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Everything posted by ack-ack

  1. Nice shooting Tim, must have been a bit of a squeeze trying to get that lot into the XR3i.
  2. Who's going to rise first he wonders????
  3. Ditto that. though I used to love getting hemmed in when I had my ratty Series III. I'd go through the whole 'clumsy me' routine twice over with the door as I tried to squeeze in leaving the doddery old gimmer that had parked so discourteously with a few more battle scars for their banger racer.
  4. Scarlet Johansen in front and that bird out of florence and the machine behind on the off chance of a reach around.
  5. Stop it..... its not worth it!!!!!! (in a slaggy girls voice)
  6. Totally agree, what a waste of a cracking set.
  7. ..thats got to be the pot noodle of jostles! Awful !!!!!
  8. The Police dont see it like that. Its the same reason that 9 times out of 10 they wont grant you a licence if you've recently been treated for depression.
  9. Perhaps the rampage is a bit far fetched but the suicide risk is very real. Its not just the DD charge its the knock on effects.
  10. We designed cricket as a sport to occupy the colonial natives so that they might stop eating and raping each other and it seems to have worked. As far as village cricket goes its the best game ever to watch. I dont think that you can beat watching some fat old duffer getting cracked in the nuts with a cricket ball whilst he's momentarily distracted by some totty carrying a tray of drinks out into the beer garden.
  11. Theres a wheat field opposite me and I've not seen a crop like it ever. Its as thick as you like, got cracking ears and its up to my waist and I'm 6'3. Must be hoping to make a killing on the straw. I'm surprised its not lodged. You cant beat heavy clay during a drought. There are some Rape fields that the pidge have absolutely caned though, one of which was on a farm that I was refused permission on. Diddums.
  12. I think everyones missing the point a bit here. The crime of drink driving and thus showing disregard for the law and lack of sense is only half the reason for withdrawing a gun cert. The other half is the impact of you losing it and how you will react mentally. For one person I know losing their driving licence was the start of a decent into hell as it was a catalyst for numerous knock on effects. They will probaly take it off you so that you dont do your self in or decide to go nut-nut like that #### wit taxi driver up north.
  13. Whenever I've been out theres always a bird that been given a proper thumping and it just isnt worth the risk busting a tooth on shot so I string them up in the garden and stick them them so the fly can get in. Voila! - high protein bird feeder!. The grass beneath it gets scratched away to nothing as they root about for the wrigglers.
  14. Sound like an average evening at Ag college
  15. On PW you can buy and sell whatever, you can offer and request shooting, you can arrange socials etc etc etc. Anybody reckon it would be good to have an appointments / situations vacant / services required section? Fisherman Mikes thread showed that on the whole the good people of PW are keeping their ends up and as such these captains of industry and masters of their fields must get wind of the odd gig going. There must also be folk on here that are hunting like mad for a start / career change. Is this a good idea or a crock of guano?
  16. I thought the piccy was a mock up for a minute, her eyes are almost human. Cracking hound chap.
  17. Thought exactly the same thing when I saw my first one, I was convinced ther'd been an escape from the bird park. Cracking photo given the speed of them. Never seen one since.
  18. Fairplay to you mate, it seems pointless when theres no quota on Bass and the boats can harvest whatever they want but as a matter of principle I fish along the same lines as you. I only kill what is clearly not going to make it or is horribly injured. A treble in the eye or a deep hooked fish thats bleeding gets the priest instantly regardless of size and nothing gets wasted. I was gutting an undersized mercy kill last week that was no more than 12 inches and she was ready to spawn. This flies in the face of the popular belief that they dont spawn until 16.5 inches. Whether the eggs were viable or not is another matter but its incouraging that they may be spawning younger. I was a bit upset when I saw Bass of less than 12 inches on the slab in Hastings earlier today. They were marked up as local and the guy proudly comfirmed that they were when questioned. I thought the 14 inch limit covered the whole of Europe. Its not morally right to throw back dead fish whether they are undersized or not but at the same time it makes you wonder whether they were deliberately targetted.
  19. ack-ack


    I know Snapon is the nuts but for christs sake!! My neighbour lent me a load of tools last time I had a go at my motor and when he told me how much he paid for them I just couldn't help but think you ****! Are they platinium or something?
  20. I dont know whereabouts you went MM but if it was anywhere that was used to dealing with a lot of Brits they'd probably just picked up a few of our bad habits. We don't exactly have a good reputation for either manners or behaviour in Europe. EDIT - Did you fly into Liverpool per chance? Might have something to do with your snouts going AWOL
  21. I seriously wonder whether I will ever go back to construction. The entry requirements for over seas construction proffessionals was tightened up the other year so that they could only get a highly skilled visa if they were masters qualified or above. The general down turn in Construction (and building) has created a surplus of engineers competing for what are mainly staff positions (not free lance). The packages on offer are mainly poor and if you were one of the ones that bought during the boom and now have a large mortgage not a viable option. Its made life even more difficult for time served engineers such as myself. Most of the firms that would have hired me and paid a wage that reflected 4 hrs of travelling a day now have their hands tied by upper management who are trying to find enough work for their own staff. Its come to the point where its difficult even getting a staff position. I set up on my own last year and have been hanging on by the skin of my teeth. Its amazing how little you can live on and yes it is nice to fish and shoot on a regular basis but by christ I'd rather be getting ahead in life. Hopefully Crossrail we soon be struggling through lack of staff and they will put their hands in their pockets and start crewing up the project properly.
  22. Is that the fella that hacked into the US defence network and is now booing about getting extradited?
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