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About timmytree

  • Birthday 24/05/1958

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    Home brewing. Winding up the missis.<br />Practical jokes.

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  1. My car battery started playing up last month, less than 2 years old so I went back to where I got it from. Didn't say too much, just "its really slow starting, think it's about time I had a new one." The bloke just put a tester across it and said "yep, it's knackered, you need a new one." His face was a picture when I produced the receipt from 23 months ago, still in warranty!
  2. The whole thing, from Gatwick to Heathrow is a farce, any bets on this being reported at every airfield in the country in the next few months? What about military airfields and airshows? Can you imagine the chaos of a so called drone at Fairford on opening day? I know there are risks but I don't think flights should be cancelled unless there is positive proof of a drone threat, a decent camera system would provide that surely?
  3. Just a "report" of a sighting, no pictures, no proof. One hoax sighting and look at the potential for disruption.
  4. Over the years I've tinkered with dozens of springers, mostly AA Prosports and TX200s but with a fair few HW rifles as well. Most of the AA rifles needed nothing more than a clean and relube (Think of servicing your car) with a few internal changes that weren't needed but were done to try and improve the feel of the standard rifle. Basically solid and well engineered as standard. HW rifles seemed to have been at the top of the pile for a long time but over the years their standards seem to have slipped. Quite a few have needed deburring, some had badly finished springs from new, some twang like a banjo and there are well known issues with the 99 around the cocking arm and foot. I've handled some cheaper rifles lately that from new seem quieter, smoother to operate and better value for money.
  5. It's not just pigeons, my neighbours cherry tree is in full blossom, apple trees are budding and when I drove into Somerton yesterday there was 2 big displays of daffodils on the roadside.
  6. I built some for a friend a few years ago using 2x2 concrete slabs, 2 wide and 3 long. I made a wooden rail that slotted over the slabs to hold them firm then varnished it. I laid chipping between the raised beds.
  7. Then we should have left them to sort each other out. We didn't need to get involved. Our intervention did more harm than good.
  8. Absolutely correct. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait we should have stayed well away. The bloke may have been a nutter but don't forget he was keeping all the other nutters in his country under control. Everywhere we meddle we make things worse for ourselves. Read about Winston Churchills early life, he describes the situation perfectly. I won't print details on here because some would say it's racist or similar.
  9. In that case we should be buying lifeboats for the French and positioning them off the coasts around Dover. Personally I think all those picked up at sea should be returned to France anyway. I still think there are so called refugees being "helped" by the French to leave France. Just what have the poor lions done to deserve being treated like that?
  10. Just going in and asking to shoot doesn't work. Wanting to shoot pigeons won't really get you anywhere with an air rifle because shotgunners will always do a better job on numbers. Start off by travelling around in the radius you want to travel to shoot. Look for pest problems, not just on farmland but in gardens, stables, garden centres, industrial estates, golf courses. All the places where someone might need quiet, discreet pest control. Find the landowner, point out the problem and offer to help control it. Get the approach right and you will end up with all the shooting you could ever want.
  11. I bet drone sales have taken off.
  12. I would suggest you go and visit a few different venues to get an idea of what is entailed. The more disciplines of airgun shooting you can cater for, the more footfall you will get. So a basic plinking range, preferably with a covered shooting area for wet weather, a full HFT course, hopefully some indoor pistol ranges incorporating a basic clubhouse with access to a kettle and running water. With the area you have you could incorporate archery as well. Lincolnshire is relatively rural so many shooters will also have access to land anyway, that may mean keeping fees to a minimum to attract punters. Plinking range, generally out to 75 yards is ideal. HFT, Ideally woodland, I think 45 yards is the normal max range. Most HFT courses I've seen follow a path through or alongside woodland. I don't know what insurance requirements are if you want to run as a business but most airgunners will have their own insurance. Finally if the facilities are good there may be the option of hosting events such as the AAOC annual meet or similar get togethers which are held around the country. If you want any more information feel free to PM me, I'll do what I can to help.
  13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2633631/amp/Stop-spending-money-chasing-cures-cancer-spend-helping-wildlife-instead-says-BBCs-Chris-Packham.html So this is what Packham thinks, stop spending money on researching and curing cancer and spend it on wildlife instead. That is one very sick person.
  14. I asked both my kids earlier about their best Xmas, they reckon it was about 1991or 92. we went away for the week with another family to stay in a wooden bungalow on the edge of Croyde Bay. We had 2 cars and my old van with a trailer and we took everything with us right down to tree and lights. We all took bikes and at midnight on Xmas Eve we were still riding around on the beach. The place was damp and with dodgy electrics but we had a brilliant week cycling, fishing and beachcombing. Again we didn't have much money but we had a lot of fun, something that many kids miss out on nowadays.
  15. I would think the potentially serious nature of the offences were enough to ensure very thorough questioning.
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