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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. I knew as soon as I closed the lid on my iPad that someone would prove me wrong. Made me laugh. Congrats.
  2. One idle thought. Perhaps you should write to the council quoting the Freedom of Informatin Act ( google it first to get the right parts) and ask for a copy of the restrictive covenants which are on the title deeds when they sold the gatehouse. There may be something there in terms of continuing public access which may assist you. Alternatively, if you do not wish to alert the Council to your thinking then speak to Land Registry about how to get a copy of the register for the property. As I recall it's a matter of downloading and completing form OC1 and paying £7.00. The register for the building will show any restrictive covenants. Good Luck.
  3. There are two subjects on here that can give rise to a heated exchange of views and they are cats an cyclists. Thank goodness cats can't ride bikes !
  4. Many thanks for info. Delighted to hear it. Clearly Manhatten needs to align itself with other States
  5. Visited by son when he worked in Manhatten, New York. Many, many high rise apartment blocks so lots of indoor cats. Often saw cats being walked on leads. The worst thing about indoor cats we saw was in a large pet store where a charity against the drawing of cats claws was collecting to ban the practice. Yes, afraid of scratch damage in furnished apartments cat owners have their cat claws removed. A cruel practice. Hopefully it will not spread to UK.
  6. Signed In addition to your petition it is not clear whether you have written to the appropriate authority and complained and received a response? If not, then I suggest you do so and when they reject your request appeal to the Local Government Ombudsman. Nothing lost in doing so. They may agree with you. But I understand that the LGO would require you to firstly demonstrate that you have tried to resolve the matter with those concerned. Hence the need to write. Good Luck.
  7. Thanks one and all. Will think about the loop in preference to Ditchmans funnels........
  8. I am now at the stage in life of using hearing aids. They are OK up to a point but TV is a problem. For example when actors talk in low tones or the viewer is intended to hear what is being said on a telephone or the recording itself is rather woolly. Important parts of a play / drama can be missed. I've thought of a possible way of solving the problem but I am not techie gifted to put it in to practice so am seeking help from those PW members who understand these things. I have a sound bar fed by an optical cable from the TV. My thoughts are of having an optical cable splitter in the tv with one cable feeding the sound bar so Mrs B can continue as normal, the other feeding a Bluetooth transmitter thingy which I can pair with blue tooth headphones for me. If this is practical could someone please link me to the necessary bits and bobs. Budget level kit in the first instance to see if it suits the occasion. many thanks.
  9. Yet another phishing exercise. We never answer No's to our landline that are not in the directory. Today a message in an American accent to the effect that "We" have received a complaint of you from HMRC tax dept UK and a warrant has been issued for your arrest. Warrant No WC4539. To avoid action being taken you must ring 02071936600 etc etc etc If we were stupid enough to ring the No then no doubt it would be a premium rate line. It was logged with HMRC and Action Fraud. Is this new'ish? Or have I missed any previous posts on PW?
  10. After I had it done (years ago) I was asked if I had any question. Looking for a laugh I said "I've changed my mind" "No way" was the reply. "You've got 20 shots left so you'd better make them count" So now you know........ Take care.........
  11. If you have no knowledge of her sea legs then the one thing which may put her off forever is seasickness. The first time you experience it in a small boat in an alien environment and there's nowhere to go and you can't return to shore then you feel you want to die!! Over 20 yrs a scuba diver, own RIB and used many sized boats I've witnessed seasickness many many times. You may like to consider seasick medicine "purely as a precautionary measure". Heavy swells on a spring tide sometimes had the risk for me so the evening before and then in the morning I would take Stugeron. It suited me but not everyone.
  12. Based upon personal experience (in a different sport) I would ring the proof house direct. Some years back two sets of my dive regulators were returned to the manufacturers by my local dive shop. There were delays and the shop told me they were in constant contact with the manufacturers. So I rang them direct. The response was " if Mr xxxxx would only settle his account we will send him your regs" . So I paid by card and got them by return. Now I'm not suggesting that is the case here. But the only way to find the true situation is to speak direct to the proof house.
  13. Bobba


    If you're going to strip it why repaint it? You could consider making it a feature with an oil finish or bees wax polish. I did, many years ago. Still pleased with it.
  14. Me too. Recommended by b-in-law who ran a garden machinery centre. He reckons they're a rock solid piece of kit.
  15. Experience tells me this does work. some years back when we lived in a semi bungalow in Cornwall the neighbour would play music while gardening. Really annoying and polite requests were repeatedly ignored. One evening when he was watching tv I turned my speakers to the wall and played just one track full bore - Full Cream: NSU. Then turned it off. He got the message and we never discussed the matter again. but I do recognise that such an approach is not without its risks !!
  16. Bobba

    Navy Diver

    BBC news today: divers will begin to walk the boys and teacher out of the cave. Fingers crossed. BBC Breakfast this morning carried an interview with cave diver Geoff Crossley who has undertaken a similar type of rescue in the UK. Reading between the lines a significant unknown factor and danger will be panic which could endanger both the rescuer and schoolboy. I wish them well. I too did over 20 years of diving. 15 yrs as diving instructor and Practical Rescue Management Instructor. (Out of it for 4yrs now) I was never drawn to cave diving although, paradoxically, I did do wreck penetration here and abroad. With this background I am following the rescue with particular interest.
  17. I'm not much of a follower of football but have been watching some of the World Cup. It seems to me that when a player commits a foul attracting a yellow card that the player nor his team suffer any immediate disadvantage. Equally the team fouled against gains no immediate advantage of the yellow card incurred by the opposition. From what I have seen the World Cup has had a fair share of yellow cards. This causes me to think that perhaps the time is ripe for the introduction of the sin bin to football and that for a foul which attracts a yellow card the player is sent off for ten minutes. In this way there is an immediate impact as that players team is down to 10 men and any further yellow card would reduce them to 9. Now that concentrates the mind and helps keep the game clean.
  18. Bobba

    Small claims

    Moneyclaim Is not an independant legal / solicitor service or advisory service from whom you sought advice and which would not be claimable. It is an integral part of HM Courts and Advisory Service and the £70 is a cost incurred to them for submitting your claim. IMHO it is, therefore, a court cost and claimable and payable by the losing party. On the first page of the claim form where you give a summary of your case and amounts claimed put it down as court costs. Good luck. Been there. Got the scars. But we won and it was worth it.
  19. Avon & Somerset........ If you read these posts here's another vote of confidence.
  20. Bobba


    Clarification. "It is easy at 65" Years of age ? Or 65 MPH ?
  21. Nostalgia - Rooting through some old papers I came across my Gun License dated 1964. The days when you could buy one in the Post Office for ten shillings and no questions / referees / doctors note required. Those were the days !!! This Gun Licence is really the early form of a SGC as it carries the footnote that it does not cover Firearms (as defined by the Firearms Act 1937) for which a Firearms certificate is required. Gun License 1 of 2.pdf Gun License 2 of 2.pdf
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