, aged 63, then got distracted and have got started again with the 2nd lockdown underway. It is something you need to practice literally every day, fingers have to do stuff and form shapes that they have never had to do before - muscle memory skills just like shooting. It is pleasurable. A concern for me when looking for guitars (on-line as all the stores were closed) was the size of the guitar neck as, for a chap, I have small hands - do bear that in mind if you have the same challenge. Smaller necks are easier to find with electric guitars so that's the way I went - no regrets. There is good tuition available on-line, quite a bit of it is, frankly, really annoying to a grumpy Brit as I don't need some chap bouncing up and down like a crazy bunny claiming to be my new best-mate who will have me banging out a tune in no time. I concluded that finding a tutor that ensured the basic principles were learned initially and would save having un-learn stuff at a later date....how many of us have done the same when learning to shoot? Of all the the on-line tuition available - this site has proved to be the most useful for me: https://www.the-art-of-guitar.com/
  14. A very sorry tale by the looks of it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remington_Arms
  15. Good man, the S20 is an amazing piece of kit - from the camera to sound. There are some really useful features - here's one to look at, rather than use the fingerprint reader or a Pin to unlock it the Sammy has something called Smart Lock So the phone can stay unlocked if you are at home (Trusted Place) or it can detect another Bluetooth device (Trusted Device) i.e. your car, a portable speaker or digital watch. Take a look here: Settings/Lock Screen/Smart Lock
  16. +1. Get shot of it, the fact that it's on a dealer forecourt at all means that someone else got sick of problems with it - the trader has probably seen other stuff that needs fixing and knows those will be further problems that he'll need to fix with a cost attached.
  17. That'll provide the Reactional Torque to get the shaft moving, now need to calculate the power required. There's an App for that....https://www.magtrol.com/motor-power-calculator/
  18. I'm on a very low dose of Methotrexate too, really a cancer drug that has positive side affects for sufferers of other conditions - in my case Eczema. Tumeric Plus (think it has pepper in it), for stiff and aching joints - this one: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Turmeric-BioPerine-Absorption-Additives-Magnesium/dp/B01M5E104R/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-p13n1_0?cv_ct_cx=turmeric+plus&dchild=1&keywords=turmeric+plus&pd_rd_i=B01M5E104R&pd_rd_r=2de64c83-918a-4994-908f-4265920335e0&pd_rd_w=5Z1LA&pd_rd_wg=nFTVW&pf_rd_p=189a32c6-b80d-4311-ae32-262249da6270&pf_rd_r=R6KP9149PBENRDFKWY9R&psc=1&qid=1603810065&sr=1-1-fdbae751-0fa5-4c0f-900b-865654896618 I find one tablet a day works really well, can feel the benefit with a day or so.
  19. I saw Ed Lyons for the full eye test experience a couple of years ago - was truly fascinating, a really enlightening experience that provided an insight into what my eyes and brain are up too... I'm cross dominant, and now know that when I shut my left eye my brain takes a couple of seconds or more to figure out it's lost a data feed. The full test isn't cheap, the blow is slightly softened by paying half of it when you book the test.....
  20. Seriously, go to Boots, you can book on-line. In Specsavers they almost have you choosing the frames before the eye test, as you'll experience they are in the business of selling stuff - rather than providing a professional service with a no pressure option to buy.
  21. Just not Specsavers...they are in the business of selling eyewear....they will say you need stuff that the professionals in Boots say you don't - personal experience on the same day...
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