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About magman

  • Birthday 21/08/1970

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  1. Best answer to this question is as far as a safe backstop , end of
  2. first two small skein's seen today in cheshire
  3. still got a few box's of nike cartridges left and yes they made a tracer ,from the 80's . hope this helps
  4. why not stick to skoda and buy the Yeti ,very capable moter 😉
  5. so tempted as this was the last rifle i bought new 30 + years ago . counted for some rabbits that gun .
  6. but will you say that when you wake up in the morning with your balls missing 🥶
  7. try close contact training on a one to one basis in a small room . any outdoor adventures on a one to one and on a lead until your happy then off the lead. any mistakes back on the lead , make a corner of a fenced off field your friend as its easy to trap him down and get him back . small steps = big steps
  8. condolences to all that new him and his family , shot on our shoot a fair few years ago and ivited many to shoot with him on the marsh . not many like him left . sad times RIP
  9. im sure ive seen somthing similar and was told it was full of cordite used to set mortors off , so be careful
  10. 17 Foxes with NV in the last 6 weeks May have answered your own question there
  11. enjoyed that thanks for taking the time to share 👍
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