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About Beretta28g

  • Birthday 28/08/1992

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  • From
    Martham Norfolk
  • Interests
    Shooting, Fishing, Ferreting

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  1. After 10 years my trusty Deerhunter ram has finally given up the ghost and now leaks like a sieve. New ones seem very hard to find, and are a absorbatant price. So for around £150-200 what are the portions for a fat ******? Ridge line keep popping up on my online teaser he, but I have not had any dealings with them, nor have I seen any to have a good look at. Please no one say Jack Pyke, their rubbish always have been always will be. Has as anyone got any ideas? Cheers
  2. Pm me a email address and I'll send you what I have
  3. Brilliant, if at a later date you could give me the full recipe.... What wad do you use? That's what Clay and Game website says
  4. Nice shot is no longer made and what's left is quite expensive, cheers for the data I'll have a good look at that.
  5. Hi Does anyone have any data for 20 bore steel loads, I am especially interested in 3" loads for duck and the occasional goose. I am having trouble tracking down data for the heavier steel loads, so if anyone can help..... If you want to answer by PM that's fine. Cheers
  6. Think if I remember rightly something was said on fsb about him being in accounting
  7. Write up in wildfowling section, I'll pm you later
  8. They haven't previously responded badly to me, but to other people on the forum who know what they are talking about. Some people deserve better
  9. .244 Holland & Holland ( belted) Magnum custom built
  10. REALLY??? Remember you only have 2 weeks
  11. Cam or crankshaft sensor I'd say
  12. I have a lambs wool mop on a rod in a tub of oil, have done for years. When I home, it goes through both barrels and the outsides get done with liege gun spray, that will do till the next day.
  13. This post is being written in response to some previous topics. I haven't been posting for a long while because there's some very stupid people on here. Let's hope they don't see this post. The plan was to go out fowling on the Acle marshes for a day. After my previous battles with my shotgun I had just purchased a new Browning, 425 Waterfowl this was to be my first time shooting it. So we (I was out with friends) get to our area, and sort our kit out in the morning and then have a short stroll down to the marsh, hide up decoys out, and then relax. It was a good 45 minutes till anything would move, so time for a brew, smoke and chat. When the action started we had groups of wigeon buzzing us some low but most high, and all unshootable. Then the geese started, and we were in a reasonable spot, a favourite of mine, but it didn't look to be our morning. Then a few skeins came our way, ignoring the decoys the first skein came over about60 yards high, and all of thought well it's a **** morning never mind. A few minutes later another skein came with a few stragglers just behind it. Judging the stragglers to be on the edge of range I had a go cleanly missing with the first shot and connecting well with the second. A concrete block wouldn't have dropped quicker( before anyone assumes, both wings were broken it had a pellet in the head, and 18 in the breast/body and was defiantly dead). A few more skeins came our way all to high. Then another lowish skein came over I judged the height to be about 30 yards and promptly had a go. The first shot found its mark, and being sure from the birds reaction it was coming down, I switched to a second. The second bird crumpled as well, but did look alive as it came down. On inspection the first bird had been hit in the neck and body and was stone dead, and the second one was alive, as it would appear I was slightly behind ( all birds shot overhead) and its rear end and legs were peppered. Crucially it wasn't going anywhere and the dog soon retrieved it. That was it for the morning, and after some well deserved food and drink we decided to hit a splash that was getting some attention from the ducks. After stringing a few decoys out in it we settled down to wait, it was a long wait as the duck didn't flight till late. Soon we had teal and wigeon buzzing round us and I missed a teal with the first shot. A couple more approached but a mate had a go with a pump and was soon swearing wildly as the pump jammed after one shot. A group of wigeon flew by and I was well behind with the shot I fired as they were with the wind and motoring. A few more duck came round which included a cracking teal which fell to my first shot. So all in all a very good day. I'm very pleased with my new gun and highly recommend them. In the morning I was able to change between 4s and 1s quickly when we heard the geese approaching. In the evening I was able to have two different shells chambered 4s for wigeon and 7.5 for teal. The only thing I need to do is get some more chokes for the gun as what it came with are very tight. Anyone want to buy a Winchester SXP?
  14. No, I remember a thread on here I saw whilst searching old posts. It completely knackered someone's gun. Do a search
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